HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dizzy, what to do, noise in the head what to do

Several symptoms of a single disease

Dizziness, noise in the head, tremor, or so-called trembling of the head brings discomfort to a person. At dizziness there is a loss of orientation in space. If you are dizzy, what should you do? Visit the doctor. Often, all the above-mentioned conditions of a person is not a separate diagnosis, but one of the symptoms of a disease. You can not get used to the state of dizziness, as well as to noise in the head. Therefore, these body states can not be ignored.

The source of such a state of disorientation can be a violation of the activity of the inner ear, namely the nerve located in it, which transmits signals to the body for movement. Since dizziness is a symptom of a more severe disease, one should look for the root cause of the disease. Dizziness can occur even in the case of sleep disorders or poor nutrition, with strong emotional stress, anxiety and anxiety. And when the body is overworked, other symptoms can also join, such as a noise in the head or involuntary trembling of the head. A man asks himself the question: "Noise in the head - what to do?". But this is not all the states of the human body that can arise with dizziness. Still can join and trembling of the head. If the head is shaking, what should I do in this case?

What kind of doctor is worth visiting
When you look for the answer to the question "It's dizzy - what to do?", Of course, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist. Vertigo may occur for a number of different reasons, and therefore there are many specialists in this field. With this ailment, you can turn to a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, an otoneurologist.

It is initially worth visiting a neurologist to exclude a number of neurological diseases. Only after carrying out some tests and tests the doctor will be able to give a conclusion whether the disease causing these symptoms is related to this area of medicine. Although often the condition, when the head is shaking, refers specifically to neurology and requires surgical treatment in compliance with all prescriptions of the treating doctor.

Otolaryngologist - identifies diseases related to the inner ear and everything that is associated with it. And with the problem of noise in the head is to turn to him. Having done the necessary tests, you can accurately diagnose.

Since the disease can be at the junction of neurology and otolaryngology, it is worth to visit the otoneurologist. The doctor after the research will give recommendations regarding the treatment. Be sure to ask such a question: "It's dizzy - what to do?". Be sure to remember all the doctor's recommendations and try to observe them as far as possible.

Advice of specialists
If you get dizzy, try to lie as far as possible on a flat surface and raise your legs slightly above your head. In this case, the pillow is better placed under the feet, and by no means under the head. If you are on the move, it is better to stop, while closing your eyes or focusing on some particular immovable point. Drink cold water, this will help relieve tension, which is very important for dizziness. When these symptoms manifest, it is worth giving the body a little rest, you do not need to overexert it.

Let's sum up the results

Dizziness, noise in the head, trembling of the head - all these are symptoms of the body's disease. The organism itself makes it clear that something is wrong. Do not be afraid to visit a doctor. Only after a qualitatively conducted study and the delivery of all tests, a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment. In no case should the symptoms be ignored, because it is very important to start treatment in time. Do not waste precious time. After all, it is known that the faster the treatment, the more effective the result and the faster the recovery. Therefore, if you are looking for the answer to the question: "It's dizzy - what to do?", Then the correct answer will be: "Call a doctor!".

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