
Artificial Reservoir. Pond In The Garden

When planning a garden plot, they always try to allocate a recreation area. As a rule, it is located in the most comfortable zone. The basis for the recreation area can serve as trees or shrubs that create an element of proximity to nature, flower beds with beautiful flowers and green lawns. A big plus is the uneven terrain. In the lower part of the plot you can build an artificial reservoir, and on the hill - an alpine hill with a cascading waterfall and a creek.

If the family has children, you can not do without a platform with a swing and a sandbox. The older generation will want terraces or recreational areas near which decorative trees or shrubs will grow, a stream will flow or a small waterfall will flow.

When designing, the place of rest is best divided into separate zones, without forgetting at the same time that:

- a playground for children should be visible from the windows of the house;

- A place for sports can be done on the lawn;

- The flower garden is best organized in a flat place;

- a deformed body of water, as already mentioned above, it is desirable to place in the lowest part of the site.

I would like to talk a little more about the reservoir.

When planning an artificial pond on your site , you will need to make a stream or an artificial waterfall flowing into your pond. They are important not only from an aesthetic point of view, although for the beauty of your garden, a cascading waterfall can play a major role and become that highlight that will revitalize the entire landscape landscape of your site. A stream or a waterfall is necessary in order to organize the circulation of water in a decorative reservoir, this can be done with submersible or centrifugal pumps that will supply water from the pond to an artificial stream or a decorative waterfall. Circulation in an artificial reservoir is needed to ensure that the water is constantly in motion and not stagnated. This will help to avoid its "flowering" and as a consequence of the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the reservoir and the turbidity of the water. Of course, it will not be superfluous to install filters for biomechanical cleaning, and if it is a large pond or a swimming pond, then ultraviolet lamps. Since in the summer in very hot weather, only circulation of water in an artificial reservoir may not be enough to maintain a bolognical balance in the pond. It is also necessary to install skimmers to collect dirt and fallen leaves from the surface of the water surface of the reservoir. If you want to run fish in your artificial pond, then in addition to the whole campfire of water purification - filter, pump, skimmer and y. F. Emitter, install a water aerator. With the help of the aerator, water is enriched with oxygen, this is necessary for normal life of fish. But the most correct, in any case, for projecting and building an artificial pond of large sizes, it will be better to turn to specialists. A lot of useful information on the construction of an artificial water basin, its cleaning system and seasonal pond care activities, as well as the necessary equipment can be found on the portal www.pruddecor.ru

In addition, in the recreation area, you can arrange various sculptures, benches, gazebos, natural stone compositions, flower pots, hedges and many other decorative items. Everything depends on the tastes and wishes of the owners. The main thing is that rest in such a place restores strength and lifts the mood.

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