
"Clear" (cream) - a panacea for stretch marks and other skin problems

For each woman, one of the most important roles is played by her appearance. However, sometimes there are skin problems that can not be solved with the help of decorative cosmetics. But do not despair, because modern pharmacological drugs are able to replace surgical treatment and laser therapy. And one such effective means is "Clear" (cream). The spectrum of its action is so wide that it can help with a wide variety of problems not only of the facial skin, but also of other parts of the body.

Pharmacological properties

"Clear" - cream, which is an Ayurvedic drug. It contains
Extracts of herbs, natural antioxidants, vitamin E and other components. This drug has a profound effect on the skin, maintaining its elasticity, and also prevents the formation of excessive amounts of melanin. This cosmetic multifunctional agent is intended for daily use and does not cause any side effects.

Indications for use:

- fat and postnatal stretch marks of the skin;

- scars from acne and acne;

- hyperpigmentation and other skin imperfections;

- scars from various wounds and burns;

- Scars of different origin;

- dark skin under the eyes;

- spots after sunburn.

How does "Clear" (cream)

The agent promotes the splitting of dark spots from the inside and, improving the breathing of cells, Stimulates their renewal. Microcomponents of herbs that are part of the cream, improve blood circulation and thus prevent the formation of dark circles under the eyes. Cream "Clear" significantly reduces pigmentation and improves skin color. It nourishes and softens the epidermis, restoring its water balance. The cream regulates and slows down the process of melanin formation in skin cells. As a cream from stretch marks "Clear" is also quite effective. Moisturizers and medicinal oils in the preparation contribute to skin regeneration, make it smooth, soft, velvety and radiant.

Mode of application

"Clear" - a cream that is applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day: morning and evening before bedtime. After application, the drug should be thoroughly rubbed until it is completely absorbed. To achieve a quick positive effect, cream is recommended daily. The duration of its application depends not only on the degree of skin damage, but also on age, but within 4-6 weeks "Clear" will be able to provide a positive result. With fat and postnatal stretch marks, the drug should be applied daily to the buttocks, abdomen and chest massaging movements until it is completely absorbed. For the prevention of postpartum stretch marks, it is recommended to start using the cream from the fourth month of pregnancy. If stretch marks are already available, this remedy should be used continuously for three months. Cream "Clear", the price of which, although rather low (on average 120 rubles.), Still has the disadvantage - it's a small amount (25 ml), so for one course of treatment will have to stock up several tubes.

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