Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

How to get a flat stomach for a week?

Many girls want to have a flat stomach. And this is understandable, because everyone wants to walk calmly along the beach in summer in open swimsuits and feel confident at the same time. But some do not care about this long, but understand that it's time, in a few days. But getting a flat stomach for a week is also possible, as for a few months.

A beautiful belly is just the beginning of the journey. After all, the press is a whole group of muscles, each of which has its own exercise. This article will help those who do not want or are not able to spend money on fitness centers, because all exercises for a flat stomach at home are quite feasible. The main thing is patience, will power and patience again.

Exercise one: lie on your stomach, pull your arms out in front of you, keep your legs straight. Lift the head slightly from the floor, look forward. After that, raise your legs about thirty degrees and do not lower them for twenty seconds. Then raise your left foot and your right arm. Do this at least fifteen times, changing hands and feet.

Another exercise that will help you make a flat stomach in a week: lie on your back, place your arms along the body. Then, lift the straight legs about ten centimeters from the floor and hold them. Slowly lift the torso and at the same time pull the left arm bent in the elbow to the right leg bent in the knee. Return to the starting position. Exercise should be repeated twenty times, changing the position of hands and feet each time.

The third exercise: lie on your back and stretch your arms straight to the sides. Raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. After taking the correct position, start slowly lowering your legs to the left so that from the feet to the arm there are not more than twenty centimeters, while watching that the back does not come off the floor. Then lift your legs back and lower them to the other side. Exercise repeat fifteen times.

Exercise four: you will need a towel and chair. But just this is one of the most effective in order to make a flat stomach in a week . To begin with, lie down on the floor, on your back, put your feet on a chair. The towel needs to be rolled up by a roller, picked up and stretched out in front of you. Then lift the upper body off the floor, straining the abdominal muscles. Try to pull your hands with a towel to your feet, as if taking a sitting position. Then make a turn to the right, then to the left. In order for your actions to be correct and to bring as much benefit as possible, try to see to it that both hands and body turn. Exercise should be repeated fifteen times.

Exercise five: it is designed for the oblique muscles of your stomach. You need to kneel and take your right foot to the side, it should remain straight, and the sock look forward. Put your hands in the lock behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides. Lean to the left and return to the desired position without bending. Exercise repeat fifteen times, then turn to the other side and make as many slopes to the right.

And now some tips for exercises to surely get a flat stomach for a week:

1) to begin with, you need to remember that without restrictions in food you will not achieve anything. Some physical loads will not change anything, but if you support them with a small diet, then everything will turn out exactly;

2) it is very important to practice regularly: at least three times a week for thirty minutes a day. However, if you want to achieve results as soon as possible, it is better to practice four or five times a week.

3) try to make all the turns, flexions and uplifts on exhalation, because with inhalation it is inconvenient to do, since the air in the lungs will interfere.

4) If during exercise you feel a pain in the lower back, then replace it with some other one. Never do anything through pain.

If you comply with all these rules, then the exercises "flat stomach" will certainly help you.

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