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Comprehensive text analysis: an example. Text analysis plan: author, title, style and theme

State standards of education in universities aim future teachers of literature on complex analysis of the text. Examples of the need for such a procedure can be given a lot. After all, in the totality of sciences that study the culture of the people through language and literary creativity, there is no way to do without philology, since only it can serve as a means of textual competence, and the essence of such a specialist is twofold - it is Russian language and literature. Philology itself was born in the process of studying texts and to this day is a unified branch of knowledge about them.

Analysis: two directions

These directions are quite autonomous and consider the texts under absolutely different angle of view - literary and linguistic. The first case studies the genre belonging of the work, its theme, idea, image system, composition and specificity of the chronotope. In the second, the text is viewed from the point of view of the language: its artistic means, trails (epithets, metaphors), unfortunately, often without connection with content and without understanding functions, only as decorations that help the author to express themselves more clearly. Even stranger is the level-by-level analysis of text by schoolchildren and students, from which the integrity of the work and its aesthetic perception are destroyed, and all artistry is killed just by a complex analysis of the text.

Example: "The poem has a subtle intonation, syntactic and sound structure in the size of a five-legged iambicus, where accents fall on all 2nd, 4th, 6th and 10th syllables, after every fourth - a clear long pause." So it goes on: vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, stylistic moments, syntax ... And all this about the wonderful and touching poem "I loved you". What will remain in the soul after such analysis, will the soul become cool to poetry? It is precisely for this reason that a harmonious combination of linguistic, literary and cultural-historical is necessary in that it presupposes a philological complex analysis of the text. An example of interpretation should lead to comprehension, to generate a definite result. First, a deeply subjective impression is obtained after reading, then the impression is transformed into an understanding and approach to the author's message. That's where the real knowledge is. If, apart from the iambs, no knowledge was added, all this complex multi-faceted analysis of the text was vain. An example of not achieving a goal is no more.

Form and content

The theory of philological analysis is characterized by an inseparable dialectical unity of content and form in an artistic text, interdependence, conceptual and aesthetic justification. Analysis of the artistic text moves from content to form, materializing it, revealing. With another perspective of the research, one can also lead to an understanding of the content from the explicative form. The first way can be dangerous by decoding the content and too much of the subjectivism invested in the analysis, because in the search for confirmation of their own guesses, and the language and its means only illustrate what is intended. From form to content - a more rational way. Epithets, metaphors and other trails will be discovered in the course of the movement: why are words chosen, how they are connected, what are the preferences for constructions and grammatical forms, how does the semantics focus the reader's attention - and how all this fits into the plan. So crystallizes the author's thought, his attitude. Only form can transform content into essence. Pushkin's "I loved you" can be put in another form, and then the magic will disappear.

This approach significantly increases the lexical and semantic components of the artistic text. Usually this is considered in general in a fragmentary way: "Define the theme of the text," "Where and how in the text trails are formed?", "Where does the author admit deviations from the general language norms and why?" and so on. And this leads to the fact that the fabric of the text is torn, the objective reality is collapsing, the main material, and in this case a full, deep and holistic analysis does not allow comprehension of the author's text. But if instead of "define the theme of the text" ask for definitions of the semantic composition, the process would go in a single stream, without breaks. Definition of the lyrical theme is quite a big difficulty, if you do not take into account in the analysis, for example, the poem only its inherent nuances. Accents are not shifted if semantic chains that generate relationships and connections are revealed, under which another, new, "underwater" meaning is built up. Attention to semantics adds a text of transparency, which contributes to the depth of comprehension.

At school

For schoolchildren, the concept of text analysis should be formulated briefly, concisely and in essence, the analysis should first of all be meaningful, aimed at understanding, in a sense - "step-by-step". With any text, the work must be conducted competently, artfully or publicly. All sorts of texts literally pursue a modern person, especially a student: advertising on the street and on the TV screen, radio, newspapers, magazines, abstracts, reports, scientific texts and art, even SMS or comments written on forums on the Internet. There is an influx of information texts of extraordinary power, and therefore, first of all, one must learn to choose from this sea only the most valuable, beautiful and tasty. Publicistic text today is a huge percentage of the entire information mass, and its comprehensive analysis is therefore extremely important.

For students on this path, it is important not only to determine the form and language tools, but first of all - the aesthetic value of this text. To do this, in the classroom, students study mainly classical samples, make a plan for analyzing the text, explain the origins of expressiveness and imagery, and then compose a similar text of their own composition - by analogy, thus enriching the vocabulary, mastering different styles of speech for a variety of life situations. In addition, the need to study phonetics, grammar, morphology and all other branches of linguistic science for the ability to convey one's thought and understand someone else is becoming clear. Work with schoolchildren is carried out in stages, at the end of each section a creative test is conducted with a composition or a project. The main thing on this path is to help the student find ways of searching, for which special methods of text research have been developed. There is an accustoming to a certain - high - form of communication, students learn to listen, formulate questions and clearly respond.

