HealthDiseases and Conditions

Erythema is a cause for concern?

Physiological erythema: the causes of reddening of the child's skin after birth do not require any medical measures. This is absolutely natural phenomenon, passing on the second-third day of life of the baby. Physiological erythema is a kind of reaction of the skin of a newborn to completely new factors of the surrounding world. Intrauterine habitat is very different from external, so redness is a kind of adaptive moment, accompanied by blood tides to the skin of the baby. The capillaries expand, which is characterized by reddening of the body. Erythema is a manifestation of the body's reaction to an environment that is unusual for the baby.

Toxic appearance of erythema

This type of reaction sometimes follows the physiological, as its consequence. The main reason for its occurrence is considered to be the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the mother's milk. The cause of the appearance can be and hypothermia of the baby's skin. Toxic erythema is a rash on the skin of a baby in the form of red or gray spots. Usually they are noticed on the arms, legs, head of the child. In the center of these spots small bubbles with liquid transparent contents are often observed. To avoid getting microorganisms, you should gently blot out these rashes, leaving no mechanical damage, scratches. The infection can lead to the spread of abscesses all over the body.

Infectious appearance

Infectious erythema is a human disease caused by parvovirus type B19. This disease is very rare, and is not yet fully understood by scientists. The probability of infecting infants is almost zero. Symptoms are similar to those of acute respiratory diseases: fever, nasal congestion, cough, runny nose, sore throat. A few days later, rashes on the face, accompanied by pain in the muscles, joints and in the abdomen. The general condition worsens, there is weakness. In the second stage of the disease, the itching rash spreads to other parts of the body. Treatment of this type of erythema is similar to antiviral therapy - bed rest, copious drinking, taking drugs that destroy viral infections. But remember that infectious erythema is extremely rare.

Care of the child during the erythematous reaction

Post-partum redness on the baby's body takes place within a week. But you can alleviate this condition by such actions:

- Let the baby's skin breathe, more often take off his clothes. The adoption of air baths accelerates the disappearance of a phenomenon such as erythema in children.

- If you notice peeling on the skin, you can use a baby cream, blushing reddened places.

- Do not allow dehydration of the newborn's body, more often, drink it with purified water.

- After bathing gently, slowly, dip the body of the baby with a soft towel.

And there is no need for parents to worry about this - in a maximum of two weeks you will forget about such an unpleasant episode and will enjoy life with your baby.

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