
"Dirkasin": instructions for use, feedback

What helps the drug "Dirkasin"? Instructions for this tool, indications for its use, side effects and contraindications will be described in this article. Also, we will tell you about the form in which the said remedy is released and what the patients say about it.

Form release and composition of the medicine

In what form do they produce the drug Dirkasin? The instruction says that this product can be purchased in the form of a solution that is intended for external use.

The active substances of this medication is raw vegetable origin, namely, flowers and leaves of hawthorn, herb ordinary oregano and St. John's wort. The listed components have the following ratio of 0.6: 1: 1.

In addition to the basic substances, the composition of the agent in question includes such auxiliary elements as purified water and hydrochloric acid.

Principle of action of a medicament

What is the herbal preparation "Dirkasin"? Instructions for use inform you that the effectiveness of this tool is entirely due to its composition. As mentioned above, the solution in question includes natural phenolic compounds of plants, as well as essential oils and herbs containing tanning substances.

Frangulin, quercetin-3-rutinoside, vitexin and other flavonoids help to regulate the permeability of capillaries, increase the strength of the vascular walls, protect the endothelial basement membrane from damage.

One can not help saying that the drug "Dirkasin" (instruction, reviews will be presented later) has vitamin activity. Substances that make up the drug can exert a depressing effect on a group of enzymes that can cleave acid mucopolysaccharides, including chondroitin sulfates, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin. Incidentally, it is the latter substances that are specific components of cartilage, cartilaginous tissue of the joints and joint fluid.

Properties of the medicinal product

What are the properties of the drug "Dirkasin"? Instruction for use indicates that this drug has an antioxidant effect, participates in oxidative and restorative reactions of the body, and is also a venotonic and anti-allergen. Essential oils and other substances that are contained in the above herbs (geranilacetate, thymian oil, cineol, bornil alcohol, d-α-pinene), affect the skin integrate locally irritating. However, they are safe in the recommended doses.

Tanning substances of the drug have an analgesic effect. They help reduce inflammation, and also cause the death of bacteria.

Concentrated hydrochloric acid is the reason that all of the above effects of the constituent components begin to appear immediately after the application of the agent.

What do experts say about the drug "Dirkasin"? The doctors say that this product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The drug increases microcirculation, which improves trophism in the focus of inflammation, as well as in the articular parts of the body. The active components of the drug lead to the dissolution of slags and salts, their removal from the body and an increase in the volume of movements in the spine and affected joints.


For what purposes can a medication such as Dirkasin 1 be prescribed? The instruction of this remedy indicates that it is actively used for the treatment of joint pathologies:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee, shoulder and hip joints;
  • Deforming osteoarthritis with polyradiculoneuritis and spinal column disease;
  • Deforming spondylosis;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease);
  • Inflammatory processes that occur in large joints and periarticular tissues (for example, in the joint capsule, ligaments, and surrounding muscles and tendons);
  • Articular syndrome with sports injuries, rheumatism, sprains and muscles, sprains and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It should also be noted that this drug is often prescribed for pain and limited mobility in the joints.


At what conditions in any case it is impossible to prescribe the drug "Dirkasin"? The instruction, enclosed in the package together with the drug, indicates that the application of the solution in question is not indicated if the patient has skin rashes, as well as her injuries and diseases of an infectious, allergic and inflammatory nature.

You can not use the medication during gestation, with menstrual bleeding, breastfeeding and with individual intolerance to the components of the medication.

In what other cases is the drug "Dirkasin" contraindicated? The instruction says that this medication should not be used for children under 15 years old, with osteoarthrosis of the hip joint (grades 3 and 4), diseases that are complicated by cardiac insufficiency (2 and 3 degrees), as well as vertebral column lesions that are degenerative and dystrophic with Destabilization in articulations of vertebrae.

Herbal preparation "Dirkasin" (body tonic): instructions for use

Before use, the contents of the vial should be shaken well. The course of treatment with this drug should last no more than 18 days. The drug should be applied only to dry, clean and undamaged skin. This procedure can be performed by the massage therapist and the patient himself. Those who apply medicine on the body every day should use gloves. This is necessary to prevent its irritating effect on the skin of the hands.

The drug is used only topically. In case of damage to individual joints, it is applied directly to the affected area. To do this, take 15-20 drops, and then produce daily rubbing. If there is an exacerbation, which is accompanied by a pain syndrome, then the medication is used 1 time in 2 days.

Repeat the course of local therapy preferably in 14 days.

With diabetic macroangiopathy and obliterating endarteritis of the vessels, the full course of treatment should be performed first, and after 2 weeks, rubbing once every 2 days (for 18 days).

Treatment Scheme

As with osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis and deforming spondylosis, should you use the Dirkasin medication? Feedback about the treatment reads that this drug will be effective if it is applied according to the following scheme:

  • First day. Rubbing is carried out in small quantities. The solution is equally distributed over the entire surface of the skin. For 1 time, approximately 25-30 ml of the drug is consumed. Processing time is 30 minutes. The procedure begins with a phalanx of the toes with a gradual ascent upward. The solution is rubbed into the back surface of the trunk, neck, thorax and upper limbs. Patients who do not tolerate the smell of the drug should use a wet mask.
  • Second day. Massage with any indifferent ointment. The drug "Dirkasin" is not used.
  • The third day. Carry out water procedures.

The described alternation of procedures should be repeated 6 times. The amount of the drug per course of therapy is approximately 200 ml, or 3 bottles. In severe cases, you can spend 3 or more courses at intervals of 2 weeks.

Adverse events

Can the vegetable solution "Dirkasin 1" cause side effects? Experts say that sometimes in the place of application the patient may have itchy skin. This occurs as a result of excretion through the pores of slags and salts dissolved by the drug. A small rash and hyperemia is also possible.

In case of occurrence of the above-stated phenomena the centers of a lesion should be processed by neutral ointment. In this case, it is necessary to take a break in the use of the medicine until they disappear completely.

If during the treatment there was an exacerbation of the disease, the course does not stop.

special instructions

If the patient is inclined to allergic reactions, a skin test for tolerability should be performed before using the herbal remedy. For this, a small amount of solution is rubbed into the area on the forearm. If allergic reactions have not manifested themselves, then we can safely pursue the course.

Vegetable medicine "Dirkasin" in no case should be applied to damp skin, as well as on the face, scalp and inguinal areas. After the solution has been used, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands. This is necessary in order to prevent the medication from getting into the eye mucosa. In the event that this trouble still happened, you should immediately wash your eyes with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution (for 1 liter of water 1 dessert spoon of baking soda).

When using the solution of "Dirkasin" it is necessary to refuse the intake of NSAIDs. This drug is hypoallergenic. It does not affect the level of blood pressure, as well as the condition of the skin, hair, nails and skin glands.

Herbal preparation "Dirkasin": reviews of patients

What patients say about a drug such as Dirkasin. According to their reviews, this herbal remedy is very effective against the pathology of the articular parts of the body. After the passed course, patients feel lightness in the lower extremities. They are less concerned about pain in the back, shoulders and lower back.

In addition to efficiency, many people also note the low cost of this drug. For 65 ml of the solution you will have to pay around 100 Russian rubles. Given that the course of therapy involves the use of 3 bottles, treatment with this drug is inexpensive, which can not but rejoice.

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