Self improvementStress Management

Do you feel stress? When should you blame yourself?

Every day, we do hundreds of things that add stress to our lives, and most often do not even understand it or just do not know what steps can be taken to rectify the situation. Today we will talk about how seemingly insignificant things can significantly affect our lives, causing additional stress.

You do not get enough sleep

One can say with confidence that this is a common problem for the majority of the population. We try to do everything in time, get to dance lessons, and to football training, and then also to the office, where we have to stay until the night. As a result, we get home late and go to bed far after midnight. Such a rapid pace of life leads to the fact that there is almost no time for sleep.

Have you ever heard that sleep deprivation is one of the types of torture that was once used to capture prisoners. And for that there is a good reason. The tired person feels stress and irritation, therefore can not rationally think and make correct decisions.

This means that sleep should be on your priority list. Turn off the TV and computer at night or, better yet, do not keep them in the bedroom. You can also use applications that will block certain sites or even all Internet access for a while, for example, for 8 hours. Although these applications are often used to improve performance, you can also try them if the reason for your lack of sleep is the habit of checking social networks before going to bed.

You do not find time for yourself

As in the case of lack of sleep, we often do not find enough time for ourselves. Ideally, you need to find a balance between caring for others, working for 8 hours and the time you devote to yourself. In fact, the allocation of time for yourself does not require from you any superpositions. It only means that you have to do what you love, for example, go to the gym, drink coffee, read a newspaper or do stretching for 10 minutes. If you find time to do something for yourself every day, this is critical to reducing stress.

You are always late

The problem for many people is that they often underestimate how long it will take to complete a particular case. This leads to nervousness and irritability, especially when the deadline is inexorably approaching. Unfortunately, despite all the desire, you can not add a few more hours to the day, and therefore, you will have to learn to cope with what you have. The first and most important step is the ability to determine how much time you actually need to complete the job.

You are stuck in a cycle of constant diets and discontent with your body

It turns out that the constant thoughts about the imperfections of your body and new attempts to try different diets on yourself are the strong stressors that you have to face every day.

Discontent with your body is itself stressful. But if you add to this constant and, importantly, unsuccessful attempts to change your body, such as diet or excessive training, then your nervous system will not be able to cope with such a load. Hormones of stress, which are produced in large quantities, often lead to metabolic damage, which, in turn, does not allow you to reach ideal parameters.

Many do not know how to break this vicious circle. You need to start with the correct perception of yourself. This means you should not think about what you hate about yourself, but about what you can praise yourself for, about what you like.

You constantly compare yourself with others

It is often said that a comparison can steal your joy, and if you do it too, then, most likely, you understand how true this statement is. Especially widespread it has become in the last few years, with the advent of social networks. For example, you do not have a pair, and in social networks every now and again there are photos from weddings of your acquaintances. Judging by the photos, an acquaintance lives an interesting and busy life, while you have to work every day to pay rent and buy the necessary things.

These are just two examples of situations where people start comparing themselves with others, and there is also a dream job that does not go to you, and the beautiful home in which your friends live, and expensive cars while you use public transport. It is important to understand that every person faces problems, and his life can be quite different from the one you see in the photo from his page.

You allow toxic people to influence themselves

Many people have to deal with conflicts that lead to stress, only because they can not protect themselves from the toxic people that surround them. Psychologists say that every person on average interacts with five people daily, and spends the most time with them. If one of them is a pessimist and sees life only in a negative way, you can very soon begin to follow his example. Of course, experts advise you to remove the negative from your life, but often it is not so easy to do, especially if these people are your relatives or close friends. Nevertheless, setting boundaries is important because it helps to get rid of stress. It also helps reduce the anxiety that these toxic relationships can cause.

You do not like your work

If you ever had to do an ungrateful, uninteresting or simply "not your" job, then you know how stressful it can be. Studies by psychologists show that unloved work leads to a decrease in productivity, and also contributes to the deterioration of health. Nevertheless, we all have to pay bills every day, so many people continue to do the work that they do not like. If the work becomes a constant source of sadness, anxiety, anger, and you begin to break away from relatives and friends, then it's time to look for another place.

If you are not quite ready to look for a new job or if you are having problems with it, it is important to remember your goals and values and learn how to feel gratitude for the work that you have. Remember that although the current work may have its drawbacks, it allows you to pay bills until you find something that you really like.


Many of us are so used to doing several tasks at the same time that they often stop noticing it. Nevertheless, multitasking increases the level of your stress. Do you really need to watch movies, check email and social networks at the same time, read when you are on a treadmill, or talk to friends and family while driving? However we deny this, a person is arranged so that he can perform well only one task at a time. When we are not in a position to concentrate completely on any thing, whether it's work, talking with a friend or just watching a movie, our well-being begins to suffer.

You are always worried

We can experience anxiety several times a day, and each person has his own reasons for this, but it is worth doing something if your condition becomes chronic. Anxiety can badly affect your health, your state of mind and even your relationships with others. Instead of continuing to worry, try to focus yourself on correcting the situation that caused your anxiety. Of course, you can not influence the actions of other people, if they were the cause of your condition, but you can change your attitude to this issue. This approach will help you at least partially get rid of the stress that prevents you from living normally.

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