LawState and Law

Electronic services: "Find your INN"

In our time, finding out your TIN is not difficult. Everything is extremely simple. Therefore, initially we will tell you what is the taxpayer identification number, why you need it and where you can demand it. And only at the very end we will tell you where and how to find out your TIN.

Do not harbor any illusions and consider yourself a Man of Peace. We are nothing more than accountable taxpayers. It sounds very tough, but ... There's nothing to be done. Everyone who is born is given his own number. Initially, this is just the number of the birth certificate, according to which you will consistently be led to obtain a certificate of registration with the tax authorities at your place of residence. By the way, almost all religious denominations show their discontent about the assignment of the number to believers. But there is no special choice, because they have to live in a society where accounting is a norm.

In principle, you can live a lifetime, and you will never be required to provide an INN. But if it suddenly and unexpectedly is required, then it is worth considering that it takes a week to receive. It's better if you have it in advance. Finding your INN and then getting it on paper is easy, all you need is to collect a small packet of photocopies of a standard set of documents that confirm your identity and provide it to the tax office at your place of residence. This can be done using the electronic system of public services. After a few working days you will receive a stamped certificate with your identification number. You need to keep it as neat as a passport. Although you must change your passport several times throughout your life, the certificate with the TIN number does not. In case of loss, you, of course, will be able to resume it, but this procedure is troublesome. By the way, according to your desire and the corresponding statement in your passport can make a mark. The eighteenth page will be stamped with the TIN number.

You can request a certificate from you at the place of study, work or when registering a loan with a bank. You will undoubtedly need it, if you open your business. In addition, that the TIN is assigned to you personally, so also your enterprise will be obligatorily appropriated.

To find out the INN by a surname is most easier on a site of federal tax service. In the column "electronic services" you have to choose the sub-department "find out the tax ID". Further, following the recommendations, you will need to enter your passport data and a set of numbers (anti-spam). By the way, on this site you will be able to find out your debt by TIN. Very demanded service. All in the same column select the sub-department "find out your debt." After you give consent to the processing of data, enter the name, TIN number and anti-spam numbers, you will get the result for all tax services where you once stood on the register.

You can find your INN in a classic way by contacting the inspector in the tax service. Time will take a lot more, but maybe for someone it does not really matter.

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