
How to crop a photo in Photoshop: instructions for beginners

How to crop a photo in Photoshop? It is from this issue that the study of the program Photoshop begins. It should be noted right away that there is nothing complicated in this process. There is no need to have perfect knowledge of the program Photoshop. After all, the instruction, which will be described later in this article, is calculated entirely for beginners. Therefore, if you do not know how to crop a photo in Photoshop, reading further information will correct this misunderstanding.

Necessary funds

Before you begin to study the instructions directly, you should first consider the necessary means. To crop a photo in Photoshop, you need only two elements: a photo and a Photoshop program. As an object of work, with which changes will be made, it is recommended to select a high-quality image with the maximum permissible resolution (in a reasonable sense). So you will provide comfortable conditions for learning. As for the program, you can use any version of Photoshop.


Once you have decided on the set of necessary tools, you can proceed to the very process of cropping a photo. The program Photoshop gives us a large number of various tools for this operation. But the essence always remains the same: select the area of the photo that you do not need, and delete it. Disagreements occur at the stage of selecting the necessary tool for selection. The election should be based on the type of image. Next, the most basic types of selection tools will be disassembled:

  1. Figured selection (hotkey M). This tool is ideal for any individual shape. The choice is given to us: a rectangular and oval area; Horizontal and vertical line. This selection is used for a quick and well-marked portion of the image.
  2. Selecting an arbitrary shape (hotkey L). There is a magnetic lasso, a straight lasso and a simple lasso. This type of allocation is used to achieve more accurate results. But it is worth noting that you will have to put more effort and spend a lot of time.
  3. Quick selection (hotkey W). This group includes a quick and magical selection. The program Photoshop is able to independently form a separate area due to the contours present in the image. These tools allow you to quickly and effortlessly highlight the right part of the photo. But, as practice shows, this method can not be called universal. Since it is not always possible to use these tools.

additional information

Crop the photo in "Photoshop" you can, using other means of selection. For example, a pen tool (P). Or create a separate layer "Mask". You can crop an image. But for beginners, the above selection methods are more appropriate.


In this article there are no precise instructions on how to crop a photo in "Photoshop", because everything depends on the situation. And the described instruction does not consist of successive stages. And it contains only general recommendations. But having looked through them, you should independently understand how to crop a photo in "Photoshop". This is the training. Over time, you can use more sophisticated tools to achieve the desired goals.

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