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E. Nosov, "Red wine of victory": summary and analysis

The stories of Yevgeny Nosov are not full of battle scenes and frank horrifying episodes from military everyday life. But they suggest thoughts about human destiny and amaze with their openness.

Nosov Eugene sings the feat of each. In particular, if the person did not receive awards, he did not kill the enemies in droves and did not go out alone with the tank.

To go to war and go through all her circles of hell - in itself is a feat. But the will to win is not the only feeling that fuses in the soul of a soldier. Characters are ordinary people from all over the Soviet Union. They are closely related to the small homeland and the nature of the native land. They have a family, and therefore defend the country - this is to ensure security and peace, first of all, to oneself and loved ones. And the understanding of the same situation of other warriors makes you keep to the last.

Stories by Yevgeny Nosov

The writer knows about the war firsthand. Who, as an eyewitness, knows all the secret thoughts, experiences of ordinary soldiers. Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich took part in the hot fighting, so I could tell everything from the first person.

Being himself from ordinary people - the writer's father was a talented blacksmith - Yevgeny Ivanovich was brought up in an atmosphere of love for his native land. Often, nature appears in his works as a mirror image of the state of mind of the character. She is also given the role of a premonition. She is the first to warn about the anxiety, the coming changes. Also, nature is capable of supporting forces. Spring singing of birds reminds that life goes on, and war and sorrows are not eternal.

"Red wine of victory" - a story that is far from the battle vicissitudes. He narrates about life outside the military boiler, but not detached from it. The war was left behind, but some of its cadres so thoroughly ingested in the mind of a person that getting rid of them is too difficult. Although a man tries to convince himself that "it is necessary to think alive about living things".

Nosov Eugene Ivanovich in the story shows the end of the war as a holiday with a dual nature. The bitterness of losses adjoins with the joy of the long-awaited peace. And the very expectation of a joyful message draws in parallel with the depiction of a new spring, the flowering of nature. It is she who first reports the victory.

The plot of the story "Red wine of victory"

Berlin fell, Soviet soldiers entered the city, the war is over. After the surrender of Germany, Nosov Eugene wrote his imperishable work. The author's own emotional feelings have not subsided, so the story turned out to be so acute and touching. Naturally, we are talking about the story "Red wine of victory". The summary of the work can be conveyed in several words: wounded soldiers in the hospital are waiting for the end of the war. But if you go into the story, the retelling can take more space than the narrative itself. The fact is that on several pages are collected multifaceted characters, various events. From the surface sketches of life of each wounded, a panorama of the state of all the inhabitants of the country is revealed.

The story begins with the fact that several servicemen get to the Serpukhov hospital, which is near Moscow. Delivered the wounded in about a week. I remember the arrival in cold weather. The soldiers were taken out in their underwear, covered with blankets and carried on stretchers to light chambers, where staff waited to put clean bandages. It is white color - a priority at the beginning of the work.

The first impressions of the clean bed were indescribable. Each fighter could not imagine that all this is real. But soon the whiteness and gentleness bored. The joy was marred by itching wounds and a foul smell that stood in the ward for twelve people.

The front is behind, and the radio informed that on the battlefield, most likely, no one will return, because the offensive gained momentum. Some of the disappointment is mixed with the joy of a quick victory - so much to go and not to go anywhere. Berlin will be taken without them.

But the wagons with the wounded do not cease to come from the forest, gather from all sides. Hastily bandaged, moaning, dying soldiers replenish the wards of the hospital. The picture of the operation in the dirty tent is discordant with the whiteness of the sheet and gowns. But it is difficult to understand the line that divides these two worlds.

In parallel, we talk about a trip to the hospital and how the air varies depending on the terrain. The closer to the homeland, the easier it is to breathe.

The main characters are 12. They are soldiers, a nurse and the head physician of the hospital. Soldiers remember their native penates and begin to argue, whose side is better. But everyone understands that disputes are useless and need only for fun.

Two of the chamber, Sayenko and Bugayov - the only walking people, the sniper Mihai lost both hands. It's hardest for Kopeshkin-he's motionless and almost does not talk.

