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As in Excel, remove the inscription "Page 1": the simplest technique

Many users of Excel spreadsheets are sometimes perplexed about the appearance on the sheet behind the text of the inscriptions with the indication of page numbers. Most users do not know how to remove the word "Page 1" in Excel, trying to get rid of it using the commands of the main menus. Meanwhile, nothing complicated in this. Next, two simple methods are proposed for consideration, which are essentially identical actions to each other.

Why does the word "Page 1" appear?

First, let's look at the reason for the appearance of such inscriptions. This is due only to the fact that the page mode Excel is used to view the book (document). To remove the inscription "Page 1" in this variant of the display can be quite simple, but, apparently, this mode was accidentally or intentionally turned on by the user. This is the so-called leafing.

Thus, the essence of the question of how to remove the inscription "Page 1" or display the subsequent numbering in Excel is reduced to switching to a different type of display of document content, different from page one. There are two simple solutions for this.

As in Excel, remove the inscription "Page 1": the first way

So, first of all, pay attention to the status bar located at the bottom of the main program window. To the left of the scaling slider there are three small buttons that are responsible for switching between modes (such buttons are available for any program included in Microsoft office suites, but are responsible for various visualization of documents).

To turn off visualization of the display of page numbers, simply press one of the buttons responsible for the normal viewing mode or displaying the page layout. Thus, after pressing one of them, the numbers disappear.

How to remove the inscription "Page 1" in Excel: the second way

In principle, the second method differs little from the first, only similar actions are performed not by switching modes with buttons, but using tools and menus of the top panel.

How in Excel to remove the inscription "Page 1" in this case? Very simple. First you need to enter the view menu and on the resulting panel find the block responsible for viewing the document. As a rule, it is located directly in the appeared tape on the leftmost edge. In the same way as in the previous case, you can use the button to enable the markup mode or the normal view. As already understood, after such actions the numbering disappears.

A few words for the total

Just want to disappoint all users: in addition to the two methods presented, there are no more options for turning off the numbering. When you are in the page mode of document display, any attempts at finding solutions will be futile.

But a little distracting from the topic, you can ask a completely natural question about whether it really prevents the appearance of numbering? In some cases, it helps to navigate in the data of the document, especially if the book contains many pages and pages. However, this is already a personal matter for each user.

If you sum up a selection of the switching method, I think using the buttons on the status bar looks much simpler than using the view menu, although both methods are absolutely equivalent to each other. In general, to whom as it is more convenient. In addition, it should be noted that in different versions of the office suite, the toolbars can differ quite strongly, so sometimes you will have to find the content you need. But the above examples work equally well in modifications, starting from 2007 and higher (the 2003 package is not considered because it is practically not used by anyone today, although it looks very convenient in terms of the location of the tools and controls).

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