
Enotera Missouri: description, planting and care

Enotera, or, as it is also called, a night candle, is one of the most amazing plants. There are several varieties, among them is the long-term enotera Missouri. Golden beauty, like all other species, bloom begins in the evening and continues throughout the night. By the morning, its flowers are fading, but new buds appear to replace them, which again will open again only in the evening. Today we will talk about the perennial veterinarian. Planting and caring for the plant have their own nuances, and if you have never encountered this species, but wish to decorate your garden, we propose to read this article.

Description of colors

One of the yellow varieties of the evening primrose is called Missouri. This plant is a short, long-term plant , with flowering, which occurs from June to the first frost, it exudes a pleasant aroma, citrus notes are guessed in it. The flowers of the Missouri evening primrose are reminiscent of glossy cups, they can be up to four centimeters in diameter, collected in elegant inflorescences with a diameter of about ten centimeters. Gardeners loved this variety for decorativeness. The yellow evening primrose bushes grow well, they can decorate the entire territory with their lush and abundant flowering.

Place of planting

Enotera is a very flowering plant. On any land, it may grow, but it will not blossom. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of drainage. Also, the Missorian enotera will not develop in a hard, heavy ground, it needs to be stubbornly loosened. So, we will choose the ideal place for planting of evening primrose and for its full growth, flowering.

The soil must be perfectly permeable, it is not allowed that water stagnation occurs in the soil, excess moisture is disastrous for the root system. The site on which the plant is planned to be planted should be in a well-lit place, but it can be a shadow and a penumbra. Rich yellow enotera blossom will please, if in the soil there are all necessary fertilizers. This is a low-growing variety, they can decorate garden paths and flower beds.

To feed the soil is recommended even before planting the plant, this requires nitrophosphate and humus. Fertilizers are taken exactly according to the rules: for one square meter you need to make two tablespoons of nitrofosca and three kilograms of humus. After that, the soil should be well digested to a depth of about twenty centimeters, to remove all the roots of weed grass, well watered, so that the fertilizing began to work.

In several ways, a perennial pericarp can be planted. Planting and care will be described in the following content. If you decide to grow a flower yourself, beginning with the seeds, then get the planting material only from a good company.

Seed sowing

In this way it is best to plant a perennial. Enotera Missouri refers specifically to these species, so it is ideal. The seeds of the plant are very small, it is necessary first to mix them with a small amount of sand and land on the prepared plot to a depth not exceeding five millimeters.

For the first year, one should not expect flowering, only stems with leaves will appear. The blossom of the enotera Missouri will begin from the second year of life.

You can plant seeds in the open ground only when the earth warms up to +15 degrees, there is no danger of frost. When the shoots will appear and get a little stronger, it will be necessary to make thinning.

Seed method

To achieve a bloom of a night candle (evening primrose Missouri), you need to prepare seedlings. Seeds are planted in cups made of peat or filled with fertile plastic soil (with good drainage) at the end of February, in the interval from a week to four shoots will appear. Maintain an air temperature of about 20 degrees, water if necessary. In May, when the seedlings will be strong, there will be no threat of frost, it can be planted in the garden. On how to do this correctly, read below for the content.

Division of the bush

This is the easiest way to propagate and plant the flowers of the Missorian evening primer on their site. If your friends have these plants, then ask them for a bush. To divide the flower is quite simple, the plant must be excavated in spring or autumn together with the root and clod of the earth, lower it into the water for a more secure separation - so the root system will be less damaged. It is possible to do without digging a bush, many give side shoots, which can be carefully removed from the soil without damaging the main plant. Enoter Missouri perfectly tolerates transplantation even during flowering.


Enotera is the original flower, when planting it in the ground you need to take into account every little thing, because the adaptation of the plant to the new soil depends on it. If you do it right, you will soon get the most beautiful flowers that will decorate your territory at night.

  1. Planting seedlings, prepare the holes, the distance between them should be at least half a meter, as this plant develops rapidly and takes roots a long distance. Pits should be exactly the depth at which the plant grew in pots or in the ground (when dividing a bush or thinning seed seed in the open ground).
  2. At the bottom lay drainage, it will perfectly perform the role of removing excess moisture from ordinary crushed stone or gravel.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole, sprinkle the fertile soil to the level to which it grew in a container or soil, this is very important.
  4. After carrying out all these manipulations, pour the seedlings.

After planting, do not forget about proper care of the plant. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules that must be observed for active growth and flowering of evening primrose. The complete process does not take away much effort and time from you, leaving is quite primitive, practically no different from what is required to care for other flowering perennials.


Only young plants need watering. An adult enotera does not tolerate excessive moisturizing. Stagnant water can cause rotting of the roots, and this can lead to the death of the plant. If there is enough rain in the season, then watering will not be required at all.

In the droughty period, when the earth completely dries, around the bush is a little moisten the soil.


Only planted plant does not need all year in feeding. He will have enough of the mixture that was introduced into the soil before planting. From next year, you need to make compost once a season, it will increase growth, and with flowering pamper enotery with potassium sulfate and wood ash. The main thing - do not overdo it, it's strictly according to the instructions, without increasing the dosage, to feed potassium sulfate.

To the appearance was aesthetic, in the morning it is necessary to remove the wilted flowers, so that they do not spoil the appearance of the plant and do not interfere with the new inflorescences.

Soil loosening

The main care for the enotera is precisely in frequent loosening. This will allow the soil to be more oxygenated, to get rid of excessive moisture. In addition, it is necessary to remove weeds, they are able to reduce the growth of evening primrose, although she herself perfectly fills all around the growing herbs and cultures. That's why it is not recommended to attach it to other ornamental plants.

The Missouri enotera in autumn should be completely cut off - under the root. To protect the roots in the winter, you need a covering material, and the spruce paws will also perfectly serve this purpose.

Pests and their control

Growing an equator, you are unlikely to encounter problems such as plant disease or pest attacks. This flower is very resistant to all these undesirable factors. If the care rules are not respected or if the season is excessively rainy and the moisture stagnates, some fungal diseases may appear, but they are quickly treated with fungicides.

Pests rarely encroach on the evening, but they can still notice it. If this happens, treat the plants with insecticides. Some insects will have to be collected manually, removing from flowers.

Observing these simple rules, you will get a beautiful clearing, which every night will be dotted with "moon flowers".

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