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Aquarium fishes: names, descriptions and contents

For many pets become pet pets pet fish. Their names are extremely diverse and amazing. Many of them speak for themselves, and about some species a simple philistine did not even hear.

Aquarium fish

The names of inhabitants of domestic water bodies are often a brief description of their appearance. For example, a swordbearer has a tail that looks like a sword. A cockerel is famous for its bullying and bright colors. Big catfish have catfish like charming aquarium fish.

The names of goldfish are also very vividly and figuratively revealing their features. For example, voyalehvost differs lush and long tail, the red cap has a red spot on its head, and the telescope has huge eyes.

In addition to understandable Russian words, there are amazing exotic ones in this list, because aquarium fish have been brought from different places. Their names are also unaccustomed to the hearing of a Russian person. For example, molliesia, arovan, gurami, aulonocara bensha, ancystras, cichlids, barbs and others.

Interspecific differences of aquarium fish

For convenience of keeping, aquarists share these pets by the following parameters:

  1. Extremely important is the method of reproduction (laying eggs and viviparous).
  2. There are predatory fish eating other, smaller individuals, and peaceful, ready to eat only insects, their larvae, worms, algae.
  3. The composition and temperature of the water, which is optimal for maintenance, also plays an important role: some species prefer the saline medium, while others - freshwater, some require ample warm water, while others feel great at room temperature.

Predators in the neighborhood - it's bad for the civilian population

Before you put a new pet in the tank, you should know well its habits and preferences so that aquarium fish multiply well and do not devour each other.

Types of carnivorous fish are also subdivided into very aggressive ones that attack any neighbor, regardless of the fullness of the stomach and size, and those that are able to eat only fry or a very small fish. Especially in this regard, famous piranhas, sharp teeth which instantly bite into any flesh and tear off pieces. They say that in nature these fish attack even a human and can swallow it in a short period of time.

And the scalars do not differ in kind and easy manner. They, however, will not attack a neighbor who can not fit in their mouths, but all small aquarium fish can suffer in the neighborhood.

Species of some predators can sometimes get along in one tank with peaceful fish. This occurs in cases where the volume of the aquarium is large enough, the food is varied and abundant, and around the inhabitants there are various shelters. Also it is necessary to set off those individuals who are preparing for the production of the offspring.

gold fish

Before you have a pet, you need to find out what kind of aquarium fish these species are. Photo and description of the breed, the optimal way of keeping - these are the main parameters that will help create beauty in the aquarium, give it exoticism and make the existence of its inhabitants the most comfortable.

The history of the appearance of goldfish dates back to the 7th century BC. After all, the present beauties are domesticated mutated ordinary river carp! True, originally in the aquarium goldfish came not in Russia, but in China.

It should be remembered that all breeds of this species like space, good aeration, large gravel on the bottom. Wishing to dig in the ground, goldfish vomuchivayut water, crumble small algae, so very often have to clean the container, changing the contents in it.

But to the temperature drops goldfish are relatively quiet. Although they are not as hardy as their ancestors: in winter they have enough 16 degrees, and in summer the most comfortable for them will be Wednesday at 24 degrees.

Feeding the descendants of crucian carp should be varied. You can give the goldfish as animal feed, and vegetable. Finely chopped salad and duckweed, unsalted cereals, riccia, bread - all this will suit the unpretentious veilechvost or telescope. Propagated fish caviar.

Viviparous fishes of guppies

Perhaps the most beautiful, bright and diverse are guppies. In the aquarium, they easily get along with any neighbors, provided that they do not themselves attack and destroy them. These fish are eaten by bloodworms, pipe growers, larvae of mosquitoes, daphnia, cyclops. Dry food is recommended to crumble before filling into the aquarium.

It is very interesting to observe the reproduction of guppies . You can even manage this process. For this, the female should be separated from the male and abundantly fed for a week only with live food. Then you can connect the "groom" and "bride". A beginner aquarist may even be lucky enough to see the very process of coition. The couple in love at this moment sails side by side, side by side, and the male's reproductive organ penetrates into the abdominal hole of the female.

The fish are breeding for 21 days. At this time, her abdomen swells, because inside there can be up to 33 fry! Unfortunately, sometimes guppies can eat their relatives, since the fry are extremely small and the first hours are inactive. Therefore, it is recommended to put the female on the 21 day from the rest of the fish.

To observe the process of childbirth, the water in the rodilk tank should be slightly heated. Let it rise by 3-4 degrees - this will become a generic stimulant. The future mommy, when the temperature of the water rises, begins to rush, make turns and make sharp jerks. At this point, you can see how the ball inside the abdomen is moving to the opening to exit. And at some point the fish throws the fish into the water.

True, it is more like an egg than a fry - a round and transparent ball slowly plans to the bottom. But as you lower the ball, the ball turns around, taking the form of a tiny fish. After a little rest on the bottom, the young man rises to the surface. It is best to immediately catch it and transfer it to a "nursery", since after the mother gives birth to the last fry, she will be tormented by hunger. Sometimes it also happens that instead of feeding guppies can eat their own child - parent feelings to these fishes are unknown.

Fry can be fed with fiber, dry milk on the first day of life. On the fourth day you can already give a fine dry daphnia. Keep fry separately from the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium until they reach the same size as the rest of the fish in the aquarium.

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