EducationThe science

Gnoseology is the philosophical teaching of knowledge

Man always seeks to know life in the full breadth of its manifestations. Having traveled a long way, mankind penetrates more and more into the essence of being. And to help man in this difficult path came epistemology. What is this teaching and what is it about?

Epistemology is the philosophical doctrine of knowledge, the possibility of cognition, and its nature, about boundaries and much more.

The very word gnoseology came to us from the Greek language "gnosis" - knowledge and "logos" - concept, teaching, ie, the doctrine (concept) of knowledge. An important place in epistemology is the study and study of the subject in relation to the object, the structuring of their relations, what is truth and how to determine where it is. However, one thing is certain: one is at the center of this teaching.

Gnoseology, the theory of cognition, or, in other words, the doctrine of life, has passed a long path of evolutionary development, as man has evolved, and his understanding of the world has changed on this path of evolution, and epistemology has developed and expanded its methods of cognition.

In antiquity epistemology, this philosophical doctrine of cognition considered an object as a whole with knowledge about it, and great attention was paid to focusing attention on the functional transformation of an object in knowledge. And only in the Middle Ages epistemology - this doctrine of life begins to expand and deepen, and to approach the design of the classical theory of knowledge. And the combination of the teachings of Aristotle and the Christian dogmatic postulates led to the emergence of dual truth.

With the advent of experimental natural science in the 17th and 18th centuries, the question of how to determine the truth in what way is becoming acute. At this time there are oppositions "empiricism - realism", "sensualism - realism", etc. Then the activity of the subject in the process of cognition becomes actual.

In the 19th century epistemology, this philosophical doctrine of cognition was directed by Kant to reveal the subjective foundation of cognition, which led to a reassessment of the installations of natural philosophy, which was oriented toward cognition and the identification of absolute truth. As a result of the rapid development of natural sciences and the abandonment of metaphysical knowledge, a cognitive attitude to life is at the center of philosophical research.

The cognitive activity of the subject of classical epistemology was associated with its isolation and was decisive. However, the consciousness of this subject was transparent to himself and therefore was not a criterion of reliability.

Modern gnoseology is the doctrine of the problem of the relationship to science. Scientific research led to the emergence of the social nature of cognition. Realizing that the growth of science is ineffective, it was concluded that science is developing not formally socially, but at the expense of researchers and their personal resources, and the organization of conditions for communication in which there is the possibility of advancing cognition forward, its constant development and renewal. All further research in this area pushes understanding that the prospects for the development of epistemology are related in the present with studies of the situations of the onset of knowledge. And in these situations, one can trace the role in cognition and the manifestation of the personal social forms of the subject in the emergence of knowledge. Based on the study of these situations, the public function of cognition, that is, the acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge and epistemology, clearly emerges.

Joint studies conducted with other disciplines, enable epistemology to describe the types of human relations to the world around him. After long disputes and frictions, the understanding of the limitations of the initial statements of epistemological philosophy became more and more obvious. An important role was played in this development of the humanities, where the methodology was fundamentally different from the methods of research in the natural sciences.

At present, epistemology, this philosophical teaching of knowledge, continues to develop and helps us in acquiring and mastering new knowledge.

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