HealthSupplements and vitamins

Dragee "Merz": analogues (cheap), composition, instructions for use

Dragee "Merz" (Merz) - a complex of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that improves the appearance and health of the skin, hair and nails, acting from the inside. Many have estimated the effect of this drug and continue to use it successfully to preserve beauty, youth and health.

Producer of the "Merz"

He is a German pharmacological campaign, which produces the drug since 1960. Even then, this development has become very popular. Especially appreciated by its inhabitants are megacities, which are constantly experiencing the harmful impact of the poor ecology of the city.

"Merz" or analogues?

Does Merz have analogues? Cheap or close-priced multivitamin complexes can sometimes help no less than the German pellet in question. However, one should proceed from the composition and specificity (direction of action) of these funds.

Because of the high cost of the Merz pills (the price ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles for 60 pills), people often look for a substitute: preparations that are similar or more rich in composition. But this does not always justify their expectations. Why?

Many manufacturers of such drugs are trying to conquer the market by introducing into the product all known minerals, vitamins and plant extracts.

Experts also believe that one drug should not kill two birds with one stone. It is better to choose highly targeted multivitamin complexes. In addition, the longer the composition, the more likely that an allergy to one of the components of the drug will manifest itself.

Therefore, the creators of the "Merz" divided their therapeutic line of drugs into a few more specific and directed by the action of funds.

Varieties of the Merz pills

A narrow specialization in action is precisely the variety of "Merz" pills. Analogues are cheap and can not very much perform the same actions as the main drug, but it is necessary to choose such means not only from the price, but also from individual needs and portability.

Three variants of this line are presented in the Russian market: the special "Merz", "Merz-Beauty" and "Merz anti-Age" dragees. They all have a positive effect on hair, nails and skin, but depending on the reasons that affected them.

  • Special "Meerz" dragee. It struggles with the consequences of avitaminosis and unfavorable environmental conditions, which also affected the skin, hair and nails, making them weak and dull. That is, in spring, when living in conditions of poor ecology, in the absence of proper rest and to restore the body after illness and stress, it is very actual to take these pills.
  • Drazhe "Merz-Beauty". Influences mainly on the hair and is intended for damaged, dyed or curls after a chemical wave.
  • Dragee "Merz anti-Age." It struggles with age-related changes that affect the hair, skin and nails. Designed for people over 35 years.

What substances make Merz so effective? Consider the composition of the example of a special dragee.

What is in Merz?

What substances make Merz so effective?

The special "Mertz" dragee has the following composition of active substances:

  • Beta-carotene - promotes the production of vitamin A in the body.
  • Cystine - provides elasticity of keratin, a building material for hair cells, nails, skin.
  • Retinol acetate - vitamin A, is involved in the process of keratinization - the formation of a protective shell of keratinized cells.
  • Yeast extract - protects the skin from harmful effects and is a source of B vitamins.
  • Thiamine mononitrate is the source of vitamin B1, which is responsible for the state of the nervous system, because stresses are the cause of problems with the skin, hair and nails.
  • Riboflavin - vitamin B2, improves the respiration of cells.
  • Nicotinamide is a vitamin PP, increases the elasticity and patency of the vessels, facilitates the rapid delivery of useful components inside cells throughout the body.
  • Biotin - reduces the fatiness of the scalp, supplies the skin and hair cells with useful substances, protects the nervous system, participates in the formation of keratin, contains sulfur, useful for hair and nails.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride - makes hair stronger, accelerates their growth, helps reduce dandruff, soothes irritations on the skin, reduces greasiness of the hair, improves nutrition and moisturizes the cells.
  • Cyanocobalamin - heals damaged, split, fragile hair, nourishes roots, enhances the growth of hair and nails.
  • Calcium pantothenate - increases immunity, stress resistance, improves the assimilation of other components.
  • Ascorbic acid increases skin tone, promotes collagen production, protects against sun, strengthens immunity and vessels.
  • Колекальциферол - strengthens bones, teeth, skin, protects from harm of ultraviolet, participates in the exchange of phosphorus, useful for growth of nails and hair.
  • Alfa-tocopherol acetate - vitamin E, slows down the aging of the body, strengthens the immune system, makes the skin supple, promotes good blood circulation, tones and detoxifies.
  • Iron fumarate saturates the body with iron, which participates in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide by blood cells, increases immunity.