How to write a text analysis plan

The text is analyzed at different levels in the analysis, the order of which is completely free can vary and be specified by the specifics of this particular case. But in any case, you need to navigate in the main features of the text, types of speech and its styles. To do this, it is suggested to first define the following parameters.

  • Type of speech of this text.
  • Composition indicating the number of semantic parts and microtemes in them.
  • The nature of the relationship in the text is a parallel or chain link.
  • What means are grammatical and lexical connections made.
  • Style of speech text - journalistic, popular science, official business, artistic, colloquial, which is used by the author of the text.
  • The theme of the text and what language means is its unity.
  • The main idea (idea) of the text.

Stylistic and genre features

Scientific text differs from others in the logic of presentation, generality, abstractness, accuracy of definitions, the logic of presentation. The popular scientific text differs little from it. An example can be found in any scientific journal where this or that idea or discovery is delivered to the widest circle of readers, which means that the text should be interesting and easy to understand. And here it cooperates with the scientific either publicistic or artistic style. Publicistic same - accessible, passionate, appealing, emotional, evaluative, imaginative and logical. The artistic text is distinguished by its high imagery and wide use of the means of language - graphic and expressive. The nature of the official business text is not personal, obligatory, prescriptive, with precise wording, standardized, stereotyped. The spoken text shows informality and ease, repeats the oral form of communication with the unpreparedness of speech.

Scientific text is found in collections and journals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs, dissertations. Two genres in itself combines the popular science text, an example can be found in any magazine dedicated to space, technology, information technology. To the accuracy and logic of the scientific exposition is joined more often the journalistic one with its accessibility and imagery. The publicistic text is characteristic of the problematic essay, where the problem of social significance is raised and an analysis of the ways of solving this problem is conducted, this is a portrait essay showing the identity of a certain person, a travel essay with sketches of nature, everyday life, road impressions, this can be a note in a newspaper or an article. The artistic text is presented in a variety of genres - a lyrical poem, a story, a parable, these can be fragments of a novel or a story. The official and business text will be found in applications, reports and explanatory notes, autobiographies, powers of attorney, statements. Below you will see the difference between these styles.

Means of expressiveness of style

In the scientific text, the following factors are a characteristic feature of the style: words are used only in one sense, they are neutral, common, general scientific (like analogy, details, energy, etc.), the key words of the text are often repeated, figurative means are absent. The publicistic text is primarily a socio-political vocabulary, which denotes the concepts of morality, medicine, ethics, psychology, economics and so on. Also in journalism are abounding means of influencing human emotions - syntactic parallels, epithets, comparisons, lexical repetitions, gradations, sayings and proverbs, literary quotes, humor, satire, irony and so on.

Artistic texts are written in high poetic style. Here the book vocabulary triumphs, where not only the figures of speech in the text are used, the artistic style fills it with vernaculars, dialectisms, professional and business phrases borrowed from the journalistic style, synonyms, paronyms, antonyms, Old Slavs and archaisms, and neologisms. The official and business style is distinguished by standard turns, special terminology, stable phrases with lack of emotional filling.

Means of expressiveness of morphology

The scientific style is dominated by nouns, often of the middle genus (education, property), verbal nouns, and the verbs are in the generalized or abstracted sense (the problem is, leads to a common denominator and the like), the form of imperfect verbs is widely used, not used Many-valued words in the text, but many third-person pronouns. In the journalistic text, there are many verbs of imperative mood and return, nouns in the genitive case are often used as uncoordinated definitions (foreign countries, the voice of the world, and so on).

The artistic text is characterized by the saturation of verbs for the intensity and dynamism of the action, it is used without verbosity, the impersonality and timeless character is attached to the presence of infinitives, a huge number of participles for a figurative description of the subject and its characteristics in dynamics, the categories of cases are used to increase expression (with instrumental - picturesqueness, for example: singing Sucking) use short adjectives, indefinite pronouns to delay events, and personal and possessive to convey excitement vannosti or sincerity. The official-business style uses other methods of constructing the text. Does not allow the form of verbs and personal pronouns of the first and second person, and in the third person they sound in an indefinite sense. Collective nouns are used, in codes and statutes verbs of imperfect type are laid, and in protocols - perfect.

