
High pulse: the causes and methods of fighting

Quite a private companion of people who do not differ in good health is a high pulse. A person is often disturbed by noise and a knocking in his ears, a feeling of heat on his face and a sense of anxiety. However, someone has an increase in the pulse may be accompanied by other manifestations, in any case, they are unlikely to be pleasant. This problem is just as common as high blood pressure, and often both unpleasant conditions occur in a person at the same time. But this is not always the case, because pressure and pulse can simultaneously fall into different extremes or not depend on each other at all.

The high pulse, the reasons for the appearance of which we are now going to discuss, poses many problems to a huge number of people. Which pulse is considered high? Let's begin, actually, with the definition. There is an opinion among the people that a pulse higher than 100 beats per minute is considered high. But it's a bit wrong. In the resting state, an average normal rate is 60 to 70 beats per minute for men and 70 to 80 for women. With an increase in body temperature (whatever it may be explained), the pulse increases by 10 beats per degree. After eating, and also with excitement, the heart also begins to beat faster, respectively, and the pulse becomes more frequent. And even with physical exertion, the pulse can be considered normal and more than 100 beats per minute. But, of course, you should not measure it after you caught up with a departing bus or walked upstairs with heavy bags to the 9th floor.

High pulse. Causes

Some of them we already called: physical loads (both sports and everyday), eating, raising body temperature and excitement (including joyful). But in all these cases, the rapidity of the pulse is a completely natural reaction of the body to your condition, and therefore, sooner or later, everything will return to normal. But, of course, if after a stressful situation, 10, 15, 20 minutes passed, and the heart continues to do 100 beats per minute, it is better to take action.

But this is not all the symptoms that a person with a high pulse is facing. The reasons that can be attributed to temporary: coffee, strong tea, tobacco, some medicines, beriberi.

There are other factors that do not lie on the surface, but the body reports them to a person through a high pulse. This primarily affects the unhealthy heart muscle. Pathologies can be different - an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. Thyroid problems can also cause heart palpitations. Another possible cause is emphysema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In someone, an increase in the heart rate may be an individual characteristic associated with some other disease.

How to curb the high pulse?

The reasons for this problem have been considered, and the conclusion suggests itself: it is only reasonable to reduce the pulse yourself if you are sure of the "harmlessness" of its cause (stress, coffee, fiznagruzha, etc.). Here you can recommend respiratory gymnastics, washing with cold water, weakly brewed green tea (you can add mint to it), valerian, and at the worst (but infrequently and in reasonable quantities!) - Corvalol, Valocardin and their analogues With instructions!). Someone is helped very much quiet quiet music, reading light literature, meditation. In all other cases, when the exact cause of the increase in heart rate is not clear to you, you should consult your doctor.

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