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How to care for a leather jacket? Simple rules

How to take care of a leather jacket so that it can serve as long as possible? There is nothing complicated in this. The main thing is to follow the simple rules listed in the article, and your clothes will retain a luxurious look for a long time.

- Wipe the collar and cuffs of the jacket with glycerin occasionally. A faded thing - an orange peel.

- How to care for a leather jacket, if it is stained? Wipe the stains with a sponge soaked in a shampoo solution with a temperature of about 45 degrees. After that, wipe off the soap mixture with a wet towel, and then - dry.

- If the previous procedure turned out to be ineffective, the desired result will be brought by turpentine or gasoline. Do not overdo it with the amount of solvent that degreases the skin.

- Wiped or faded place of the jacket can be wiped with care products for shoes, for example, sponges, impregnated with a cream with a suitable color for the thing or with a colorless cream, as well as a rag with the same color (colorless) shoe cream. Then polish the treated area with a clean soft cloth.

- Caring for a leather jacket involves tinting carefully chosen by color dye as the paint is wiped at the folds of the product. It is best to cope with this task nitrocar paint in an aerosol can.

- You can simply clean the jacket with a soap solution, either alone or with the addition of ammonia. Then wipe the jacket with a cloth moistened with castor oil.

- Care for leather jackets with combined inserts from suede, nubuck or velor has its own characteristics. For their cleaning, alcohol solutions of dyes are suitable, and wax and fats are not suitable here because they will stick together the nap. It is possible to cover part of the jacket around the suede with a food film, and treat the insert itself with aerosol. The film will save the jacket from unwanted staining.

- Products made of darker skin will acquire the desired brilliance if you wipe them with coffee grounds, wrapped in a soft cloth, an unnecessary scarf or just an old sock.

- Another affordable option of how to care for a leather jacket, can cause a smile, but it is effective at least the above. Cut off the barrel from the bulb and wipe the product with the cut until the cut is contaminated. Trim it and continue cleaning until the end. Then coat the jacket with a flannel cloth until it shines.

- Special wipes designed for the care of leather products are convenient to use. In addition to cleaning properties, they have the ability to remove static electricity, and special substances protect the renewed jacket from wiping and contamination for a long time.

- Write a list: wax, water repellent impregnation, foam for deep cleaning of suede and leather, stain remover, sponges soaked in color shine and colorless, shoe deodorant, cleaning napkins. Get the listed specialized means in the shoe store and you will not have a question about how to take care of a leather jacket. You just take what you need, and in a few minutes you will cope with the task.

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