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How to draw a heart? With a pencil!

When in the shower - eternal spring, high spirits can not be withheld: it is torn from the chest to splash out with cute creativity. How to draw a heart, a rose, or better - and then, and the other together? Take a simple pencil, a blank sheet of paper - now you will know everything.

Lesson # 1: How to draw a heart with a pencil

Step 1

We will draw a heart of roses. Draw a normal circle and divide it by a line in half. Precisely on the horizontal line, draw an uneven oval, similar to a blown ball. Attach a pair of curves to it from above and below, like the red lines depicted in the figure for an example.

Step 2

In the lesson explaining how to draw a heart, first of all, pay attention to the red lines of the sample - these are new fragments that you need to repeat on your version of the original heart.

Draw a kind of snail in the heart of the future masterpiece. First, simply divide the convex curve by a line with an uneven oval almost in half. Add a few strokes: in the form of the letter "P" and from its top the usual line, bounded by the same oval. Do not forget to add one more stroke, quite small, in the upper petal. This inverted "comma" will add a volume drawing.

Step 3

A very simple step in the creative process called "How to draw a heart": draw two symmetrical petals, the upper part of which, as it were, repeats the invisible lines of the heart.

Step 4

In fact, it remains that add three petals to the bottom of the heart. If you did not skip the math lessons at school, then you can draw curly braces. This acquired skill will help you easily cope with the task: a pair of curves on the left and right and one more, the final one, with the "arrow" down the center. By the way, carefully looking at the sample, you will see that the last petal you draw will be boring without a small detail - a convex dash giving the volume.

Step 5

Erase all auxiliary, erroneous and unnecessary lines. The lesson "How to draw a heart" is passed!

Lesson # 2: A heart surrounded by roses

Let's complicate the task: draw a symbol of love in scarlet dance:

Step 1

Draw an arbitrary contour of the heart, for example, like here:

Step 2

Make the first sketches of three buds at the same time, distributing them evenly. Start with the curls, from them draw the lateral lines according to the pattern:

Step 3

Each flower has its own individual shape, which appears due to simple curved lines. Look closely and repeat them on your drawing, there is nothing complicated in this:

Step 4

We finish drawing the roses, adding to each bud a three-four elegant contours.

The more details, the more beautiful the flower. There is no doubt that you are doing very well.

Step 5

The leaves in this refined picture are like a beautiful bed for the heart and roses. Make their sketches as shown on the sample. Note that the leaves of the flowers are notched:

Step 6

All that is left for you to do is to smoothly apply streaks to each leaflet and erase unnecessary lines:

Just do not be surprised that the question of how to draw a beautiful heart, now you will always pursue: as soon as friends and acquaintances will see the exquisite images created by you. Do not hide anything from them, teach this simple art!

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