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Electric kettle Braun WK-500: reviews, description

Almost all people drink tea. This drink is invigorating, besides, unlike modern power engineers, useful for health. And of course, for its preparation you need a good comfortable electric kettle. When choosing such a modern home appliance, you should pay attention to several important factors. Among other things, of course, you need to focus on the brand of the manufacturer. For example, teapots of the brand Braun are considered very good. In this article, let's talk about the device of this manufacturer WK-500. It is the Braun Multiquick 5 WK-500 model that is bought by consumers most often and deserved just excellent in terms of price / quality reviews.

What parameters should I pay attention to when buying?

ра вильно выбрать электрочайник, конечно же, в первую очередь нужно почитать имеющиеся о ней отзывы. In order to choose the right electric kettle, of course, first of all you need to read the reviews about it. учитывать такие параметры, как: You should also take into account such parameters as:

  1. Type of device. On sale today there are both actual household electric kettles, and road variants of this technique or thermopot.

  2. . Type of heating element . Modern teapots with a closed or open spiral. Also in the design of some models is a disc heater.

  3. . Power kettle . The rate of water heating by the device depends mainly on this index. The power of modern electric kettles can range from 600 W to 3 kW.

  4. . Materials used for manufacturing . Cases of modern electric kettles can be made of plastic, metal, ceramics, glass.

  5. Additional functions. The more they are, the better, of course.

General description, manufacturer

остаточно вместительная модель Braun WK-500 отзывы потребителей заслужила действительно просто отличные. The remotely roomy model Braun WK-500 reviews consumers deserved is really just excellent. для семьи из 4-6 человек. It is believed that it is ideal for a family of 4-6 people. потребители относят и его довольно-таки невысокую стоимость. Among the advantages of this kettle, among other things, consumers also include its rather low cost. You can buy this model at a price of 1800-1900 rubles, depending on the supplier.

This model is produced by the German company of the same name. (хоть чайники и собираются на предприятии, расположенном в Китае) . And already one can judge its quality (although kettles are assembled in an enterprise located in China) . The firm "Brown" was founded in 1921 in Frankfurt am Main. In the first years of its activity the company was engaged in the production of radio receivers. However, by the beginning of the 1970s the company focused on household appliances.

Today, this manufacturer delivers to the market, including domestic ones, devices such as razors, electric toothbrushes, epilators, thermometers. It is small household appliances is the main specialization of this company. The firm "Brown" also produces coffee makers, meat grinders, juicers, irons and, of course, electric kettles.

To what kind of instruments does

Braun WK-500 обычный чайник, работающий от сети. It is a model of the Braun WK-500 regular teapot operating from the network. можно как дома, так и, к примеру, в офисе. Good customer feedback, she deserved, including for the fact that you can use it at home, and, for example, in the office. This model, like a thermo-pot, does not hold warm water. In order to drink a seagull, the appliance must be turned on and wait until it boils. многие владельцы домов и квартир считают не слишком удобным . This, of course, many owners of houses and apartments do not find it very convenient . WK-500 гораздо дешевле термопота. But the WK-500 is also much cheaper than a thermopot.

по мнению многих потребителей, довольно-таки большой — 1.7 литра. The volume of this model, according to many consumers, is quite large - 1.7 liters. This of course, plus a kettle. получится, разумеется, вряд ли. However, on the road with him to take will, of course, hardly. чайник Braun WK-500 име ет стандартные — достаточно большие. Dimensions kettle Braun WK-500 has standard - quite large.

Type of spiral teapot

WK-500 воду можно в любом объеме до 1.7 литра . Warm water in the model WK-500 can be used in any volume up to 1.7 liters . The spiral is concealed in her. That is why there are no restrictions on the amount of boiling water in this case. WK-500. Models of electric kettles with an open spiral usually cost less than WK-500. отзывы потребителей они заслужили все же не такие хорошие. However, they deserved feedback from consumers not so good. в таких приборах существует ограничение на количество нагреваемой воды. The fact is that in such devices there is a limit on the amount of water being heated. Spiral in models of this type should be completely closed. Otherwise, the device will simply burn.

Braun WK-500 , по мнению потребителей, имеет лишь один небольшой недостаток. In comparison with models with an open spiral, the Braun WK-500 teapot , according to consumers, has only one small drawback. н довольно-таки сильно шумит при работе. Unfortunately, it's quite noisy when working. In addition, the water in it boils a little slower. After all, in this case, the device must be preheated and the bottom of the housing itself.

Power WK-500

тот показатель у модели Braun WK-500 , по мнению многих владельцев домов и квартир, довольно-таки высокий — 3000 Вт. This figure in the model Braun WK-500 , according to many owners of houses and apartments, quite high - 3000 watts. The power of most modern devices on the market is 1500 watts. у чайник WK-500 медленнее, чем устройства с открытой спиралью, но все же достаточно быстро. WK-500 warms the water at a slower rate than devices with an open spiral, but still fast enough. In total, a little more than two and a half minutes pass from the moment when the body of this device is filled with water until boiling.

Braun WK-500 достаточно высокая, использовать его можно не только в доме или в офисе. Since the power of the Braun WK-500 is high enough, it can be used not only in the home or in the office. об этой модели, к примеру, отзываются владельцы небольших кофеен . Not bad about this model, for example, owners of small coffee houses respond .

B raun WK-500 и меется и один хоть и небольшой, по мнению потребителей, но все же недостаток. Like all powerful teapots, B raun WK-500 also has one small and, in the opinion of consumers, small though still a disadvantage. He's pretty busy loading the network. большинство владельцев домов и квартир советует тем людям, которые не любят ждать долгого закипания воды, но при этом и не пьют чай слишком уж часто. Therefore, most owners of houses and apartments buy it, advises those people who do not like to wait for a long boil of water, but they do not drink tea too often.

