HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Asthenic-Neurotic Syndrome

Over the past few decades, the cases of astheno-neurotic syndrome have increased significantly. Such a mental disorder, as a rule, is associated with a functional or emotional exhaustion of the nervous system. The disease is accompanied by constant fatigue, which is replaced by bouts of irritation, which affects the quality of life.

The main causes of astheno-neurotic syndrome

Most often, such a violation is the result of constant stress, heavy mental work, emotional stress. Nevertheless, there are other reasons for the appearance of such a psychic deviation.

In particular, the risk factors include head injuries - even the smallest strokes can lead to disturbances in the normal functioning of the brain. In children, such a syndrome can be the result of intrauterine hypoxia, viral or bacterial infections. In addition, the disease often occurs after meningitis or encephalitis.

For reasons it is customary to include poisoning, not only acute, but also chronic, caused by alcohol abuse, narcotic substances, certain medications, and nicotine. Improper nutrition, impaired blood circulation of the brain, vitamin deficiency, excretory system diseases - all this can lead to the development of such a violation.

The main symptoms of astheno-neurotic syndrome

Unfortunately, the clinical picture of such a disease is not too bright. Most often, the first signs of the disease patients write off for the usual overwork. First, as a rule, there is increased fatigue, as well as constant drowsiness. The periods of inhibition are quickly replaced by strong excitation and irritation. Sick people become overly emotional and receptive, they are more prone to depression. There is also a violation of appetite, problems with sleep, headaches, weakness and dizziness.

In children, such a disease is expressed in sharp changes of mood, capriciousness, frequent hysterics. Asthenic-neurotic syndrome in adults often leads to the emergence of periodic panic attacks. They are accompanied by tachycardia, severe shortness of breath, burning pain in the heart.

Nausea, fainting, motion sickness are also symptoms of an astheno-neurotic syndrome. Quite often, against the background of such a violation, a variety of phobias develop, in particular fear of crowds, claustrophobia and others.

How to treat asthenic-neurotic syndrome?

Undoubtedly, first of all the doctor should find out whether the disease is the result of physiological disorders or some other diseases of the body. In such cases, it is sufficient to get rid of the primary cause in order for the nervous system to return to normal.

If the astheno-neurotic syndrome is caused by psychological influence, then the therapy should include a whole complex of measures. Certainly, patients are prescribed appropriate medications, for example, soft sedatives (tincture of the motherwort or valerian) or, on the contrary, tonic agents, drugs that improve blood circulation and trophism of nerve tissues (for example, preparations "Demanol", "Cortexin"), as well as complexes of vitamins and minerals .

But a healthy part of the therapy is also a healthy lifestyle. Sick people are recommended to correct the regime of rest and work, engage in moderate physical work, spend time outdoors, whenever possible avoid stressful situations, abandon bad habits and monitor food. In some cases, treatment with a therapist is necessary. Good on condition will affect acupuncture, relaxing massage, therapeutic gymnastics, reflexology.

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