Food and drinkRecipes

Buckwheat with meat in a pot

Buckwheat, alas, does not like everything, although as a food product it is very useful. But steamed buckwheat with meat in a pot produces such an appetizing smell that even "malicious" dislikes of this cereal from the pot eat it for a sweet soul! And in general, all dishes cooked in the oven in ceramic ware turn out to be surprisingly tasty - whether it's roast with potatoes and meat, ear with pearl barley, the same buckwheat with butter, and even with meat especially!

Another undeniable plus is that cooking buckwheat with meat does not take a lot of time, and so the dish can become one of the attendants on your table.

How to cook buckwheat with meat? Options, as always, very much - it all depends on what kind of meat you prefer and how much you are willing to experiment. Although, the most simple recipe, as a rule, turns out to be the most delicious, without overdoing with aromatic additives (one person may not like one spice, another another), but the smell of freshly cooked meat and the smell of buckwheat, Eat with pleasure, and adults - it's nourishing, well, it's really delicious!

So, buckwheat with meat in a pot - recipe

On the basis of 3 average values of the pot, we take:

  • Gram of 400-500 meat without pits;
  • Meat broth - 0,75 l (or about a glass and a quarter on a pot);
  • Onion (depending on the size, you can take one large onion or 2-3 small ones);
  • Buckwheat groats - for each pot 3 tablespoons with top (the total is about the order of a glass);
  • Laurel leaf (on a small leaf for each pot);
  • Vegetable oil on a tablespoon per serving;
  • Sweet pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking process

Meat I recommend to cut it in small pieces (like goulash), onions in small semicircles or quadruplets of rings (if bulb is large). I will note that no matter how you cut the onions - it will still go away during cooking, so even those who do not basically eat boiled or roasted onions - in a buckwheat dish with meat in a pot He will not even notice, but the taste he gives is wonderful.

If you cook from pork, then, since this meat is cooked quickly enough, you can also put it raw in pots, pouring vegetable oil on the bottom, and if you have beef, then it is better to lay it lightly on vegetable oil and put it out for another 15 minutes -20, adding half of the already chopped onion (you can add a little carrots added through the grater - someone who does not like it, do not put it), and after that decompose this "semi-finished" pots, add the remaining onion, pepper and salt on top. From above in each pot we fall asleep the washed buckwheat groats. Again, look at the size of your pot - if the capacity is large, then maybe more than 3 full spoons will have to be put (or leave more empty space in the pot).

Fill all this better with ready-made meat broth, but if there is no broth, then you can use the broth cube dissolved in water and pour this broth over pots with buckwheat and meat. Liquids along with other ingredients need so much to get no more than ¾ of the pot's volume.

If you cook with the use of a bouillon cube, then you no longer need to salt it, if not, add salt and add a bay leaf to the pots.

Cover the ceramic pots with covers and put in an oven with a temperature of 180 degrees for about an hour (but maybe a little more time will pass).

Buckwheat in this dish is not friable, but very well boiled, but it's just as necessary - with a lack of liquid, the groats will absorb everything, and the meat at the bottom can just burn out, and there is a possibility that it will not just get ready. So after 45 minutes, see how things are in the pot. If the liquid has all got into the croup, and the meat is not ready yet - then add a little more liquid - let it stand, popreet longer.

And now, finally, buckwheat with meat in the pot is ready, the meat is well received. When you get the pots out of the oven, add another piece or a teaspoon of butter to it (everyone knows that you can not spoil the porridge with oil) and you can serve the dish on the table right in the pots, well, or not to get burned on the pot (especially if you serve the children) Then put the contents on plates, mix, decorate than love and enjoy your appetite!

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