Means of expressive syntax

In the scientific text, the order of words is straightforward, many impersonal sentences and indefinitely-personal, very many complex sentences, verbal participles are often used, phrases are widely used in the genitive case, with the noun plus the noun. In a journalistic text, a single semantic thread is often associated with the beginning and end of the text, homogeneous terms, introductory words and sentences, participial and adverbial phrases, and often complex sentences are used. Also, the title of the text also means a lot.

The official and business style makes the text unambiguous at the expense of complicated simple sentences with separate turns and homogeneous members. And the artistic text can contain sentences and interrogative, and exclamatory, and narrative, they can be complete and incomplete, one-part and multi-component. There is complete freedom to choose the means of representativeness and expressiveness.

Analysis of a work of art

The analysis is best done according to a certain plan, in order to fully reveal the author's message in this work.

  • It's very convenient to start with the history of creation.
  • In passing, to bring information about the emergence of the topic, the idea. From here you can begin to analyze the problems.
  • Next comes the plot construction and composition.
  • Genre accessory.
  • Heroes - the main and secondary, their main roles.
  • Features of the language: vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, syntax.
  • Pictorial means and means of expressiveness, their role and method of application.
  • Size, rhythm and stanza, if this poem.
  • The work as a whole and its role in the world and Russian literature.
  • Mandatory own assessment.

To act according to plan is the most correct decision, especially if the goal is to teach schoolchildren the understanding of a work of art in its aesthetic, semantic and moral unity.

In the university

Students-philologists are closely engaged in linguistics, and therefore a comprehensive analysis of the text for them is not a problem. It is more difficult to compile a linguistic comment that will help prepare a philological analysis. The objects of analysis for linguists may not necessarily be artistic texts, they can be in any genres and styles. The task of linguistic analysis of non-fiction texts is, among many other things, the study of linguistic organization, since this is the form of expressing the content of a work. In the field of view are all levels of language facilities - and syntactic, and morphological, and lexical, and phonetic.

Of course, the attention of the student should focus primarily on the most important in the pragmatic and semantic sense of language tools, and, of course, lexical - the first principle, since words in any text give a special role in the development of semantic meaning. Students who are familiar with the independent implementation of linguistic analysis of texts know that first of all one must consistently answer the following questions.

  • What is this text about, what is its theme?
  • Is the problem in this text posed, one or several? Transfer.
  • How does the author solve the problem posed, how does he answer his questions, what is his position?
  • What stylistic and language techniques does the author use to express his own position and attitude to the problem at hand?
  • What is the student's personal attitude to the problem posed by the author, is the position different from the author's?

Language facilities

Analyzed texts can contain all kinds of language tools, including lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic and further on the list. However, it is necessary to dwell on the main ones in more detail.

  • Lexical means: the use of synonyms and antonyms, contextual words in figurative meaning, phraseological units, brightly colored vocabulary - picturally or emotionally, stylistically colored vocabulary - high, bookish or low, colloquial, Slavic, archaisms and the like. It is also necessary to mention the presence of tropes - epithets, comparisons, metaphors, metonymy, synecd, hyperbole, litot, personifications, irony, because each path is functional in its own way and their role is enormous.
  • In phonetics, the most important is alliteration and assonance (repeats of vowels and consonants).
  • Morphology has its own means, which are very numerous and can not be fully enumerated. For example, an abundance of verbs or verbal participles gives dynamics to the text, but if many adjectives, the rhythm of reading is obviously slowed down, properly embedded interjections and particles give the text greater emotionality and so on.
  • Syntax and syntactic figures are a huge field for choosing the means of expressiveness. This is the structure of proposals, and their size. The structure of the proposals are simple and complex, with the presence of secondary members, respectively, their functions and so on. Syntactic figures can occur as follows: repetitions or stresses on the same word, epiphany and anaphora, syntactic parallels, joints - a word or expression is the same at the end of the phrase and at the beginning of the next, the repetition of prepositions and conjunctions at the very least, and the repetition of entire syntactic constructions as a maximum , Gradation - strengthening or weakening of the semantic or emotional significance in the process of deliberate grouping of words or entire structures, inversion - an unusual order of words in the sentence, the antithesis - a sharp contrast between yavl Nij or concepts, a rhetorical question or exclamation - does not require an answer, but an emotion intensifies.


Analyzing the artwork, the student, in principle, answers only two questions: "What?" And "How?", Where the first is not only the theme of the work with all its problems, but also its place in the literary and historical context. But the second question concerns the whole artistic system, it is akin to the organic artistic world, all parts of which live thanks to the whole and receive strength from there.

A deep independent analysis of artistic texts is perceived as a symbolic system through which its own interpretations are created and real pleasure is experienced from the perception and vision of the ways that this artistic text helped to create. Analyzing the word of the master is more entertaining than the game, and therefore it is much easier for him to teach a younger schoolboy who will not stop playing for the rest of his life.

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