HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes of arthritis and treatment of the disease. Infectious Arthritis: Causes

In the body of an adult, more than 200 bones. All of them are connected to each other. The joint is a movable joint that forms a strong, but at the same time, mobile structure. Quite often in these formations an inflammatory process begins that develops, which captures the inner and outer shells of the joint. There are such diseases as arthritis, arthrosis. The reasons can be very different, we will try to get acquainted with them in more detail.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a whole group of inflammatory joint lesions that seize almost all the components of this compound. The origin of the disease can have different: allergic, traumatic, infectious, reactive, dystrophic and other.

A variety of causes of arthritis lead to the fact that this disease is widespread among people of different ages. Most often, of course, it manifests itself in the middle and older, but does not bypass children and adolescents. Arthritis is a serious problem of the whole society, since it has a severe and prolonged, sometimes chronic, course that can lead to disability and, accordingly, to disability.

Varieties of arthritis

Classification of arthritis is quite complex and versatile. There are several departments that can help to better understand the nature of the disease.

On the involvement of joints arthritis happens:

  1. Monoarthritis, when the inflammatory process is observed only in one joint.
  2. Polyarthritis captures several mobile joints.

This disease is quite insidious, it can flow in different ways, depending on which one is allocated:

  1. Acute arthritis, always signs of it appear completely unexpected to a person, if you perform the wrong treatment, then this form can go into a chronic one.
  2. Chronic arthritis develops and proceeds slowly enough.

According to the international rheumatological classification, arthritis also occurs:

  • Infectious arthritis, the causes in this case lie in infectious diseases. This includes rheumatoid arthritis, Bekhterev's disease.
  • Dystrophic arthritis, for example, gout, osteochondrosis.
  • Traumatic lesion can begin to develop after the injury of the joint.
  • Arthritis, associated with other diseases of the body. These can be cancerous tumors, digestive tract problems, connective tissue diseases.

Not only a variety of the disease, but also the causes of arthritis should influence the choice of methods of treatment, so self-medication in this case should not be allowed. This can not only not give any result, but also aggravate the situation.

Arthritis: causes

Given the high prevalence of this disease, we can conclude that there are many reasons that can provoke it. All of them can be divided into several groups:

  1. Infectious causes:
  • Viral infections.
  • Infectious diseases.

2. Traumatic causes indicate that once a joint injury was received, but it was not possible to get rid of it to the end. This category of reasons is especially relevant to people who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

3. Immunological causes include several factors at once:

  • Bad ecology.
  • Improper diet is another cause of arthritis.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Craze for coffee and caffeinated drinks.

4. Genetic causes imply a hereditary predisposition. If there are arthritis in the family, then the chance to have this disease also increases.

It can be concluded that the reasons are both external and internal. What kind of arthritis they cause, it is unknown. The most common arthritis of the knee joint. Children also have reasons for the development of the disease, not to mention the adult population.

Risk factors and disease provokers

We can name some factors, in the presence of which the chances of getting arthritis are even greater. To them it is possible to carry:

  • Associated diseases of joints.
  • Chronic infectious diseases.
  • Age after 45 years.
  • Female. It was noted that the beautiful half of humanity is much more likely to become a patient of rheumatologists.

But there are not only causes of arthritis, but provokers, which can provoke the development of the disease. These are the following factors:

  • Viral or bacterial infections.
  • Injuries to the joints.
  • Surgical operations.
  • Childbirth.
  • Frequent abortions.
  • The presence of allergies.
  • Vaccination.

Given the causes and risk factors, we can say that arthritis can overtake absolutely any person.

Symptoms of the disease

If arthritis of the shoulder joint develops, the causes affect the signs of the disease. Symptoms also manifest themselves depending on the severity of the disease, the rate of progression.

But it is possible to name the basic symptoms which are shown practically at any kind of an arthritis:

  1. Pain sensations of different intensity and strength. They can be barely noticeable or completely intolerable.
  2. Around the affected joint there is swelling and swelling. This is especially noticeable if the child has arthritis. The reasons for this do not play any role.
  3. Redness of the skin.
  4. The site becomes hot to the touch.
  5. In a chronic condition, arthritis can manifest as joint deformity.
  6. Restriction of movements.
  7. During the movements, a crunch appears.

In addition to symptoms that are more local, you can list extraarticular signs:

  • Diseases of the eyes.
  • Problems with the lungs.
  • Heart pains, pericarditis.
  • The work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
  • Renal insufficiency.
  • Pathology of blood vessels.

All these manifestations can accompany, for example, arthritis of the ankle, the causes of this disease can be anyway. In this regard, it is very important that the relationship between them and the disease is established during the examination of the patient.