Radio is no longer turned off in the room even at night. Along with the news, birds singing, fresh air and the smell of rebirth burst into the room. The further the spring goes, the more impatience in the soldiers' hearts grows.

And, finally, a message about the complete defeat of Germany sounded. The chief doctor comes to the hospital to order a dinner for the soldiers. I even manage to get some wine.

Immediately after the news of victory, Kopeshkin dies without drinking for it.

Nosov's narrative "The Red Wine of Victory", whose brief content conveys the whole essence of events from February to May 1945, leaves a lot of questions that were dangerous to raise at that time.

Sources of the plot

"Red wine of victory" is written in hot pursuit and is based on real events. Indeed, the young writer was seriously wounded and taken to the military hospital in Serpukhov. The very building in which it was located, before, before the war was a school.

All the characters that are present in the story are also real.

Having been wounded in February 1945, Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich went to a field hospital. The lack of sanitation, the constantly changing flow of the wounded, the sea of blood, pain, death left an indelible imprint in the writer's memory.

All the stories of Yevgeny Nosov are somehow based on real events, but nothing has been changed or added in this.

The life experience of the writer is also due to the fact that he details the mood of the characters. It's easy to sketch a story, but you can get to the depths only by possessing talent and experiencing the same feelings as Evgeny Nosov. Works about the war are also transmitted through the prism of reality. As he himself says, "I wanted to portray the fighting from the other side, deepen the issue, raise new topics."

That is why the stories of Yevgeny Nosov can not be ignored as an innovation in Russian literature of this era.

The characters of the story

Why are the heroes of the work fascinating us? Evgeny Nosov wrote "Red wine of victory" "from nature". All the characters are real, like their feelings.

Let's highlight the main characters:

  • The narrator is a real participant and eyewitness of events;

  • Sasha Selivanov;

  • Borodukhov;

  • Kopeshkin;

  • Bugaev and Sayenko;

  • Mihai;

  • nurse.

The narrator is not named by name. About him we only know that he is a simple soldier who was wounded and, along with the others, now lies in the hospital. He is young and hot. Can not get used to the idea that his body also shredded metal. I used to think that this only happens with others.

Sasha Selivanov - "Volgari", healthy, tall, swarthy. It has some part of the Tatar blood, as evidenced by slightly slanted eyes. While in the rear, he sadly reflects on his comrades in arms and regrets that he can not be with them on the front line. This longing was connected with some envy. Young and hot, tried to fight, perform feats, but could not, because the leg was in a cast and he barely moved.

Borodukhov from simple men. Already at the age of, nevertheless, he possessed a powerful figure. The emphasis on "o" in the speech made each word of Borodukhov heavy and weighty. This was his fourth injury, because he felt at home in the hospital. The strength of spirit and courage prevented him from breaking. He tolerated all operations steadfastly and never even groaned.

Kopeshkin is the heaviest patient in the ward. He does not move. His body is completely encased in a white gypsum shell. The soldier hardly talks, because he does not take an active part in the discussions. Moreover, no one even really knows his name, and think about it only after his death. Then it turns out that they called him Ivan. Kopeshkin was not an outstanding hero. He served as a cabman. When he was asked about medals, he refused. What kind of medals could there be for someone who did not even have to kill the Fritz. On the place of his residence associates learn from the inscription on the letter. What Penza, none of the inhabitants of the House does not know. As it does not know reliably where it is. But the fact that the place is picturesque, no one doubts.

Sayenko and Bugaev are cheerful and carefree. We are happy with our freedom and are eager to enjoy life. But in this their behavior is guessed fear that the war is not yet over and they must have time to be satisfied with the forced "citizen."

Mihai is a former sniper, broad-shouldered, tanned. During the fighting, he lost both hands and is very afflicted in this regard.

Nurse Tanya is the embodiment of femininity, caring and mercy. She does not give preference to anyone. Maybe it is not only because of its tolerance and tact, but also because of the constant workload. Nevertheless, she is friendly to everyone and as good as possible. Strictness, if it tries to be, objectively, it is obeyed more out of respect.


In addition to human images, there are also abstracts in the story. Among them we distinguish the following:

  • white;

  • victory;

  • nature;

  • A small homeland.

