
Hemoglobin, the norm in the newborn: table. Hemoglobin in a newborn: basic indicators, causes of abnormalities and treatment characteristics

One of the most important tests that make a newborn baby in the maternity hospital is the detection of hemoglobin. A slight decrease in the indices in adults is not a cause for panic, but here the figures for an infant should fit within the accepted framework. What is the norm of hemoglobin in a newborn baby? Let's look at this article.

Difference from adults

Normally, children's hemoglobin is much higher than the adult, because it is thanks to this substance that the necessary saturation of tissues with oxygen and the maintenance of all body systems in the active state is provided. The kid can not itself consume all the necessary elements with food, lactation has not yet been established, so this function takes on the protein hemoglobin. The norm in the newborn will be considered below.

In children under the age of one year, the indicator often changes, on the whole gradually decreasing, which is due to the formation and development of the circulatory, hormonal and digestive systems. The introduction of complementary foods even more closely approximates the norms of hemoglobin infants to adult indicators, since nutrients begin to come from ordinary food.

Hemoglobin in newborns: the norm

The table below gives a visual representation.

If there is a slight decrease in the indices, but during the pregnancy the woman did not suffer from anemia caused by a lack of iron, did not lose a lot of blood during labor, fed properly, and the lactation was established on time and in a normal volume, then usually the doctors recommend only a control retake after some time.

Taking medical measures in this case is considered premature, since breast milk or a well-adapted adapted mixture contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements that restore and maintain the health of a small man.

That's how hemoglobin is important in newborns. Norm (the table is very convenient to use) for each age its own.

Reducing the level of hemoglobin in the baby's blood is associated with a lack of iron and often leads to hypoxia - oxygen starvation. Tissues and cells do not get enough oxygen, the process of blood circulation is disrupted, and the necessary trace elements are poorly digested. How to understand that the norm of hemoglobin in a newborn is lowered?


Assuming such a diagnosis allow the following symptoms:

  • Apathy of the child, fatigue, capriciousness;
  • Too dry flaky skin may indicate insufficient intake or absorption of iron;
  • A constant low-grade fever, oscillating around 37.5 degrees;
  • Frequent colds, infectious and viral diseases;
  • Pallor of the skin, blue circles under the eyes and severe drowsiness - the first signs of anemia;
  • Thin, brittle nails that tend to separate, sometimes characterize a low hemoglobin content or a fungal infection;
  • A decrease in appetite, lethargy;
  • Problems affecting the baby's mucous membranes - stomatitis, smoothing of tongue papillae, inflamed shining tongue, seizures, bleeding gums - are also indirect signs of hemoglobin insufficiency, but also dental diseases can also occur;
  • Regular colic, combined with such disorders of the gastrointestinal tract as constipation and diarrhea.

This all can provoke a reduced norm of hemoglobin in a newborn.

If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician as soon as possible and to pass a general clinical blood test. Usually the drop in hemoglobin is associated with other health problems, which will be reflected in the results of the analysis.

How to treat a child?

It is inadmissible to begin treatment without examining the baby by the doctor and getting his recommendations. No folk remedies and methods in this case are unacceptable, since the baby's organism is too fragile and susceptible.

It is necessary to pass the analysis on a hemoglobin. The norm in a newborn or deviation from it is easily revealed.

If the pediatrician identifies diseases that cause a drop in hemoglobin levels, then a corresponding set of therapeutic procedures is prescribed. If the influence of such factors is not established, then general instructions are given for correcting the situation:

What should nursing mother do?

A woman who is breastfeeding a baby should revise the diet by adding foods enriched with iron and promoting digestion:

  • Beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit and any liver;
  • Eggs;
  • Buckwheat groats;
  • spinach;
  • Tomatoes and other vegetables, fruits and berries containing vitamin C;
  • Beans;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • Apricots and apricots;
  • Green apples;
  • Fatty fish, especially red.

So the norm of hemoglobin in newborn children can be obtained.

If after a couple of weeks the control analysis shows slight changes, the doctor will prescribe iron-containing preparations. They are not very well absorbed by the body of the child, they can irritate the gastric mucosa, so they try not to use them unless they are absolutely necessary.

How can a baby help if he feeds on the mixture?

The breastfeeder, eating the mixture, will have to choose a more suitable, containing iron and other microelements and vitamins that help absorb it. If the baby has already started to eat the lure, then in the diet is introduced more meat, buckwheat, vegetables and fruits, beans, lentils. In the absence of allergies, the use of pomegranate and carrot juice, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, currants will be extremely useful.

All children with diagnosed anemia are highly recommended for as long as possible to walk outdoors, fresh air and sun are indispensable helpers in the fight against this ailment.

Iron preparations can be prescribed directly to the child, if all the measures taken have not produced results. Drugs are produced in the form of drops, convenient for use.

The reasons for the increase and corrective therapy

As can be seen from the table, the content of the newborn's hemoglobin is normally from 140 to 230 g / l.

Hemoglobin, which is much higher than the upper limit of the norm, is even more dangerous for the health of the little man, especially if he keeps about the same values. In this case, additional tests and examinations will be required to exclude:

  • Heart failure and heart defects;
  • Poor lung function and respiratory system diseases;
  • Partial obstruction of the intestine;
  • Various diseases of the blood and circulatory system, including cancer problems.

In these cases, hemoglobin rises. The norm in a newborn should be about 230-240 g / l. Anything higher is already some kind of pathology.

A clinical blood test can also show a very high level of red blood cells and platelets, and thrombocytosis is extremely dangerous at such a tender age, because drugs that help reduce blood viscosity are strictly forbidden to babies.


Exit try to look for, adjusting the baby's diet for therapeutic needs. The main emphasis is on cereals, except buckwheat, fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese and yogurt. Products containing a lot of iron are minimized, if possible, they should be excluded altogether for a while. From plant foods, iron is absorbed in micro doses, so it is usually left.

The child should drink enough water, for which it will have to be doped. The air in the house should always be sufficiently moistened, it can be done using special appliances or home methods. Long walks in this case are also very useful. If there is an opportunity to go to the sea, this is definitely worth doing.

In case of detection of diseases provoking an increase in hemoglobin, immediately begin to treat them, in parallel using both methods of drug therapy, and physiotherapy and other manipulations, up to surgical intervention if necessary.

We have considered in detail such an indicator as hemoglobin. The norm in the newborn is given, and also variants of deviation from the norm are described.

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