Acute arthritis of the ankle: causes, prognosis, treatment

Ankle joints are almost constantly in motion. They put a heavy burden on maintaining the entire body weight. Arthritis of these joints can lead a person not only to disability, but in general to loss of ability to move.

In medicine, the following causes are noted that can provoke the development of this disease:

  1. Accumulation in the joints of salts of uric acid.
  2. Alcohol abuse.
  3. Passion for strong tea and coffee.
  4. A diet consisting of fatty foods.
  5. Bath procedures.

Despite the causes of arthritis, the symptoms may be the following:

  • The ankle begins to swell.
  • There is pain.
  • The skin reddens and the temperature rises in the affected area.
  • General weakness, well-being worsens.
  • The body temperature rises.

Very often in the first stages of development, arthritis does not manifest itself, but if you have the following symptoms from time to time, then you should pay attention to this and visit a doctor:

  • There is pain with strong movements, for example, when flexing and unbending the foot.
  • Began to notice that shoes, which until recently was good, became small. This means that the joint swells.

If you do not pay attention to the first signs and do not start treatment, then further arthritis of the toes progresses , the causes and provoking factors only speed up the process. For a few years the joint can almost completely collapse.

The methods of treatment of this type of arthritis are almost the same as in other forms. Let's talk about this a little lower.

Rheumatoid arthritis

If rheumatoid arthritis develops, the causes of this disease can be any, but regardless of this in the body necessarily a failure in the immune system. Defender cells become active and begin to struggle with joints, perceiving them as alien agents.

The most common cause of rheumatoid arthritis are infectious diseases. After the influenza or the acute respiratory viral infection in the body, pathogens may remain in the body that enter the joints with blood flow. Here, immune cells can begin to react to them.

In addition, doctors also note that severe hypothermia, trauma or a stressful situation can also trigger the development of this type of arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be of several types:

  • The juvenile.
  • Seropositive.
  • Seronegative.
  • Arthritis of the elderly.

Each form is characterized by its symptoms.

Seronegative arthritis is manifested by an increase in lymph nodes, body weight is sharply lost, fluctuations in daily temperature are observed. Most often, pathological changes affect only one joint.

Seropositive arthritis can develop rapidly or very slowly. Begins to show morning stiffness in movements, swelling of the joints, the appearance of pain.

Juvenile arthritis has this name because it affects very young patients.

We have analyzed what is rheumatoid arthritis, the causes and symptoms of the disease are also considered, and now we will stop on treatment. The following areas of therapy can be distinguished:

  1. Medicated.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Power correction.
  4. Spa treatment.

The most effective result will be if the methods are used in aggregate, and the therapy is started on time.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint

This joint has increased mobility, which allows you to perform a variety of movements and withstand loads. All this at some point leads to the fact that the joint is malfunctioning, the inflammatory process begins to develop. What can cause this:

  1. Strong hypothermia.
  2. Heavy physical activity.
  3. Injuries of the shoulder.
  4. Lack of movement.
  5. Infectious diseases.
  6. Osteoarthritis.

Considering the reasons, it can be concluded that it is quite possible to prevent the development of the disease. If you can not avoid infectious diseases, it is always possible to increase physical activity and avoid hypothermia.

Arthritis in children

Inflammation of the joints is such an insidious disease that it does not bypass even children, and of very different ages. If we talk about the reasons that can trigger the development of this disease in a child, then we can note:

  • Injuries to the joints.
  • Postponed infectious diseases.
  • Disorders in the work of the immune system.

Thus, children have the same, as in adults, arthritis causes, and the treatment will completely depend on them. Also, the age of the child, a type of arthritis, affects the choice of therapy tactics.

Diagnosis arthritis joints can already be in infants, although this is problematic, given the age of the patient. Parents should be alerted when the following symptoms are detected:

  1. The child cries during movements, for example, when shifting, massage.
  2. Elevated body temperature without signs of a cold.
  3. Appears swelling and redness in the joints.
  4. The kid tries to move the diseased limb less.

In older children, signs are almost the same, only a child can tell parents about their feelings. It is not necessary in this case to postpone the visit to the doctor, the earlier treatment is begun, the more effective the result.

As a rule, rheumatoid arthritis has a favorable prognosis, joints do not collapse and disability does not threaten, but if rheumatism is added, it is already dangerous, as inadequate and untimely treatment leads to the development of heart defects.

Treatment of arthritis

Arthritis passes through several stages in its course. Each therapy pursues its goals, methods and methods of treatment are chosen. If in the initial stages of the disease, conservative methods are primarily relevant, then surgical intervention can be shown at the third stage and in the presence of complications.

