
'Candide в6'

"Candida в6" is one of numerous medicines, which has an antifungal effect in the field of female genital organs.

The drug is a form of vaginal biconvex tablets of an oval form that do not have an envelope. The tablet is truncated on one side and has two monograms on its sides - V6 with one and G on the other.

Composition: 1 tablet contains 100 grams of clotrimazole, and as adjuvants - adilic acid, silicon dioxide colloid, corn starch, lactose, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, magnesium stearate, sodium glycolate (nimazole), sodium hydrogen carbonate, povidone K-30 , Talcum powder. In the packaging one strip of foil, where there are six tablets.

What is the pharmacological effect of the drug? In the first place, Candide 6 is aimed at killing a fungus, that is, treating a thrush. There is a certain list of varieties of fungus, in which the use of the drug gives an effect.

As a rule, Candida 6 is prescribed in the following doses: the drug is taken intravaginally, one tablet once a day. Take six days, that is, until the tablets in the package run out.

It should be noted that if you use drugs at the same time, then Candida B6 can reduce the effect of such drugs as Amphotericin B and other polyene antibiotics. If you apply it simultaneously with "Nystatin", then the effectiveness of the "Candida 6"

"Candida 6", by the way, can be used in pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Clinical studies have not shown any adverse effects on the mother and child in this period. However, nevertheless, "Candida B6" during pregnancy or lactation can be prescribed only and exclusively by a doctor with a preliminary consultation. If you use "Candida 6" during pregnancy, then it is worth not using a special applicator, which comes in the package in the kit.

The only known known at the moment known side effect of the drug is the burning sensation that occurs in some women immediately after the administration of the tablet. However, this side effect does not require immediate withdrawal from treatment with this drug.

Kandid v6 should be stored at a temperature of no higher than 25 C, and the shelf life of the drug is three years. The medicine can be bought freely in a pharmacy without a prescription.

"Candide 6" should be taken if you:

- Trichomoniasis;

Candidiasis vulvovaginitis;

- superinfection on the genitals, which are caused by bacteria, which have a sensitivity to clotrimazole, the main component of the drug.

Of course, what interests every woman before taking a drug such as Candide в6, is feedback on him. They are mostly positive.

As you know, candidiasis and other similar diseases can affect every woman. Often they arise as a result of an allergic reaction to synthetic linens or pads, as well as the introduction of a fungal infection. Since such reactions very often occur during pregnancy, the possibility of using Candida 6 during pregnancy is very helpful, but again one should always consult a gynecologist. This medicine is recommended by a huge number of doctors throughout Russia. Despite the fact that the full course of treatment lasts six days, many women show improvement in the condition a couple of days after the start of the drug. Therefore, "Candida 6" can be advised to all those who do not have individual intolerance of the components of the drug. If you are in doubt, consult a doctor. Additional information is never superfluous.

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