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Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Name Day of Paul

People are often interested in the question, when the name-day of Paul? But almost all more or less believing people know that the day of Peter and Paul in the summer. The Orthodox Church celebrates it on June 29 on a new calendar. The name of Paul must always be honored by a person baptized with this name. On this day he needs to come to church, pray to his saint and preferably receive communion.

In 324, the emperor Constantine ordered the erection of the first temples in Rome and Constantinople in the order of the first-class apostles. Why in one day are celebrated the name-day of Paul and the name-day of Peter? This day is regarded as the day of the martyrdom of these two holy apostles. June 29 they were executed, and in 258 in Rome on that day was the transfer of their holy relics.

The Apostle Paul

The names of Paul in the church calendar really do not coincide with the namesakes of Peter. Let's try a little plunge into the ancient history of Christianity and learn more about the deeds of these great high priests.

Paul was born in a Pharisaic family in the Asia Minor town of Tarsus. Formerly, the enemy of the Christian church, the rapacious wolf - the pagan Saul - suddenly became a lamb and became an apostle Paul. From a cruel persecutor, he turned into a Christian preacher. Having received the right to execute and kill Christians from the high priests, on the way to Damascus, he heard the voice of the Lord, who said: "Saul, what is Mya gonishi?". Saul trembled with fear and asked who was talking to him? The voice answered: "I am Jesus." From that moment, Saul changed. He received baptism from the presbytery of Ananias and went to preach on the whole earth with the name of Jesus Christ on his lips. The Lord warned him that he would suffer much torment and suffering, instructed him himself on his exploits, and did not leave in the moments of severe trials in dungeons, fetters and shipwrecks. The apostle Paul was arrested and executed in Rome by cutting off his head.

The Apostle Peter

Before the meeting with Jesus Christ, the Apostle Peter was called Simon, who was the son of Jonah, a fisherman, who lives in Bethsaida in Galilee.

One day, when the brothers Peter and Andrew were fishing on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus approached them and called them to follow him.

From the history of the life of the Apostle Peter it is known that he was married, and he had a house in Copernaum. He was one of the very first disciples of the Savior. Jesus called him Peter, which was translated as Stone. On this stone, the Lord God promised to build His Church, which the gates of hell will not prevail against.

At night, after the Last Supper, before the cock roars, Peter will deny his teacher three times. But after His Resurrection, he, having bathed in bitter tears of remorse, will pray for His forgiveness. And the Lord will again bless him in the apostolic dignity.

The merits of Peter before the Church of Christ are very great. On the day of Saint Pentecost, Peter will deliver his ardent speech to the people, after which 3,000 people will be baptized. And after a while he will heal the lame one, and then there will be another bright sermon, after which another 5,000 people will be baptized.

Great Preacher

Herod Agrippa (grandson of Herod the Great) persecuted all Christians in the year 42 after Christ. One day Peter was imprisoned, but the Angel of God helped him free himself from the shackles and leave the dungeon. Peter preached the Gospel in Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Spain, Britain, Carthage, etc. He wrote two Catholic Epistles, where he teaches people true faith and warns against lecherous false teachers.

At age 67, Peter in Rome took a painful death. By his own will, he was crucified upside down. He considered it unworthy for him to die on the cross as his Lord.

Day of bright memory: the name-day of Peter and Paul

On this day - June 29 - the Holy Church remembers the sufferings of the saints - the glorious apostles Peter and Paul.

The apostle Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Christ for his faithful service, was awarded the first place and became the main person, the supreme apostle representing the whole Church. In one day the memory of these two saints is honored, as they underwent suffering similar in spirit and intimacy. It is believed that they were martyred on the same day, with a difference of only one year.

The names of Paul go along with the namesakes of Peter. This holiday was first introduced in Rome, as the bishops of the Western Church were considered disciples of the apostle Peter. According to tradition, Christ handed to him "the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven."

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