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And are you interested in knowing how much the cow weighs? Maximum weight of a cow and a bull

Cows are large animals that are the basis of agriculture in many countries. And they are valued not only thanks to a large amount of nutritious milk, but also thanks to their meat. In animal husbandry, it is very important the amount of product that a given individual can give. Therefore, it is so important for every owner to know how much the cow weighs. And this indicator depends on many factors.

What influences weight

First of all, how much the cow weighs depends on its breed. Representatives of different breeds can weigh from 150 kg to a ton. In terms of productivity, animals are divided into dairy and meat. From the name it is clear that the first cows have a high yield, while the latter are a source of more meat.

In addition to the breed, weight depends on stress, conditions of keeping, age of the animal. It is worthwhile to elaborate on each point to understand how much the cow weighs. This is especially important for those who are going to first purchase this animal.

Dairy breeds

Animals of such breeds give high indicators of yield, while milk has a high fat content. However, the meat of such cattle is much less nutritious than meat cows. In our country the following are the most common breeds of dairy:

- Red steppe. How much does the average cow of this breed weigh? About 400-500 kg. An adult bull-producer can have a mass of up to 900 kg.

- Black-and-white breed is not less common, and the weight of these animals is not too different from the previous ones. The female weighs about 500 kg, the male weighs 800 kg.

- Kholmogory. This breed is one of the very first ones bred in our country. The weight of an adult cow of this breed also depends on external factors, the average weight of Kholmogory cows is 500 kg. However, certain representatives are known, reaching a mass of 800 kg.

- Holstein. One of the largest dairy cows. Their average weight is 650 kg. Bulls can weigh about 1200 kg.


These animals are grown specifically to get tasty and healthy meat. As much meat as possible. It is for this reason that the owner of a cow or herds of this direction is so important to keep track of how much the cow weighs. In accordance with the indicators, you can change their diet, conditions of detention or make a decision about the time of slaughter. The meat of these animals has high taste qualities and is a biologically complete product. The weight of animals, depending on the method of fattening and the breed, varies between 650-850 kg in cows and 900-1350 kg in bulls.

The most known breeds of cows are meat direction: Hereford, Aquitanian light, Russian komolaya, Auliekolskaya, Kalmyk, Belgian blue, Kazakh white-headed, Galloway, Kian, Aberdeen-Angus.

Meat-milk cows

In addition to these, there are intermediate rocks. Animals belonging to them have high rates both in quality and quantity of milk, and in the same parameters of meat. However, according to the best indicators of the specialized direction, they lose.

Thus, a cow belonging to this direction will give more milk than meat, and more meat than milk. At the same time, it weighs less than meat and gives milk less than a dairy cow of the same age.

The most famous breeds of this trend are Kostroma, Lebedin, Alatau, Red Gorbatov, Simmental.


Stressful situations strongly affect how much the cow weighs on average. And the longer an animal is in a state of stress, the more mass it loses. Especially it is worth considering this before selling the animal to slaughter, because the value in this case is each kilogram.

It is very important to bear in mind that cattle is the owner of an extensive digestive tract. It contains not only food, but also liquid. Thus, how much the cow weighs (live) depends on the fullness of its internals.

Even during the day the weight of the animal changes. In the morning, after a night's sleep, they weigh much less than during the day and evening, after filling the stomach.

Only with manure and urine is lost to 4.5 kg of the animal's weight. If the cow is in a stressful state, the weight loss can be up to 18% - this is very much.

Thus, prolonged transportation can significantly affect how much the cow weighs on average. And an animal with a much smaller body weight will arrive at the final destination.


Everything is simple and clear. A young or old animal weighs much less than an adult healthy individual. If carcasses of young animals reach only 100-150 kg, then the mass of an adult animal will depend on the breed, the method of keeping and the conditions of feeding.

Feeding and maintenance conditions

Important for the milestones of livestock, but a particularly important role in the meat industry. It is clear that even a thoroughbred and promising animal, grazing all day on the grass, will not weigh as much as an average cow weighs, in the diet of which there are both cereals, legumes, and vitamin supplements.

In addition, meat animals are not recommended for long walks, which contribute to weight loss.

Meat content

A cow is not 100% meat at all. To roughly calculate how much the cow weighs meat, one must bear in mind that only the intestine is about 30% of the total mass. In addition, the calculation should not take and some parts of the animal, not representing nutritional value. It is for this reason that it is preferable to sell the cow even for meat with live weight.


It is clear that the bulls weigh a lot more cows. Sometimes even more than twice. But there are individuals that are much larger than not only cows, but also all their brethren. Some of these animals are even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest known bull lived in the last century in Switzerland. Donneto weighed 1,740 kg, his height at the withers was 190 cm. He belonged to the porcelain breed of cows. Despite its truly gigantic size, the bull was famous for its good temper and was even nicknamed the Dobriak Donneto.

Another outstanding bull - Chile, belongs to the mersian breed, derived earlier from porcelain. A small calf was found near the shelter in Fern (Britain). Nothing indicated that in just ten years he would become a celebrity. Today tourists are brought to him. At the age of ten the animal weighed 1,300 kg, but annually the bull typed more than 100 kg. Like Donneto, Chile is known as a kind and affectionate creature, differing, however, with enviable obstinacy. It is simply impossible to move a bull from its place without his desire.

Another representative of the freesian breed is Trigger. His height at the withers is 196 cm and his weight is 1200 kg. Curiously, they wanted to kill him with a calf, but the neighbor bought it and did not lose it. The length of the Trigger from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail is 4.3 m. At present, the "kid" continues to gain weight, which gives him a chance to get into the "Guinness Book of Records." Like many giants, Trigger is good-natured and sweet. He likes to graze in a meadow and eat apples. Despite the good nature, the horns were cut to him so that he did not accidentally injure anyone.

The largest bull today is the Field Marshal of the Charolais breed. Its height at the withers is 190 cm. At the same time it weighs 1700 kg. Born and lives this giant in England. Good temper, long hair and shaggy ears made him a favorite of the whole district. Curiously, this animal eats a bit about its weight. Practically all the year round the bull spends on pasture. Cows of this rare breed are also unique in that they often bring in two calves, which is not characteristic for cattle.

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