Light and clean wards, bandages, gypsum, bathrobes, snow and even the sky is transparent. On the one hand, white color is a symbol of calmness, confidence, which guarantees an early victory. On the other hand, it is a shade of capitulation. Every character in the story understands that there is a forced retreat before the last jerk.

Thus, whiteness has a dual nature, it gives new hopes, and at the same time depresses.

Victory, like color, also does not represent an unambiguous image. The joy of liberation is overshadowed by the heavy losses that are paid for it.

Unequivocally, the image of nature has beaten in the story of Nosov. "Red wine of victory" gives nature as a messenger of change, a predictor. It knows a lot about events and changes its signals to others. Nature and life continue their rhythm.

The author's attachment to nature influenced the creation of the image of the small homeland. Nosov wrote "The Red Wine of Victory," whose analysis of his biography is a direct proof of this, under the impression of the many places that he saw himself and about which his fellow soldiers told him. Homeland - a collective image, denoting attachment to the world and real life.


Filled with a lot of characters Eugene Nosov "Red wine of victory", despite the small amount of work. The main one is wine. On the one hand, it is a holiday drink that is served in honor of the victory. On the other hand, it resembles blood. This is a kind of payment for the victory and serves as an edification to the next generations.

Another symbol is the finch, which sings on the top of the tree and thus makes the soldiers remember the peaceful life with all its joys.

The opening poplar foliage outside the window is also a symbol of the beginning of a full life. He seems to be hinting at a revival. What kind of revival it is, everyone will decide for himself: the reincarnation of spiritual forces, the degeneration of the whole people, or the awakening from a painful dream whose name is war.

Artistic means

At the beginning of the story, "Red wine of victory" by taking gradation is a depressing effect on the reader. Frequent repetition of the words "white", "dirty", "gray" and the like draws before us a colorful picture of military everyday life.

The presence of common folk words, the transmission of live speech makes the story not detached from life, but, on the contrary, as close to it as possible, which is proved by analysis. "Red wine of victory" is full of vivid epithets and comparisons when it comes to describing interior and nature.

Personalized images add dynamics to the story, so that almost every object lives its own life.

Rich comparisons enable the reader to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of events and to feel the situation of the time as much as possible.

Victory Day as a separate image

A large number of personifications in the work recreates the victory as a separate, concretized image. He runs through the whole story with a red thread. All the thoughts of the characters, one way or another, are centered around this magical, seemingly surreal, word. Verbs contribute to the "revival" of the victory, which must come, come.

Nobody knows what it looks like, but everyone feels its closeness, clearly realizes that it promises long-awaited peace and tranquility, and therefore she is a welcome guest.

Victory is a ticket to the past, in which there are the best memories, and in the future, where everyone is inevitably happy.

This image of triumph has become new in the Russian literature of the post-war era. Prior to this victory was always described as a trophy.

"Red wine of victory" gives us a chance to overestimate the previous views, rethink the essence of those past horrifying events.

Image of the war in the story

The image of the war is an occasion to conduct a more thorough analysis. "Red wine of victory" gives us an absolute new vision of this phenomenon. The predecessors of Nosov tried to depict war as a separate image. It was both an evil aunt and stepmother, someone - and "mother dear." The most frequently portrayed was the attitude toward the struggle of either the whole people or the enemy forces-as a way of capturing foreign lands.

Nosov Eugene, whose books give a completely new understanding of many things, including war, refuses to give the status of a separate image, a living organism to this horror. Instead, he makes a scattered, frightening sketch that acquires specific features only if you look at it through the prism of a single human life.

Parallels with foreign writers

An attempt to dig into the souls of individual combatants is not new to world literature. To write on this subject in any country has always been risky, because in such a light the war seems like a great sorrow for ordinary soldiers of both sides.

Deep psychologism imbued with the works of Erich Maria Remarque. Write in this channel, he began even after the First World War.

Similar moods are also observed in the novels of Ernest Hemingway.

The main difference between the works of Yevgeny Nosov, including the story "Red wine of victory", consists in the panoramic image in much smaller genre forms.

For Russian literature, however, this side of the war was completely closed to the writer. He made a huge, invaluable contribution to the development of patriotic education of youth.

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