
How to become a blood donor? What do you need to become a blood donor? Who can not be a donor of blood?

On whether it is harmful to be a blood donor, there have been endless discussions for many years. That is why in this article we present to your attention an exhaustive answer to the question posed. In addition, you will learn how to become a blood donor, what requirements are imposed on such people and how much it can cost.

general information

The word "donation" comes from the Latin "donare", which translates as "giving." And, really, it's voluntary giving blood for transfusion. In addition, such a notion includes all the necessary measures that are aimed at ensuring and organizing the security of material procurement. Blood taken from a donor is used for educational and research purposes, during the manufacture of medical products and medicines, etc.

How to become a blood donor?

Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to consider which reasons can prevent a volunteer from becoming a donor. After all, despite the fact that blood collection points are invited to collect materials of absolutely everyone, far from everyone can perform this function.

So who should not be a donor of blood? Among the reasons why a potential candidate may be rejected, there are efforts not only to protect the health of the recipient, but also the donor itself. That is why such prohibitions should be taken responsibly.

Blood Donor: Contraindications

Common contraindications to blood donation are the following deviations:

  • Mental illness;
  • Short-sightedness (more than 6 diopters);
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • Tooth extraction (9-15 days before the procedure);
  • Inoculations made 10-30 days before the procedure (depending on the species, it is necessary to clarify in the center of the donation).

Who can not be a blood donor, in addition to the categories listed above? It should be noted that in addition to general contraindications, there are specific ones. As a rule, they concern only representatives of the weaker sex. So, women and girls are strictly forbidden to donate blood:

  • During the whole pregnancy. It should be emphasized that pregnancy is an explicit and direct contraindication to blood donation. That's why you need to be very careful.
  • During menstruation, and also for 5 days after them.
  • During lactation.
  • One year after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Three months after the end of lactation.

Among other things, there are other contraindications to this procedure. We'll talk about them in the next section of the article.

Who should not become a donor?

To blood donation, in no case should people admitted who have the following diseases, experience and pathological dependencies:

  • HIV and suspected of it in a given period of time;
  • Viral hepatitis and suspected of it in a given period of time;
  • Serious blood diseases;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • Homosexual relationships;
  • Use of intravenous drugs (except hospital conditions);
  • Drug addiction and alcoholism.

Contraindications presented are of a permanent nature. But besides this, there is also a temporary challenge. Such reasons include:

  • Postoperative period (approximately 12 months);
  • After not serious diseases (ORVI, ORZ) - 1 month;
  • After using analgesics - about 2 weeks;
  • After the use of antibiotic drugs - about 2 weeks;
  • After drawing of tattoos or piercings on a body for piercing - about 6-12 months (depends on conditions of the certain center of a transfusion of a blood).

Potential candidates

Who can become a blood donor? In this section of the paragraphs is much less. However, this does not mean that only selected people can become donors.

So, if you want to become a volunteer and donate blood, then you need:

  • Have sufficient weight (over 50 kg). But the main thing is that your eyes do not throw your excessive leanness.
  • Excellent feel and be healthy.
  • Be an adult. But more often people over 60 years old are not allowed to donate.
  • Have with you any ID (military ticket, passport, etc.).
  • Have a local residence permit (this point is not required in all blood donation centers).

Having dealt with the one who can become a blood donor, we move on to the next point, more precisely, to the description of the procedure itself.

Preliminary procedures

How to become a blood donor? After the volunteer decided to donate his material to the center of donation, he should undergo several procedures.

So, what do you need to become a blood donor?

  • Fill in the form. When you come to the center of donation, you should contact the registry, where you should be given a questionnaire that contains very simple but very important questions. As a rule, they concern the transferred diseases, promiscuous sexual relations, drug addiction, and also some other personal data. It is required to fill this form honestly and frankly. After all, there is the law of the Russian Federation "On the donation of blood and its basic components," which states that a citizen who has misrepresented information about his state of health and deliberately concealed it, bears full responsibility, established by law, if these actions entailed (or could entail ) A significant health disorder of the recipient. By the way, in other states, even criminal responsibility has been established for false information. Therefore, you should take this procedure as seriously as possible. After all, even a small trifle can cause serious complications in the person who is scheduled to pour your blood.
  • Take a physical examination. Before going through the examination, an approved candidate is required to take a small amount of blood from the finger. This is necessary in order to determine the Rh and blood group, as well as to see at which level the hemoglobin of the donor is. After that, the results of the tests fall into the therapist, which should be visited by the volunteer. The doctor expects you to measure the pulse and pressure, as well as a few questions regarding the completed questionnaire. Then the candidate is asked to sign on the contract, which indicates that he understood all the questions, answered them correctly, and fully agrees to voluntary blood donation and further transfusion to the recipient.

If all the necessary procedures have been successfully completed, the donor is sent to a special ward where a number of blood collection activities are carried out.

How does blood donation take place?

Depending on the specific center of blood transfusion, the donor can be offered her surrender in a sedentary, recumbent or semi-lingering position. If you are a beginner, then most likely, you will be asked to lie down on the couch. After all, it is in this position that a person has less chance to feel fever and severe dizziness. After that, employees of the center squeeze the donor's hand above the elbow, and then disinfect a certain area with a cotton wool with alcohol and pierce a special needle. Next, for 5-12 minutes, the blood is collected in a plastic bag of about 450 ml. In conclusion, the rubber tubes are tied, and the needle is removed from the vein. Further, the staff drains the remaining blood from the system into a test tube (approximately 20 ml) for further analysis. After that, the vein is closed with alcohol swab and is tightly bandaged with a bandage. This bandage is not recommended to be removed within 2-4 hours.

How to prepare for blood donation?

Now you know how to become a blood donor. But before such a procedure, experts recommend the following rules:

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 2 days before blood donation;
  • Do not smoke 2 hours before blood donation;
  • Do not take aspirin, analgesics and other potent medicines 3-5 days before blood donation.

In addition, on the day of blood donation, you should definitely have breakfast, and for 5-10 minutes before the puncture veins drink a glass of water or compote.

What is allowed before blood donation?

For two days before the appointed date, the donor can be used:

  • Any fruits, vegetables;
  • Morse, juice, compote, mineral water without gas, sweet tea;
  • Jam, preserves;
  • Bread, crackers, cookies;
  • Boiled cereals, cooked on water without adding fat, butter and milk;
  • Boiled or steamed fish.

What can not be taken before blood donation?

Two days before visiting the donor center, it is forbidden to eat fried, salted, spicy, smoked, eggs, any dairy products and nuts.

Blood donation: harmful or useful?

  • Thanks to this procedure, a person can regularly and free of charge take tests for the detection of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, ESR, leukocytes, etc.
  • Donor trains the body and prepares it for the most complicated situations in life (operations, injuries, blood loss, etc.).
  • Reduction (by 30%) of potential heart attacks. After all, the circulatory system of all donors works with greater efficiency, which contributes to better health.
  • The loss of blood improves metabolism and forces the entire body to mobilize.


How to become a blood donor in Moscow for money? To do this, contact any donor center. It is there where you will be asked to decide whether you want to donate blood or get money for it.

If the donor chooses a free procedure, then at some points they are given a food ration. If the volunteer decided to make money on this, then depending on the selected center and the collection of a certain material, after the procedure, he can receive from 500 to 3000 Russian rubles. Although it should be noted that if you donate blood regularly for several consecutive years, you can eventually receive the title of an honorary donor and all the benefits.

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