Any therapy has several purposes:

  • Reduce the pain.
  • Suspend or slow the progression of the disease.
  • Resume the normal operation of the joint.
  • Prevent the development of complications.

To achieve these goals, use:

  1. Medicinal therapy.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  3. Massotherapy.
  4. Physical exercises.
  5. Orthopedic techniques.
  6. Spa treatment.
  7. Traditional methods of treatment.

Any treatment will be more effective if it is carried out in a complex.


Whatever the causes of arthritis of the hands, for example, you can not do without taking medication. Assign the following drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory, for example, "Diclofenac", anesthetics, it can be: "Baralgin", "Ketorol." These drugs alone can not get rid of the disease, but they eliminate the most basic symptom - pain.
  • Chondroprotectors, which help restore cartilaginous joint tissue.
  • If there is a purulent process or the cause of arthritis is an infection, antibiotics must be prescribed.

After using drugs to remove inflammation and eliminate pain syndrome, you can use other methods of treatment.

Physiotherapy and arthritis

Physiotherapeutic procedures provide significant assistance in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases. Here you can include:

  • UFO.
  • Electrophoresis with pain medication.
  • Phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone.
  • Massage.
  • Mud treatment.
  • Warming.
  • Healing baths.
  • Hydromassage.

All these procedures greatly facilitate the patient's condition. Whatever the causes of arthritis of the fingers, in conjunction with the drug treatment physiotherapy increases the quality of life of the patient.

Nutrition and exercise therapy

During the treatment of arthritis will have to revise their diet. Here are just some recommendations for nutrition:

  1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Fatty meat replaced with fish and seafood.
  3. Limit the use of fried foods, give preference to boiled and stewed.
  4. Reduce the amount of salt used.
  5. Remove from the diet salty, spicy dishes, condiments.
  6. The table should be green.

If these recommendations are observed, the intake of useful and necessary vitamins and minerals increases in the body, which is beneficial for the joints.

Without special exercises in the treatment of arthritis also can not do. Depending on the variety of arthritis and its severity, the physician of the exercise room selects an individual set of exercises. Do it regularly, without sudden movements.

For example, arthritis of the ankle can recommend the following exercises:

  1. Rolling from heels to toe.
  2. Walking on the inside of the foot.
  3. Jumping on socks.
  4. Walking on the heels.
  5. In the sitting position, pull the socks on yourself.
  6. You can do some exercises in the water, there the load on the body is minimal.
  7. The exercises on the stationary bike are also useful.

If you perform physical exercises in conjunction with other methods of treatment, then the effect will come much faster.

Traditional medicine against arthritis

The benches of folk healers for arthritis also provide tips, here are some of them:

  • Pour fresh branches of spruce with boiling water, insist, lower your legs for 30 minutes. After the procedure, you just have to go to bed.
  • Preheat the dry seeds of flax, place in a tissue bag and apply to the affected joint.
  • A leaf of fresh cabbage to heat, grease with honey and wrap it with a sick joint. From above necessarily place cellophane and wrap it in a scarf.
  • Take the chalk, grind it, mix it with kefir and apply this slurry to the damaged joint. This procedure is best done at night.
  • Raw chicken egg with 2 tablespoons of salt, apply on a bandage and wrap the joint. As the dressing will dry up, you can still lubricate it with a mixture.

Using folk methods, it is necessary to take into account that without using traditional methods of treating a positive effect for a long time it is impossible to achieve.

Life During Arthritis

Often it turns out that the disease is still catching on us, so we need to somehow adjust to it live. Since arthritis is a long-term disease, sometimes chronic, it is necessary to follow certain rules that will improve the quality of life:

  1. It is necessary to try to load the joints as little as possible.
  2. Regularly perform exercises that promote stretching.
  3. Follow all the doctor's recommendations.
  4. A full night rest is required.
  5. Correct your diet.

No expert can give you a 100% guarantee of getting rid of arthritis, but if you follow all the recommendations, it is possible not only to ease your condition, but also to continue to live as before.

Prevention of disease

We have disassembled what arthritis of joints is (causes, treatment), but one should not forget about prevention. The main preventive measures include the following:

  1. Control your weight.
  2. Adhere to a rational and nutritious diet.
  3. Limit the amount of meat, fatty and fried foods in the diet.
  4. Exclude alcohol and smoking.
  5. Do not subject the body to hypothermia.
  6. Carefully cure infectious diseases.
  7. To live an active lifestyle.
  8. Avoid heavy physical exertion.
  9. Before going to bed it is useful to massage all the joints.

Only by observing all these recommendations, you can protect yourself from a disease like arthritis. If the disease was not avoided, the prognosis will completely depend on the timely treatment, the causes and the variety of arthritis.

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