Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation: Balloons and Their Interpretation

A lot of interesting information about night visions can be told by the dream book. Air balloons - not infrequent visitors in them. And some people are really interested in knowing what to expect from such a vision. Well, good thing, now there is a large number of books-interpretations that will help find the answer to any questions.

According to Miller

Perhaps this is the most popular and authentic dream book. Balloons, if you believe him, promise the lost hopes and the accompanying misfortunes. The business life of the dreamer will clearly be in decline. If he saw himself climbing up in a balloon - he is facing an unsuccessful journey or business trip. Most likely, the planned trip will not justify the hopes.

Stand on the ground and watch the big and beautiful balloon fly away to the distance - this is to the fact that dreams, which a dreamer likes to indulge, are unrealizable. Or very ghostly. And, maybe, the plans that he carries, are not backed by anything and I have no chance of success. To disappointment did not bring much bitterness, it is better to do something more realistic.

By the way, a flight on a dirigible or an airship advises to be especially attentive to your behavior. It is not excluded that in the near future a dreamer will make some serious mistake. So every action is better to think about.

Universal dream book

Balloons are associated with fun. It is worth thinking about - and maybe now in life is just the period when it's worth to have some fun?

If they are on the ground, then the person seeks to raise his thoughts. So says the dream book. Air balloons fly into the sky? Most likely, the dreamer is a cheerful person. Or soon there will be an event that will cheer him up.

This is not all that can tell a universal dream book. The balloons that flew across the sky and suddenly began to sink to the ground mean disappointment. Most likely, someone or something upset the dreamer or destroyed his hopes.

Modern book of interpretations

It is worth to find out what this popular dream book tells. Air balloons? Many children, inflating them, promise problems. Usually small, but unpleasant. If the dreamer has children or little brothers, sisters, nephews - then they will have to give them time. In general, rest from the kids in the near future can not be seen.

Seeing how balls in a dream burst - this is to monetary loss. And they can appear in any form. For example, a person will buy something, but a thing, later, will turn out to be substandard. Or they will not get a prize at work. In the near future it is better to abandon the idea of spending money.

And the descending balls from the sky promise disappointments related to personal life, work or study. In general, it is not the most pleasant period in life, but you need to be ready for it.

The Book of Interpretations of Febe

Some questions can be answered by this dream book. Air balloons? A lot presented? Sonnik says that if a person sees this, then he should expect some surprises from relatives, relatives or his second half. See how they fly to the sky - to the departure of all problems and troubles. If a person used to experience for many reasons, then you can rejoice. Very soon everything will be normal in life.

By the way, see yourself flying in a balloon - to solve housing problems. Most likely, a person will acquire his own roof over his head, which has long been thought about.

Seeing yourself bursting the ball (with your hands, needles or something else) - to self-destruction of your own illusions and hopes. Let it be sad at first, that some hopes and dreams have not come true, in fact, all this for the better.

Other interpretations

It is worth turning to the Roma dream book. If to him to believe, the big balloon speaks that the dreamer should not be conducted on seemingly favorable or justified offers. In general, that would not be new and tempting in life - you need to treat this with caution. Whether it's a recently acquired acquaintance, seemingly affable and reliable, or work with great prospects.

If a person feels that the ball is filled with hot air - this is good. This vision promises a flow of money.

An unusual explanation is given by the dream book of Freud. If the balloon was dense, elastic and beautiful - it means that in a person's personal and sexual life everything will be fine and stable. This usually indicates the popularity of the dreamer among the representatives of the opposite sex. But the blown off ball warns about a languid and monotonous sex life. If you do not want such a relationship to cool down, it's worthwhile to come up with a partner with something new. Variety and experiments do not interfere.

But the dream book Denise Lynn assures - if a person saw a ball flying in the sky, then in his life there will be changes that will not come to affect in any way. However, it is possible that they will be positive.

As you can see, there are many interpretations. And, to give the most accurate definition of your vision, it is better to consult several dream books at once, remembering the details.

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