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Boris Vasiliev, "My horses are flying": a short summary of the book

As a piercing confession, as a result of his whole life wrote Boris Vasilyev "My horses are flying."

The brief content of the story is difficult to compose, because there is nothing superfluous in the work. The book is written succinctly (only the most memorable, bright, important) about yourself, your family, your time, the way to creativity. The story is 36 pages long, but it turns out to be read in about four hours. After all, the author writes with trembling about the most intimate, the most dear to himself. Therefore, one can not help involuntarily stopping and thinking about the author's phrases. His thoughts, comparisons are laconic and deep.

Extremely frankly told about his life, Boris Vasilyev ("My horses are flying"). The summary of the book is a figurative rethinking of all life, an expression of deep human gratitude to parents and people, thanks to whom he managed to realize his calling.

The images of these people, created by the real master of the word, fascinate with their uniqueness.

Retelling the story can be multivariate. You can not only one thing: let indifference. It is simply impossible to do this by discussing the story in which the writer has put himself all in, really a "cubic piece of smoking conscience". This book should be kept in your library as a friend - a counselor and inspirer.

Vasiliev on the inner need to write a story

So where to begin the story of what Boris Vasiliev ("My horses are flying") told about himself? The brief content of the story will begin to be stated with a graphic justification by the author, why he undertook the writing of the book. He motivated this by comparing the life of man with an arcuate bridge, thrown across the river of being. If we follow this analogy, then childhood and youth go to rise, but this rise has been replaced by descent over the years. Therefore, it is important not to be late to remember and capture everything that was dear in childhood and adolescence. After all, these years are very important.

It is in this interval, according to the author of the story, that the aspect of the essence of a person develops - what it will be. And further, in adult life, another aspect of his personality is formed - who he is.

And here on the descending trajectory of motion along this bridge there is a point of conditional non-return. A person, looking back, will no longer be able to see the way overcome in childhood and adolescence.

Rethinking the age

The dry line is the epigraph of the work, which is the standard beginning of any autobiography testifying to the birth of its author: 21.05.1924. However, the epigraph contrasts with the first line of the story "My horses are flying."

Boris Vasiliev writes that he is leaving the fair. This phrase is the leitmotif of the story, it repeats more than once. What does this mean in a literal sense? The fair is a collective image of the ascending spans of the "bridge of life": childhood, youth, active maturity. About the unusual baggage, consisting of things that are not material, the author tells in the story "My horses are flying." The whole text, like a patchwork quilt, consists of vivid memories, impressions and exciting reflections.

Smolensk - the small homeland of the writer

His memoirs Boris Lvovich closely connects with his native city of Smolensk. Since childhood Vasiliev dreamed of being a historian. With gratitude he recollects the school teachers educating citizenship and love to the small native land. It was a period of change of two epochs. The country was moving away from the wounds of the civil war. The ancient city, once grown on the way from the Varangians to the Greeks, was international: Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews ... Polish quarters, Latvian streets, Tatar suburbs ... The writer compares Smolensk, always borderline, neighboring at different times with the raft With Lithuania, Rzeczpospolita, and through which the Pale of Settlement passed. Different people made up the population of the city-raft, fleeing from tyranny, persecution ...

Childhood memories

How the hungry people around the world did not divide themselves into winners and losers, but helped each other, tells the story "My horses are flying."

Boris Vasiliev childishly bright and imaginative tells about the streets of the city with hundreds of scrap cabs; With delight tells about the ruins of a medieval dungeon in the Lopatinsky Garden, the place where, on the orders of Svyatopolk, the priest-martyr Prince Gleb was stabbed, about Varangian Street, the moats of the Royal Bastion, ancient burial mounds, the ancient oak on Pokrovskaya Hill, which, according to legend, was one of the sacred Trees in a grove, planted with ancient Slavic-krivichami.

He recalls how in 1936, in a drained serf ditch, the children discovered an armory Klondike: from medieval Tatar sabers to machine-gun belts of the First World War.

A writer about his birth. Dr. Jansen

He was born in Pavlov's house on the Pokrovskaya mountain in the family of the red commander, participant of four wars, wounded by the Byelorussian troops and shell-shocked by the Germans.

But in the birth of Boris Vasilyev is the merit of another person who is not his relative. The bright and piercing image of a Man with a capital letter, beloved of all Smolensk, a doctor by the will of Lord Janssen is really pathetic. He advised the mother of the future writer, who suffers from consumption, to give birth: "Give birth, Eli. Childbirth is a great miracle "... Seven years later the writer's mother, who had not been faithful before, knelt in the mud and prayed fervently ... The whole population came to the funeral of the last holy city. Bessrebrenik Jansen, not aware of the weekend, living extremely ascetic, died, rescuing two boys who got into the sewer.

The Vasiliev family. Father's image

In detail the writer tells about his family: about the father, mother, grandmother, two sisters Galya and Ole. Thanks to the father's rations, the family did not starve, recalls Vasiliev Boris Lvovich ("My horses are flying"). However, in the house there was always only the most necessary. The cult of labor distinguished the way of life of the Vasilievs.

