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How can I find out my site coordinates by cadastral number?

How can I find out my location? It's easy enough to do, but you need to know its cadastral number. That is the number that is contained in the cadastral register and helps to locate the site on the map, its owner and cost.

Necessity of cadastral number

Land, like other real estate, can also be sold, bought, exchanged or donated. Prior to the completion of the above transactions, the boundaries of the site must be determined, and the earth should have clear coordinates. All this is necessary to avoid further controversial issues with neighbors.

The cadastral plan

All the necessary data to answer the question "How to find the coordinates of the site?" Are reflected in its cadastral plan. For many it is unclear why to determine the cadastral boundaries of their land allotment. Up to some point in this really is not necessary. But as soon as there is a dispute with neighbors over the division of the territory or the need for alienation of land, and cadastral information, that is, a cadastral plan, will be needed.

Site coordinates

When making a purchase transaction, a situation often arises where the buyer wishes to know the coordinates at the address of the plot. Those people who have already come across the acquisition of land know how important it is to know its exact location (boundaries). This largely determines the cost of the allotment. If the boundaries to the transaction were not identified, it is necessary to invite a cadastral engineer who will conduct the disengagement and issue a landmark plan.

Defining Borders

How to find out your coordinates, prompt in the appropriate land authority. It is enough to apply there with the civil and cadastral passports. Employees of the body will provide all the information they have. But this is only if the registration procedure has been passed in respect of land before.

With the previous registration it becomes clear how to know the coordinates of the site by the cadastral number. Just remember that the receipt of this information is a paid procedure.

Virtually all lands of any categories are subject to mandatory state registration. There are three types of land (in the military countries, the water fund and protected areas) that do not need to be registered. Legislation does not provide for this. This is due to the impossibility of making any transactions with them for alienation.

All the rest belonging to citizens or organizations must have assigned individual numbers, that is, they are included in the cadastre.

Land survey

Land survey is necessary for those who are interested in how to find out their location coordinates. This is done by a cadastre engineer. The procedure is paid and very expensive. But to survey a site it is necessary, that subsequently there was an opportunity to spend with it any transactions (to sell, give). It is also done if you want to increase your possessions by joining the neighboring land for ransom. The procedure is quite legal, but it is carried out and fixed by the same cadastral engineer. If unauthorized unauthorized land is annexed, then this act will be considered a self-seizure. And this entails penalties.

In any case, disputes over land plots should not be violated. To acquire the status of the legal owner of the site is not difficult. It is enough to perform certain procedures and get the appropriate documents on hand, which will solve the problem with how to find out your coordinates. It is best to conduct the procedure for determining the boundaries of the site, as soon as this opportunity arises. Because it is not held in a few minutes. On its implementation may take days, and even months.

Much worse, when a site needs to be urgently sold, and its borders are not yet defined and the deal can not take place. After all, the buyer must be absolutely sure what for and in what amount he pays his own cash.

In ancient times, the sites were issued and measured "by eye" or by steps. Only relatively recently did they exactly go to their coordinates and register with the state body. Currently, many complexities and controversial situations arise if one neighbor has conducted a survey, and the other is not yet. Who will be right? This can be solved only by carrying out the above described land surveying procedure .

Know the coordinates of your site, or rather, have documents where they are indicated, it is very important. The papers confirm that the site exists in reality, it has a legal owner who does not violate the boundaries of other adjacent allotments.

In addition, after assigning the land cadastral number, it is entered in the register and cadastral map. On it you can find out not only the place where the site is located, but also who its owner and what is the cost of this position. This can also be done through the Internet, where the public cadastral map is located online.

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