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Elisha Pevtsov. The long-awaited miracle

Elisha Pevtsov - the son of the famous parents of Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov - was born in 2007. The boy attracts the attention of both journalists and relatives and acquaintances. He has a calm, balanced character, attentive attitude to everything that happens. The son of Pevtsov and Drozdova, Elisha, grows up as an observant and intelligent boy who notices everything that happens next to him. This article is devoted to the little son of beloved actors.


Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov - a star couple that you can admire for hours. They are so bright and memorable people that they can not be overlooked. On the stage and in life this couple causes respect and admiration. Olga and Dmitry have been together for more than twenty years and still sincerely love each other. Everyone who is married knows that it is not easy to save feelings for such a long time, but they are sure that their love grows stronger day by day, year after year, new facets, values, and prospects open up. The family life of two talented artists proves the undeniable fact that love is not a languid sigh on a bench by the moon. By themselves, feelings do not make a person happy. Much more important is not their presence as such, but how they themselves will dispose of: you can turn love into a tragedy and lament the impossibility of reaching an understanding or knowingly overcome barriers in the relationship.

Constant concern for a partner is an integral part of any harmonious union. The family of our heroes is affectionately called "songbirds". They are both so suited to each other that the viewer naturally perceives them as a whole. Any relationship is a huge work, requiring regular dedication, patience.

Long-awaited baby

Elisha Pevtsov appeared when he had to come. I must say that the star couple have long dreamed of children, but in their lives did not come the very opportunity to make a dream come true. For every woman, the absence of a child is a terrible tragedy, which she is experiencing very severely. From the interview with this married couple, you can see that both Dmitri and Olga tried not to raise this topic in conversations and avoided it in every possible way. As it turned out later, they both very worried about this and did not want to injure each other once again with such conversations.

When Olga unexpectedly became pregnant, for some time she hid her interesting position from relatives and colleagues, only Dima knew about this. The pair says that they were afraid to jinx their happiness, which became so long-awaited and desired for them. The baby was born on August 7, 2007. The operation of cesarean section was prescribed in advance - Olga and Dmitry themselves chose this number, considering it the most successful.

Meaning of the name

Elisha Pevtsov is a sociable and kind boy. The spouse's baby was called an unusual, primordially Russian name, which sounds a bit fabulous. Perhaps this is because he himself became for Olga and Dmitry a kind of revelation, a miracle, which they had been waiting for for so long. A blue-eyed blonde with the name of a fairy-tale prince is a real gift of fate.

If you look at the meaning of the name, then from the Hebrew Elisha means "salvation", "consolation." The same remarkable joy the kid has become for his parents. The birth of a child for a stellar couple was a pleasant surprise. The kid supplemented the already harmonious union between Pevtsov and Drozdova, was a beautiful continuation of their quiet, serene family happiness.

"The Knight and the Fairy"

This is the name of one interesting game, which Olga Drozdova and Elisha Pevtsov like to play. The son and mother perfectly understand each other with a half-word. Olga from infancy tries to instill in the child a respectful attitude to people, the wisdom that is possessed by herself. Lessons of kindness - an integral part of this game: the little son of Pevtsov learns to be a gentleman and a knight next to his mother.

For this reason, he will never miss the opportunity to compliment a woman, always give her a place, will be attentive to her requests. Olga brings up a real man in a boy who can take responsibility in difficult situations.


Son Pevtsov Elisha - an inquisitive child who is not stranger talent of both parents. The kid enjoys visiting various performances, evaluating them from his point of view, notes something important and interesting for himself. Perhaps the boy in the future will become no less popular and popular artist, as well as his famous parents who achieved great success.

Time will tell who Elisha Pevtsov will become. His biography is still only written, is created from the happy moments of childhood. May there be more happy minutes in his life!

Instead of concluding

Elisha Pevtsov is the child of love of two talented people who once found each other and have since decided never to leave. He became a long-awaited child, whose appearance was not just a passionate desire, but was afraid of jinxing the very possibility, because Olga's pregnancy was hidden from the people for some time. For Pevtsov and Drozdova, the baby became a real sun, pleasing the parent heart. The birth of Elisha proves once again that true love works wonders, it is capable of much. Let the dream come true for anyone who dreams of an infant. The history of Olga and Dmitry is a vivid example of the fact that one should not despair, it is important to believe in yourself and hope for the merciful will of the Almighty.

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