Materials used for manufacturing

выполнен из обычной термостойкой пищевой пластмассы. The case of the Braun WK-500 electric kettle is made of ordinary heat-resistant food plastic. большинство потребителей считает лучшим в отношении цена-качество. This material is considered by the majority of consumers to be the best in terms of price and quality. WK-500 может очень долго. The plastic case of the WK-500 can last a very long time. However, it does not increase the cost of the kettle. по мнению многих владельцев квартир, является их небольшой вес. Also, the advantage of plastic cases, according to many apartment owners, is their light weight. ме щение модели с места на место не вызовет никаких затруднений даже у ребенка. Moving the model from place to place will not cause any difficulties even for the child.

у потребителей считается лишь не слишком высокая степень их экологичности. Some of the disadvantages of plastic enclosures in consumers are considered only not too high degree of their ecological compatibility. Plastic, unfortunately, is able to react with many substances dissolved in water. However, the company "Brown" of his reputation, as you know, cares. Braun WK-500, использует только самую качественную пластмассу. Therefore, for the production of kettles, including the Braun WK-500 model , it uses only the highest quality plastic. You can drink tea from this device without fear. No harmful substances in the boiling in it are not soluble. WK-500, никакого вреда здоровью не принесет. If the water itself is clean in the house, then the drink prepared in the WK-500 will not cause any harm to health.

Braun WK-500, как и всех других чайников с пластмассовым корпусом, большинство потребителей относит и то, что в процессе кипячения воды он совершенно не нагревается. The advantages of the Braun WK-500 model , like all other kettles with a plastic casing, are also attributed to the fact that during the process of boiling water it does not heat up at all. In this, he favorably differs from metal models of such household appliances. Glass kettles allow you to observe the process of boiling water. In this, perhaps, is their only advantage. Looks like such models, according to many consumers, less solid than plastic.

Additional functions

Braun WK-500 к технике малой ценовой категории. Refers to the Braun WK-500 teapot for low-price equipment. Therefore, there are not too many additional functions in it. This of course, many consumers consider it a disadvantage. могут, к примеру, оснащаться таймером для нагрева к определенному времени, терморегулятором, защитой от включения без воды и пр. Ничего подобного в модели WK-500, к сожалению, не предусмотрено. Modern electric kettles can, for example, be equipped with a timer for heating to a certain time, a thermoregulator, protection from switching on without water, etc. Nothing of the kind in the WK-500 model , unfortunately, is provided. The only additional function for this kettle is the water level indicator.

также предусмотрел фильт р против накипи. To prolong the life of the model, the manufacturer also provided a filter against scale. Its presence simplifies the care of the kettle.

Design of the model

Of course, many owners of apartments and houses would like to see in their kitchen a very beautiful teapot that attracts attention of guests. However, the design of such household appliances usually has a fairly strong impact on its cost. Braun WK-500 с лишком уж эффектным оформлением, конечно же, не отличаются. Cheap teapots Braun WK-500 with a little too spectacular design, of course, do not differ. как отмечают многие потребители, предельно простой и лаконичный. The design of this model, as many consumers note, is extremely simple and concise. However, if desired, the owners of houses and apartments can buy one of the color options for this kettle: white, black or gray.

, п о мнению некоторых владельцев квартир, на кухне выглядит несколько эффектнее других разновидностей. Braun WK 500 White , in the opinion of some owners of apartments, in the kitchen looks somewhat more spectacular than other varieties. WK-500 придется чаще. However, and care for the white WK-500 will have more. по мнению потребителей — самый простой в плане ухода. Gray kettle, according to consumers - the easiest in terms of care. очень темном. It is not so noticeable dirt, as on white and fingerprints - as on a very dark.

( Braun WK 500 Black) отлично подойдут для кухни в том случае, если в подобной же цветовой гамме выполнены, к примеру, плита, микроволновая печь и т. д. Такая модель может смотреться на кухне практически так же эффектно, как и белая. Black teapots of this brand ( Braun WK 500 Black) are perfect for a kitchen if in the same color gamut are made, for example, a stove, microwave oven, etc. Such a model can look in the kitchen almost as effectively as And white.

Braun WK-500: customer reviews

ли WK-500 у вла дельцев домов и квартир, несмотря на ее относительно низкую стоимость, сложилось очень неплохое. The opinion about the fashion of the WK-500 in the owners of houses and apartments, despite its relatively low cost, was very good. Negative feedback on the web, about this teapot, for example, almost no. To the advantages of the model, consumers are primarily concerned with the speed of work. This kettle actually heats water almost instantly. There are no claims from consumers either regarding the reliability of the model. WK-500 крайне редко. WK-500 devices are broken very rarely.

Braun WK 500 (Black, White и т. д.) от потребителей заслужили отличные. Reviews teapots Braun WK 500 (Black, White, etc.) from consumers deserve excellent. Disadvantages, according to the owners of houses and apartments, they have almost no. минусом этой модели многие потребители считают шумность ее работы. Some minuses of this model, many consumers consider the noise of its work. However, according to the majority of apartment owners, this shortcoming is not so serious. To noise of the boiling kettle it is quite possible to get used. Also a drawback of the model, of course, is its rather unpretentious design.

Instead of concluding

So, proceeding from all of the above, you can draw a very simple conclusion. Braun WK 500 является техникой действительно надежной и качественной. Teapot Braun WK 500 is a technique really reliable and high-quality. Boil water in this model can be very quickly. Serves the same device in the kitchen, most likely, for a long time. Of course, there are very few additional functions in this model. However, this device is not too expensive. Therefore, for a young family or, for example, for a summer residence, it will most likely fit just perfectly.

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