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How many births do the primiparas have at different stages?
Any woman is afraid of the birth process. In particular, this fear is observed when the first birth is expected . Only after learning about pregnancy, the future mother worries about how the birth of her first-born will take place.
Duration of labor
It is difficult to say how many births the primiparas have, because the body of each woman individually copes with this process, so it is difficult to foresee anything. It depends on several factors. In particular, the following indicators are of great importance:
- How quickly the cervix will open;
- Will the size of the baby correspond to the size of the birth canal;
- The breath of the mother, because it depends on it, how the process will go, with the right breathing, a woman can feel less pain;
- Intensity of contractions.
In addition, the woman in childbirth should always follow all the advice of a doctor. It is also very important to prepare for delivery in advance. If the primipara will know how to behave during this process, then it will last no more than 10 hours. Although it is difficult to say how many births the primiparas have that have any pathologies. In some cases, even a cesarean section may be required. It is worth noting that you can not panic. If the mother is unable to take herself in hand, the childbirth of the first child can last twice as long. But this does not mean that all 20 hours will have to be spent in the delivery chair. After all, the process of giving birth is not only the appearance of a baby, but the opening of the cervix, a fight.
Why are the first births the most difficult?
The complexity of labor in the primiparous is due to two aspects: psychological and physiological. Childbirth is a process that can not be imagined until you feel it on yourself. The future mother, who is supposed to produce the baby for the first time, does not yet know what she will have to experience. Because of this, there may be fears that can lead to complications of the course of labor. In addition, women do not know if it's painful to give birth for the first time. Of course, it hurts, and it does not depend on what kind of birth. After all, it's very difficult to find a comfortable pose during fights, to learn how to push right in a few minutes. Therefore it is recommended to attend special classes and courses in order to be ready for anything.
In addition, many women do not know how to begin birth in primiparas. In this case there is a significant difference. After all, the birth canal of a nulliparous woman is very narrow, unstretched. Therefore, the opening of the cervix can be much slower. As a result, the first period can last much longer (instead of 5-8 hours it takes 10-12). The second period lasts longer. There is less intensity of attempts. And after the first birth, the vaginal walls stretch and never return to their original form.
The first period of childbirth
How many births do the first-borns have in the first period? It also depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. But it should be noted that this is the longest stage. Most of the time, contractions can take place, but they will be short and infrequent. Here, a woman first feels what is prenatal pain (if there were no false bouts). The cervix will slowly open, but the future mother will not feel any discomfort. That is, pain will appear only during labor. Therefore, if you feel something (because you do not yet know how the birth can begin in the first-born), then immediately go to the hospital, otherwise there is a chance to give birth directly at home. The second part of the first period lasts less, but more intensive fights are already observed. It is necessary to move so that the uterus opens up more quickly. The third phase lasts no more than an hour. Now from the fights you need to go to the attempts.
Second Birth Period
Next, consider how many births lasting in the first-born in the second phase, which involves an increase in the activity of a woman. Now she must push it. Usually this process does not last long (from 5 to 40 minutes). Mom should help the baby move faster through the birth canal. After all, the kid himself can not do this. If the mother's body is weakened by something and she can not push, then doctors can resort to surgery. In the second birth period it is necessary to adhere to all the advice of a doctor, to breathe properly. At the same time it is necessary to push it only when it is said about it. It is important to relax and not be afraid. Because of fear, the uterus will be strained, so the child will not be able to actively move forward. As a result, doctors will have to use special tools to extract it. And this can hurt the baby, so it's better not to take chances. Only in this case everything will go well.
The third period
It would seem that everything: the baby has already been born, it means that the birth is over. But this is not so. The woman will have to do something else - to give birth to the latter. It almost does not hurt, and this stage lasts a couple of minutes. Of course, if a woman is too tired, then the process may take a little longer - about 30 minutes. If she does not have the strength to give birth to the latter, the doctor will help her.
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