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Contractions before delivery: periodicity, signs and sensations

All future mothers experience excitement before childbirth. Particularly afraid of this process are the pervasive representatives of the weaker sex. They have a lot of questions about their own behavior, the duration and painfulness of the procedure. If you are interested in the frequency of labor before the birth , the article is written about it.

There are several varieties of labor before delivery. They are all characterized by the strength, periodicity, duration and ultimate outcome of the process.

Involuntary uterine contractions

To tell you how the fights are felt during childbirth (periodicity, duration and intensity of the process), it is necessary to define this concept. Contractions called involuntary contractions of the genital organ - the uterus. A woman can not independently manage this process or somehow control it.

The actomyosin substance - contracting protein - starts the contractions. It is produced by the placenta, as well as the pituitary gland of the embryo under the influence of certain hormones. The process of fights is very complex, and it is difficult for him to understand the inexperienced person in this area. When the synthesis of actomyosin is violated or its spatial distribution is irregular, there are various complications in childbirth. These include weak, unproductive labor, a decrease in the labor of the parturient woman.

Skirmishes in the early stages: a threat

It is not always timely to fight before giving birth. What is the frequency of pathological uterine contractions? This question is for sure not even an experienced gynecologist will be able to answer. Much depends on the period of pregnancy.

The threat of interruption may occur in the first trimester. This happens most often. In this case, the sensations in women are as follows: pulling the pain in the lower abdomen, thinning the stool, lumbago in the lower back. Often, the threat of termination of pregnancy at these times is associated with an insufficient allocation of progesterone. When carrying out appropriate therapy, signs of pathology, like the problem itself, can be eliminated.

In the second trimester, beginning fights can already speak about the threat of premature birth. The reasons for this can be a lot: physical activity, sexual contact, cervical insufficiency, stress and so on. At this time, the bouts are already felt more clearly. Some patients can even talk about periodicity and detect the duration of uterine contractions.

False contractions, or forerunners

Approximately from the middle of pregnancy future mothers can celebrate new sensations. False contractions before birth, the frequency of which is very different, most often do not pose any danger. At the time of contraction of the uterus, the woman feels tension in the abdomen, which does not give her painful sensations. This state lasts from a few seconds to a minute. Repeat a false fight can in a few hours or days.

Predictive reduction of the genital organ increases with an increase in the period. Before giving birth, a woman marks Braxton-Hicks contractions every day. Such spasms help to prepare the cervix for childbirth: soften and shorten it. If you feel a false fight, then be sure to tell your doctor about it. You need to make sure they are really safe.


How are contractions manifested during childbirth? What is the frequency of uterine contractions? Here are the main signs of the onset of labor:

  • Frequent and dilute stools;
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid;
  • Girdle aching pain;
  • Lumbago in the back;
  • Pressure on the small pelvis;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • Feeling of tension, petrification in the abdomen;
  • Decreased motor activity of the fetus.

The frequency of labor during labor can be from 2 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the stage of the process. Consider them.

Begin of labor: latent phase

How are fights experienced before delivery? The periodicity of uterine contractions is always steadily decreasing. At the very beginning, a woman can note weak pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back for up to 20 seconds. The gap between the contractions is 15-30 minutes.

In the latent phase, the expectant mother can take a shower and prepare for childbirth. Given the integrity of the fetal bladder, the maternity does not experience severe discomfort. However, you should not sit at home. Go to the chosen medical institution.

Contractions before delivery: the periodicity of the active phase

Such uterine contractions last at least 20-30 seconds (up to a minute). They are repeated regularly, the interval is gradually reduced and ranges from 2 to 5 minutes. Painful sensations in this period become more pronounced. It is already difficult for a future mother to move about. Often at this stage of labor, a fetal bladder bursts and water flows. If this is the case, then now the process will go much faster.

The duration of the active phase can be different. On average, it is from 2 to 5 hours. If integrity of fetal membranes is preserved, the pain sensations are significantly blunted, and the process is slower.


There is an interesting feature that has contractions before giving birth. The periodicity of uterine contractions decreases by the time of opening the cervix. In other words, once the birth canals are ready for the baby's passage, the frequency of contractions will decrease. If in the active phase you can feel painful cuts every two minutes, now the break will be in 3-4 minutes. The extension of the period will allow the mother to mend the fetus, using every fight.

During the attempts, the future mother feels a strong pressure on the bottom. Many compare it with the urge to defecate. During this period it is very important to listen to the doctor. Incorrect and untimely straining can lead to ruptures of birthmarks of different degrees.

Let's make a conclusion

If you have contractions before giving birth (frequency of 20 minutes or less), you need to collect all the necessary things and go to the maternity hospital. Tell your doctor about all your sensations. Tell us about the duration and frequency of contractions. A gynecologist or an obstetrician will conduct an examination and will be able to tell you exactly whether you are giving birth or are only forerunners.

Doctors remind patients that the second and further births always go faster than the first. Therefore, if you are preparing to become a mother again, do not delay visiting the maternity hospital. Surely you already know about what fights are and what their periodicity is. In the case of rupture of the bladder and the discharge of the amniotic fluid, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital even in the absence of fights. Easy for you childbirth and well-being!

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