As can be seen from this, the Merz dragee for hair, skin and nails has all the ingredients necessary to preserve health and beauty.

The "Merz anti-Age" dragee is similar in composition to the above, but contains more antioxidants that prevent aging of the body. And "Merz Beauty" has more of those substances that heal and improve the condition of hair, including folic acid, restoring the structure of hair and enhancing their growth.

Based on these characteristics, different types of "Merz" pills, whose composition is also different, operate in the above situations. In each case, they perform a specific task: strengthening hair, nails, an obstacle to age-related changes. Thus, consumers determine whether there are analogous cheap or none for each Merz pills.

Instructions for use

We describe one of the above drugs. Special "Meerz" pills, the instruction on which application is attached, has the following contraindications:

  • Intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • Excess in the body of vitamins A and D;
  • childhood.

However, taking any medications, you should carefully listen to the reaction of the body and in case of side effects, stop taking and consult a doctor. Use the tool with caution. In pregnancy, the appointment of these vitamins can only be performed by a doctor. With diabetes mellitus, the "Merz" can also have a side effect, because the combination of cystine with vitamins B1 and C in them can reduce the effect of insulin, which is not always indicated.

The combination with other drugs, too, is unsafe, especially when the body's dose of iron and vitamin A. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

The form of the dragee is as follows: round shaped pills, medium-sized, smooth, pale pink, without unpleasant odor and taste.

Special "Meerz" dragee, the instruction for which says that it should be used one pill twice a day (in the morning and in the evening), has some components taken during meals, so it is better to follow this rule.

Price Merz

The "Merz" dragee, the price of which may fluctuate depending on the region, costs approximately 600-1000 rubles per packing of 60 pills.

Practical Germans soon released and economical packaging, in which 120 tablets. The price of it is from 900 to 1400 rubles. This option is also convenient because the minimum course for taking Merz is two months.

The "Merz Beauty" dragee has approximately the same price range, and "Anti-Age" will cost half as much.

"Complimentary light"

Among the drugs that provide health of hair, nails and skin, we can note the following, similar in composition complexes.

One of them is "Complivit-radiance". Reviews, the price of this drug mainly cause positive emotions. And it is no wonder, after all it costs almost twice cheaper than a dragee "Merz", and the structure has more rich.

Here's how they characterize the drug "Complicant-radiance" reviews:

  • The price from 400 to 600 rubles for a packing of 30 tablets quite satisfies consumers;
  • Vitamins and minerals are sufficient to maintain a daily rate for daily use;
  • A significant plus - protection from premature aging.


Another popular drug. It is aimed at stopping excessive hair loss, not caused by hormonal failures in the body. "Pantovigar" is prescribed for brittle, stratified hair, and also for the treatment of thin, weak, layered nails. These symptoms can be the effects of stress, the result of exposure to poor ecology, manifestations of vitamin deficiency, or the consequence of excessive mental and physical activity. Is it possible to consider Panto-Travel as cheaper than Merz? To get the effect, take 3 capsules during meals during the day - that's how you use Panto-vigar. The instruction (the price of the drug is about 1500 rubles for 90 capsules) indicates that the course should be 3-6 months.

Some people note the effect after two months of taking the drug, others need a longer period to feel noticeable manifestations of its action.

Other drugs

There are other compounds that supply the body with useful substances and affect the hair, skin and nails, in addition to the "Merz" dragee. Analogues are cheap, which are considered to be complexes "Vitrum Beauty", "Perfectil", "Revalid", "Vitrum Beauty Elite", also have a beneficial effect on the body.

The effectiveness of any of these means is determined individually, based on the needs of the organism and the tolerability of those or other components in the composition.

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