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Bellflower: description and application

In the world there are up to 300 kinds of bells. They are common in mixed and deciduous forests, ravines, meadows, along the banks of rivers. The majority grows all over Russia, and some of them can be found only in the Caucasus. The most famous of all species is the bell-shaped bell. It is used in landscape design, but is more widely known in folk medicine.


This plant is a two-year-old plant. Has a short, woody rhizome. A thin stalk with a height of 10 to 70 cm is covered with small wide-lanceolate leaves of a bluish hue. Large flowers (up to 3 cm) are located on long pedicels. On the blue-violet corolla with bent blades, dark veins are often seen. Behind the branchy stem, on which a lot of these beautiful flowers can be seen from the grass, and its name is called the bell-shaped bell (the Bellflower family). The fruit is a box with a slit-shaped aperture in the upper part. The flowering period lasts all summer, ending in late autumn.


Like many familiar plants, the bell has its own legends and stories. In England it is still believed that he brings prosperity to the house. He is considered a sacred plant in this country. Monks who wandered about the earth wore a flower around their necks, because it resembled a bell in a reduced form. It was believed that if the bell is spread out to bring home, then along with it will live happiness and luck.

Beneficial features

The most famous bell is spreading, the description of which is given above, with its therapeutic actions. Thanks to anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, soothing and anesthetic qualities, it is used to treat many diseases.

To prepare infusions, decoctions and tinctures apply all parts of the plant - flowers, roots, leaves and fruits with seeds.

The healing properties of the bell are due to its richest composition. It contains a large number of steroids, saponins, alkaloids, triterpenoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, anthocyanins, and nitrogen-containing compounds: stachidrine, choline and betaine. In addition, it found a lot of potassium and magnesium.

Medical use

Bells spread (photo is placed in this article) are widely used in the treatment of diseases associated with the female sphere, with epilepsy, headache. Compresses from infusions help with rheumatism, and also contribute to the early healing of wounds. Preparations made on the basis of this plant have antitussive effect and are used to treat inflammatory processes in the throat. Decoction of the roots is effective in hydrophobia.


  • In order to prepare a decoction, it will take 3 tbsp. Spoons of dried bell grass. It is poured in water in the amount of 400 g, then put on the fire and boil for 3-4 minutes. Then the broth is left for an hour, filters and consumes at least 3 times a day for half or a third of the glass. Prepared infusion should be drunk in small sips, so it is better absorbed.
  • For the treatment of female diseases, the bell is brewed in this way: 2 teaspoons of fresh or dried flowers are poured into one glass of boiling water and allowed to stand for 2 hours. Drink the resulting infusion you need three times a day after eating 1 tablespoon. Spoon.
  • In viral diseases, the bell root is used. It is tanned in a water bath and allowed to stand for two hours under a well-closed lid.
  • In addition, viral and infectious diseases are treated with a decoction of dry grass bell. To do this, 3 tbsp. Spoons of raw material are poured in water (500 ml) and kept on low heat, closing the lid, for 5 minutes. After percolation, drink half a glass after eating.
  • To treat the stomach or kidneys prepare painkiller infusion: 20 g of dry raw materials boil with boiling water (500 ml) and insist for 2 hours. Take one-time pain for half a glass.
  • To prepare a soothing bath, you need 100 g of dry grass, which is poured with a liter of boiling water, and after cooling, pouring out, poured into a bath. This procedure is very effective in stress and neurosis.
  • Compress, which helps with radiculitis and articular pain, is prepared from the infusion of the bell. For this 2 tbsp. Spoons of raw material are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 40 minutes under the lid. After filtering, the infusion is ready for use. It is moistened with cotton swabs and applied to a sore spot.


Like most medicinal plants, the spreading bell is not recommended for everyone. For people with an individual intolerance to this plant, it is contraindicated, and pregnant women can use it only as prescribed by the doctor.

Bell in landscape design

This flower can decorate any garden. With its help create whole bells lawn. The plant is rather unpretentious and grows well even on the shaded area. Prefers weakly alkaline, well drained soils. However, in natural conditions, it occurs less and less.

At present, the spreading bell is on the verge of extinction. This is due to the fact that it began to collect in large numbers, including for commercial purposes. Among all the variety in Italy, for example, only 6 species of this flower survived.

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