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How are chickenpox treated in adults: some subtleties

Chickenpox is such a common disease that many people do not take it seriously. This is due to the fact that, after experiencing this illness in childhood, it can be forgotten forever. But not all the virus Varicella Zoster strikes in childhood. Sometimes chickenpox also affects adults. The consequences of the disease may threaten complications.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

To know how to treat chickenpox in adults, you need to be aware of the characteristics of this disease in adulthood. This disease is transmitted through the air. And that's what's dangerous: a person can himself not suspect that he is sick, but be already contagious to the people around him. This is due to the fact that the incubation (hidden) period does not manifest itself in any way. No blisters and feelings of malaise, but the virus already lives in your body. Infect this disease can be from a child with chickenpox, and from a patient suffering from shingles. These diseases have one common causative agent. The first signs of chickenpox in adults are not much different from childhood symptoms. An aged person also experiences general malaise, sore throat, fever. The temperature rapidly creeps to a horrifying figure of 40 degrees, and on the body there are specks of pink color. At first they are flat, they grow literally before our eyes. Within a few hours they are filled with a watery liquid. A couple of days the blisters dry up, but the yellow-brown crusts remain for a long time. This ends the similarity with the child's disease, and even treats chickenpox in adults in other ways.

Disease flow

Of course, when you go to the hospital, you are not only issued a list of incapacity for work at once , but also appoint quarantine, since you are a direct threat to the health of others. I must say at once that the patient's condition is very difficult. Who knows how to treat chickenpox in adults, notes the fact that no treatment does not save from severe itching. But you can not comb the bubbles in any case. This can lead to three complications. The most harmless is the formation of scars if you comb the blisters. This in itself is not dangerous, but here the cosmetic effect should also not be overlooked. Many even pay for cosmetic procedures to restore the skin. The second complication can be an infection that can very easily penetrate through combing through open pores and cause suppuration. And the third, perhaps, the most terrible: chickenpox encephalitis. This is called inflammation of the brain.

How is chickenpox treated in adults?

Treatment consists, first of all, in observance of hygiene. To reduce the temperature, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Blisters should be treated as quickly as possible with greenery. To alleviate the itching, anti-allergenic drugs are sometimes prescribed. You can use the old and proven means for this purpose: wipe the inflamed areas with diluted boiled water vinegar. After such treatment, it is desirable to sprinkle the skin with talc. Just do not use today's fashionable perfume powder and talcum powder. During illness the usual, bought in a drugstore will approach.

Prophylaxis of chickenpox

In order to protect yourself from the disease, it is enough to increase immunity and observe the rules of hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands when coming home from the street. And then, quite possibly, chickenpox will bypass you, and you do not have to ask how the chickenpox is treated in adults.

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