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Every beginning entrepreneur makes these mistakes. How to prevent them?

The path to successful business is not easy. Anyone who started his own business from scratch and built a successful company, will confirm that this is a difficult job, requiring huge expenditure of energy and concentration.

No mistakes can not be made

The path begins with the fact that you choose the right, the right product or service that your target audience needs, and continues to try to keep it afloat. It is important to remain focused on quality and success, both in the present and in the future. Behind all this is a lot of things, strategies and solutions, which should be considered at the very beginning of the journey.

For successful business there are no clear rules and a map guaranteeing a way to the top, but if you decide to communicate with both beginners and successful businessmen, they all certainly agree: you will make mistakes. Business is a risky business, where losses and steps to the unnecessary side are often simply unavoidable.

However, no matter how offensive these errors are, they can teach a lot. They make you more attentive, learn to react quickly and efficiently and instill endurance. Whatever it was, but from the experience of others, you can take some useful lessons for yourself. Here are six situations that can lead to mistakes in business.

Comments and opinions of others are important, but not too much

Doing business is not easy. That is why do not be afraid to ask advice from friends, relatives and consultants. Also, refer to successful businessmen who have already taken their niche, often they are happy to help beginners, especially if you expect advice from them, and not investments. The valuable opinion of an experienced person who wishes you well, can greatly affect your work and direction of business development as a whole.

However, even the most kind wishes and useful advice can be stunned and stupefied if there are too many of them and they come from all sides. Hearing too many reviews and opinions can lead you to an analytical paralysis - the inability to adequately assess information and correlate it with your own knowledge. In that case, give yourself a little time to think through the advice correctly and come to a conclusion yourself, not under the influence of a person or the moment. It is best to surround yourself with people who are ready to support you at any time, without jerking in different directions.

Listen to customers

Despite your ingenious plans and ideas, you still work for clients, and the products or services provided by your business are created just for them. That's why the biggest mistake you can make is ignoring the opinions of customers.

Evaluation of your product, even the most negative, can provide you with information about what exactly needs to be changed, how to submit your product, so that customers receive exactly what they expect.

Often, what you like, is not accepted by the target audience. That's why it's important to find out what exactly customers need, what they want from you. If you evaluate the opinion of customers and listen to it, your company will always be relevant, and the product is in demand.

Do not ignore the exchange of experience and public relations activities

As a businessman, you should know that what matters is not someone you know, but someone who knows you. You can meet prospective clients, investors and partners from morning till night and not get results, or you can spend an evening at an event to exchange experience and in an interview with the same businessmen find the necessary information, contact or offer.

The main secret of successful communication is always to be in the public eye, so even if you are not a fan of this type of event, do not ignore them. Cultivate the ability to stay in sight and attract attention. Ask questions, be interested in development, praise strategies and approaches. Create an active circle of professional contacts and support this activity.

Do not lose focus and do not get distracted.

Especially at the very beginning of the road, you can come up with a lot of different ideas, one is more brilliant than the other, but you should try hard to keep the focus on your main product. The first successful steps can tempt you with attempts to develop several branches of business, to embody all new ideas, but the impulse is not eternal, as well as those most successful steps. Be careful and do not get distracted.

Ideas are best written in a notebook and left for later. When the first excitement is over, you can consider them rationally and evaluate how the implementation of these ideas in your business will affect its growth. The fact is that the provision of various services and products not related to each other can damage the image and frighten prospective customers and customers.

Recruit the right people

And lay off the wrong ones. And try to stick to this rule always. Choosing the right team is one of the most difficult and important decisions that you will take in business.

If you are not absolutely sure that you are an excellent specialist with an unshakable working ethic, try not to hire family members, friends and acquaintances. There are many examples of how close and complex relationships turn the workplace into hell.

Your employees are extremely important for your goals. Even in small positions ideally people should be located, otherwise progress and growth can significantly slow down or even stop. Make sure that hiring at your company is based on a clear selection process for the most qualified candidates. Try to recruit people whose strengths would be a shield that protects your weaknesses.

You are first and foremost an entrepreneur, do not postpone dismissal if you are not satisfied with the way a specialist works. And most importantly, never make the decision to hire a person to work in a state of emotional arousal.

React quickly

Try to always be in the access zone for your team and customers. Try to answer the letters within 1-2 days. If you do not like red tape and it takes too much time - delegate. Just let the person know that you have received the message and will respond to it within a certain time, and do not violate the set scope.

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