Touching and soulful is the image of his father. A small man who accepted the Revolution with all his heart, he, scorched by war, loved and recited poetry, initiated and created an auto club for children. And one day Boris Lvovich witnessed the real courage of his father when he prevented the fire by rolling out of the fire a hot and unbearable barrel with gasoline. Unshaven, always dressed in an officer's uniform, who does not recognize any other vehicle than a bicycle. He was happy when his son entered the armored academy, and is unhappy when he left her for creative work in the theater. Father did not live one year before the final creative formation of his son. The writer, after a long period of creative research, wrote the story "A dawn here are quiet," came to the grave of his father with the phrase that he did not wait for life: "Daddy, I did ...".

Impressive is a dream in which Boris Lvovich sees the late father, walking with him through the old, neglected garden. The sky is covered with autumn clouds, but in the garden it is quiet, light and warm. Bushes of currants and gooseberries are covered with leaves. Under them, except berries, are apples. However, the sun is not visible. The whole world comes from a father, calm, not expressing a son neither censure, nor approval, treating him to cool apples raised from the ground.

Grandmother - the first teacher of creativity

The artist's masterfully portrayed image of his beloved grandmother, an irrepressible dreamer, a noble, impractical and spiritually generous woman is unique. In its naive pursuit of goodness and justice, it somehow resembles Don Quixote. This she, with her own example, aroused the desire for creativity in little Boris. For a moment before her death, she, who had been silent before, opened her eyes and asked her daughter: "Where is Borya, Elia?" Where is my Borya? .. ".

Vasiliev - an idealist, coolly changing his destiny

On life and creative searches in detail tells readers the full content of "My horses are flying." Vasiliev talks about how he changed his destiny coolly three times at his own will. For the first time - enrolled in the engineering department in the armored academy. The second time - in 1954, demobilized "for the work of literary work", more precisely, wanting to write theater plays.

The third time - in 1969, when the writer, with 25 years of experience, finally realized and felt the peculiarities of his talent, understood what and how he should write, stopped working "for daily bread" and really began to create. He changed the theater to a cinema and was not mistaken.

Impressions of the war are hushed up by the writer-front-line soldier

Boris Lvovich, a front-line soldier and at the same time a thinker, humanist, writes very briefly about his participation in the Great Patriotic War. He does not idealize the war, considering science to kill forced, unnatural. The writer remembered the episode when, with a gray face, the principal on 22.06.1941 informed him and three other classmates about the beginning of the war. What was the reaction of the guys? At that time, the boys knew all types of weapons the way today's guys are oriented in car brands ... The reaction was paradoxical: the four boys, without a word, shouted: "Hooray! ..". And home from the front of them only Boris returned. The writer, after surviving the war, simply flipped through this page of his biography.

Climb to creativity

On 36 pages of the text it tells about itself, about its places, aspirations in the autobiographical novel "My horses are flying" Boris Vasiliev. The content of his story about the creative path includes several stages. He gratefully recollects the people who helped him in his creative development.

The head of the TsTSA (Central Theater of the Soviet Army) Popov Alexey Dmitrievich, who talked May 3, 1954 with a young writer Vasilyev, who wrote the play "Tankmen", influenced his decision on demobilization.

Director of the scenario studio VD Dulgerov, who contributed to the promotion of the screenplay of the movie "Another Flight" and the shooting of the film of the same name by the Sverdlovsk Film Studio. This studio was remembered by the acquaintance with Yu. Drunina and K. Rapoport.

Director Petrov Vladimir Mikhailovich, who contributed to the writer's understanding of the characteristics of his talent. He first began to work seriously with Vasilyev. Unfortunately, this did not last long: the director died a dignified death right on the set.

The writer Boris Nikolayevich Polevoy, whom Boris Lvovich told about his creative plans in 1954. He contributed to the creation of the story "And Dawns Here Are Quiet", which brought Vasilyev all-Union fame. Further were written "In the lists did not appear", "Tomorrow was the war", "Magnificent six", "Burning bush".

In the heart of every real officer, Boris Vasiliev's phrase "There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!" From the film "Officers", where Yumatov and Lanovoy played brilliantly, found its response.

In the last years of his life Vasiliev wrote historical novels about the princes of old Russia.


It is not by chance that Vasiliev Boris Lvovich wrote, "My horses are flying." The text of the work is read by booze. Readers of the story notice the paradox: the writer is so full-bloodedly tells about his being, which causes them the reciprocal need to seriously reflect on their own lives.

Breathtakingly expounds his thoughts Boris Vasiliev ("My horses are flying"). The summary of the story, following the course of the thought of its author, should contain both features of documentary, and a deep philosophy of life, and subtle unobtrusive humor. The narrative itself should not be literally behind the chronological order of events. It is similar, like the life of the author (by his own admission), to a bright patchwork quilt. The writer reveals to us all his creative potential, all his intangible riches. He really appears before us without any swagger, but with the true dignity of a creative person.

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