
Cucumber Emerald Earrings (F1): reviews, descriptions, specifications, cultivation

Cucumber Emerald earrings belongs to the group of bunches of cucumbers. Recently, this type of cucumber has become very popular, but in real life it is not always possible to grow what is written on a bag of seeds. How to grow bunch or, as they are called, bouquet cucumbers, and this article will tell.

Cucumber Description Emerald Earrings (F1)

This is a hybrid variety, which was brought out by Russian breeders, namely the Moscow agrofirma "Gavrish". In 2011, this variety was included in the State Register of Russia and gave recommendations on how to grow it in various regions of the country in open and closed ground.

Grade of cucumber Emerald earrings is a precocious hybrid that grows in 42-45 days from the emergence of shoots. The plants themselves are medium-sized with a female flowering type, each having 8-10 ovaries in each node. Fruits are short - 9-11 cm (technical maturity of the fetus). All greens are distinguished by their high taste and commercial qualities.

A distinctive feature of the variety is its versatility and yield. Yield of it is simply fantastic - 11-12 kg from 1 square meter! Fruits appear together, the ovaries in the nodes are many, and this allows you to collect from one plant 6-7 kg of cucumbers.

That is why the cucumber is so popular Emerald Earrings (F1), reviews about it are mostly positive.

Features of fruits

The fruits of the Emerald Earrings have a slight pubescence. Their surface is dark green with thin and short whitish strips, with medium patchiness. By weight, cucumbers grow small, about 100-120 grams. Because the fruit is very convenient to preserve.

Cucumbers of this variety have excellent taste qualities, expressive aroma, dense and crisp flesh. Completely absent notes of bitterness and emptiness. By the type of use, these cucumbers are considered universal. They can be used and fresh, and prepare salads, and harvested for the winter: pickle, salt, canned.

Zelenians have many excellent properties, and one of the most important is resistance to diseases. These include:

  • Cucumber mosaic virus;
  • Cladosporium;
  • Powdery mildew;
  • Peronosporoz;
  • Brown spotting;
  • Root rot;
  • Bacteriosis.

Advantages of the emerald earrings

As mentioned above, the variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation and zoned almost throughout the country. Of course, in the northern and northeastern parts of the country it is desirable to grow it only in greenhouses, but for the more southerly regions it will be enough to have an unheated shelter or simply an open bed. Such unpretentiousness of the variety is ensured by high precocity: approximately 1.5 months pass before the ripening of the first fruits. In addition, there are other advantages:

  1. The ovaries are arranged in bundles. Ordinary varieties have one ovary at each node, and these cucumber have from 6 to 10 ovaries in one node! Because of this morphological feature, the productivity of the bush is significantly increased.
  2. Zelenets parthenocarpic type of development, that is, these cucumbers are self-pollinated. With them, there is no problem of the absence of insects in the greenhouse.
  3. Fruits of universal purpose, suitable for use at different stages of maturation. It is very convenient to preserve them with pickles (3-5 cm) or cornichons (5-8 cm in length). Technical maturity comes at a fruit length of 9-11 cm. Such cucumbers with an unmatched taste and strong crisp flesh perfectly complement fresh summer salads.

When collecting these cucumbers, it is important to remember that they have very prickly thorns, so you need to protect your hands with thread gloves.

Thus, this variety has excellent characteristics, it is no wonder that reviews about cucumbers Emerald earrings (F1) are only positive.

Cucumber planting rules Emerald earrings

Seeds of these cucumbers, like other modern varieties, are fully prepared for planting by the producers themselves, and they do not need additional measures (warming up, soaking).

Seeds are sown in a greenhouse around mid-May. The manufacturer recommends a 50x50 cm planting scheme. The maximum productivity of the variety will only be in the film greenhouse, but, in principle, it can be grown outdoors. Cucumbers can be planted in beds when the soil is already warm, and the threat of nocturnal frosts passes. Seeds are sown already in late April, and seedlings are planted in the soil in June, when the plant appears 3-4 real leaves.

These self-pollinated cucumbers grow well in lighted and unprotected areas with fertile and light soil. When planting under the root, you can add a little humus and wood ash, after which all pour water.

Care for the cucumber Emerald earrings

Cultivation of cucumbers Emerald earrings (F1) - is not the simplest thing, they are well related to high-tech, which is as follows:

  • Regular, timely and moderate watering with warm water (the water must be heated for a day in the sun);
  • For a season you need 3-4 times to feed cucumbers with organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • It is necessary to loosen the beds before and after irrigation, so that the soil crust does not form and the air penetrates well into the soil,
  • Weeding weeds;
  • Preventive spraying of plants to protect them from diseases and pests.

Thus, this article describes in detail how to care for cucumber Emerald earrings (F1) and reviews of truck farmers. I just want to add that the variety has one feature - the yield of fruit is quite a short period. Active fruiting lasts about 1.5 months. To ensure the harvest all summer, seedlings are planted in several receptions until the end of June.

Also, truck farmers should remember that the seeds of cucumbers of this variety should not be collected, since the unique qualities of the hybrid are lost.

Cucumber Emerald Earrings (F1): reviews

I really liked the emerald earring (F1): early, yielding, well fruiting, without a void. The cucumbers are delicious, crunchy, the only minus is that they are not the best in pickles.

Amazing cucumbers! In one sinus is formed up to 8-10 pcs. It just looks unreal beautiful, and, accordingly, the yield is high. Cucumbers are delicious, only prickly, you can collect only using gloves. And that there really was a lot of cucumbers, and the ovaries did not fall off, shoots must be plucked.

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