
Complex drops in the nose for children: composition, recipe, instruction

Almost all parents face from the first days of a child's life with a problem such as a runny nose. There are many reasons for its occurrence. Rhinitis can cause both viruses and bacteria, as well as mixed infections.

Often the runny nose of a mild degree passes within two weeks at observance of a correct mode of treatment - a damp air, walks in the street, timely burial of a nose. But there are complex and protracted rhinitis. Cure them can not be obtained with the help of appropriate preventive measures and simple medicines.

When is it appropriate to use complex nasal drops?

To affect complexly on infectious infection of the nasopharynx and to remove inflammation, use complex drops. Their use is appropriate in the treatment of rhinitis in children.

They can appoint doctors and with children's sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, allergic inflammation. Complex drops are called so because they include several drugs for the treatment of the above diagnoses and auxiliary components of natural origin and not only.

You should know that they are sold in specialized pharmacies for their manufacture. Therapeutic composition of complex drops in the nose for children is the attending physician, who prescribes the medicine.

Currently, not every city has a specialized pharmacy for the production of complex nasal drops, so many people are trying to find a prescription in medical information sources, because the feedback about them from those who experienced them in practice is mostly positive.

Many parents note the fact that even chronic rhinitis is gone forever after the application of these. Inflammation and edema of the nasopharynx also pass, and the diseases do not remind themselves of each cold snap, a persistent immunity of the body to infections that cause ENT diseases is developed.

The recipe for complex drops is prescribed only by a doctor! Amateur performance in the preparation of these can be fraught with complications.

Advantages of complex nasal drops

Complex drops for children simultaneously influence the causes of the onset of a cold. It is often impossible to determine the snoop, which caused the nose disease - viruses, bacteria or fungal infections, and maybe allergies. Therefore, all possible causes can be affected immediately by digging into the nose a complex solution formulation.

The second positive point of using these is the individual approach of the ENT doctor to the small patient.

Disadvantages of complex drops in the nose

Complex drops have drawbacks. They can cause complications. Therefore, they are always prescribed to the child by the doctor in the case when the disease can not be influenced by simple or combined means.

At a usual rhinitis complex drops are not used!

Until the end of the effectiveness of complex drops is not proven, there is not enough laboratory research, so you should not trust them too much.

A mixed solution of several drugs is stored for two weeks.

The cost of a complex remedy is higher than the usual drops for a child's nose.

Where can I order and buy them?

As mentioned above, you can purchase complex drops in the nose for children in specialized pharmacies for their manufacture. The doctor prescribes the prescription, and the pharmacists, according to his recommendations, make a special mixture of several drugs.

You can buy them only on prescription. Without the prescription of a doctor, no specialized pharmacy will sell you a complex drug, especially if it is intended for use in the treatment of a child.

It can not be prepared at home, there is a possibility of improper selection of components for mixing and determining their dosage.

The components of complex nasal drops

With care apply complex drops to children. The composition of these can contain vasoconstrictive elements, hormonal, antibiotic, immunomodulating, antihistaminic, antibacterial, antiviral. Such a set of components can equally be useful and at the same time harmful.

If it is more specific to describe complex drops, the composition of which is intended for the treatment of children, then one should emphasize that they include only drops intended for therapy of small patients.

Thus, vasoconstrictive drops can remove inflammation in the nose, swelling, due to which the child can breathe freely. The most commonly used drops are "Naftizine". However, the reviews of this infant medicine today are not so positive as negative, it is not applicable in the treatment of children under the age of two, so doctors are more inclined to mix such nasal drops as "Vibrocil", "Polidex", "Sanorin", "Nazivin" , "Otrivin".

Antihistamines affect allergic rhinitis. Most often, in the complex drops for children, either a solution of "Dimedrol" or a solution of "Suprastin" is added.

Means that help protect the nasopharynx from the multiplication of harmful bacteria - preparations "Gentamycin", "Cefazolin", "Lincomycin", does not exclude the use of a solution of "furacilin".

Hormonal drugs relieve inflammation of the nasopharynx, swelling. In children's complex drops, the drugs "Nazobek" and "Nazonex" are often used.

In complex forms of rhinitis and sinusitis, doctors can add aloe, coniferous, menthol or eucalyptus oil to complex drops. Before adding them, it is specified whether there is an allergic reaction to these components in the child.

Instructions for instilling complex drops

Long complex drops are not stored. The instruction to them often says that they should be used within seven days. Therefore, after this period is not recommended to continue treatment with them.

Often the effect comes in a week of their application. They are buried one or two drops in the nasal passages of the child several times a day. Before instillation, do not forget to rinse the children's spout with a solution of sea salt and a special pipette to remove the snot from their nasal passages so that the drops come in contact with the nasal mucosa, and do not come out with mucus outside.

As the drops can cause burning, it is recommended to drop a drop of vegetable oil in each nasal passage five minutes after instillation.

If the child is difficult to drip his nose, then cotton wool soaked in a prepared solution of tampons, which are placed in the nostrils for five to ten minutes, after which also recommended instillation of vegetable oil.

Below, three recipes for complex children's drops will be given, but we warn you that preparing them yourself at home is dangerous for your children's health. The composition of these should include drugs that can affect the individual status of your child.

Recipes described in this article are familiarized, but not recommended for use in practice.

Only a professional ENT doctor is authorized to prepare complex drops.

Recipe # 1

Complex drops for children can be done by mixing the following preparations in the appropriate proportion: "Metazone 1%" (0.5 ml) + "Lincomycin 30%" (2 ml) + "Dioxydin 1%" (2.5 ml) + "Nazonex "(1 ml).

Recipe # 2

Another variant of complex drops for the treatment of a common cold in children: "Nazivin" (one bottle) + "Lincomycin 10%" (one bottle) + "Nazonex" (one bottle) + aloe juice (1 ml).

Recipe # 3

"Vibrocil" (one bottle) + "Lincomycin 10%" (one bottle) + "Diphenhydram 1%" (one ampoule).

Complex drops for the nose - a mixture of drugs that treat diseases of the nasopharynx with physical solution, water, antibacterial oils, combined drops from the common cold.

Drops, which contain more than two or three drugs, are complex and should only be used under the supervision of the treating doctor.

On these three recipes, the preparation of complex nasal preparations does not stop. You can combine many medications with each other, most importantly - do not concentrate those that cause too much side effects.

As mentioned above, today there is no evidence-based scientific basis that the combination of several drugs is beneficial for the children's organism, therefore complex drops in the nose are used extremely rarely. It can be the most complex and neglected nasopharyngeal inflammatory diseases.

It should also be noted that the complex drops in the nose can be buried with conjunctivitis in the eyes and in the ears with otitis.

It should not be during the treatment of your child to follow the recommendations of friends who allegedly are preparing an effective cure for the common cold at home. Not every kid can be approached by a miraculous elixir of home cooking.

Incorrect combination of drops and other components can lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa or its burn. Curing complications is more difficult than finding the cause of the common cold with the doctor in charge.

Complex drops are recommended to prescribe to children after three years. Infants and children under three years of age are contraindicated. For their treatment, combined preparations of factory manufacturing are used.

Self-management of long and chronic colds in children is not the task of the mother, but of the ENT doctor. Only after the examination can you act according to his instructions.

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