HealthDiseases and Conditions

Gallbladder: symptoms of the disease - is it always the same?

What treatment is effective if the gallbladder is inflamed ? Symptoms of the disease can be either pronounced or smoothed. In any case, the patient needs to urgently go to a medical facility, as under the diseases of the biliary tract can be "masked" heart disease.

Cholecystitis acute and chronic, angiocholitis, cholecystocholangitis, cholangiohepatitis - a number of inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, accompanied by similar signs, such as acute pain in the right upper quadrant, nausea, sometimes vomiting, heartburn, unpleasant mouthfeel.

Pallor and jaundice are also frequent signs that the gall bladder is hurting. Symptoms of the disease in something similar to the symptoms of heart disease, for example, with ischemic disease.

Distinguish the disease of the biliary tract will help precisely the localization of pain.

And in the first and second cases, there may be pain in the sternum, "under the spoon," but if the gallbladder has become inflamed, the symptoms are as follows: the intolerable pain is directed to the right, up and behind - right into the right shoulder blade, to the right shoulder . Painful sensations are possible in the right half of the neck, pain can spread throughout the abdomen. Unpleasant sensations increase with deep inspiration, as well as if the patient lies on his left side.

Incorrect lifestyle, consumption of a large number of fried, fatty foods, muffins, alcohol, irregular meals lead to the inflammation of the gallbladder.

Symptoms and treatment may differ slightly depending on the neglect of the inflammatory process, in acute or chronic form developed ailment, from its general course, concomitant diseases of the patient, the way of life of the patient.

In any case, if the gallbladder hurts, the symptoms are obvious or smoothed out, a strict diet is useful to the patient: it is necessary to refuse from sharp, fried, fatty foods, flour products, use more sour-milk products - yoghurt, bifitata, you can use low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, Stewed and boiled vegetables, mucous porridges.

Not only stagnation of bile, but also stones can contribute to the inflammation of the gallbladder. Symptoms of the disease (namely cholelithiasis) are the yellowness of the skin and the sclera of the eyes, a disorder of the stool, which can manifest itself in discoloration of stool.

To help in the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract, grasses come. Good for treatment of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis is the common yarrow, sandless immortelle, bitter wormwood, fennel fruits and peppermint leaves.

Herbs are taken in equal proportions, mixed, within 15 minutes, a decoction is prepared on a water bath, half a liter of boiling water you need two tablespoons of the medicinal mixture. In the broth, you can add honey, which is also useful in the treatment of diseases of this kind.

Regular use of half a glass of broth before eating for a week or two leads to stabilization of the digestive system, normalizes the gallbladder, symptoms recede.

However, it should be remembered that independent treatment is always fraught with adverse consequences, the treatment should appoint a competent specialist after a complete examination of the patient. The above mentioned means of treating biliary tract diseases are auxiliary, and can not replace, in necessary cases, medical and sometimes surgical treatment.

A person who has ever faced the problems of the biliary tract, gall bladder attacks, should pay attention to the state of his health, lead a correct lifestyle, eat rationally and profitably, periodically visit the specialist for an examination.

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