EducationSecondary education and schools

An educational electronic resource is what?

In connection with the modernization of Russian education, teachers use not only traditional forms of education, but also introduce innovative methods. Let's talk about what are the requirements for an electronic educational resource.

What is ESM

Federal electronic educational resources are educational materials that are reproduced with the help of electronic devices. In general, EORs equate sound recordings and video films, which can be reproduced with the help of a player or a tape recorder. The most effective and modern records are called digital resources, meaning that they can be reproduced using digital devices.

The difference between textbooks and ESM

Educational electronic resource is a convenient option for distance learning of schoolchildren with health problems (inclusive education). So, the usual textbook is not available to schoolchildren with poor eyesight, to the same the books are heavy, because of which schoolchildren often "forget" their homes.

Classification of ESM

There is a certain classification of electronic educational resources. They are divided into several groups:

  1. Texting. The material appears in the form of illustrations or text on a computer monitor, not on paper. If you want, you can print the desired article or image at any time.
  2. Text EOR with navigation by material. In this case, the electronic educational resources include such books, which can be read on the PC, passing at any time to the desired page. Specifying the desired term, you can read its characteristic (definition) in an additional small window or change instantly the screen contents by specifying the phrase (key phrase). Navigating through the text occurs non-linearly, and a text-based product is called hypertext.
  3. The third educational electronic resource is a visual or sound fragment. Animation, sound make the learning process interesting and exciting for schoolchildren.

Application of multimedia EOR

In English, the word "multimedia" means "many ways". And such educational electronic resource is a representation of studied objects with the help of graphics, sound, video, photo, animation. In other words, an educational electronic resource is all that a person will perceive with the help of the organs of hearing and sight.

Currently, the term "multimedia" is used quite widely, in this regard, you need to understand what it will be related to. For example, e-learning resources include thematic educational videos that can be viewed using a projector and a PC. And the multimedia EOR implies the ability to reproduce simultaneously on the computer screen the sum of objects that are represented in a variety of ways. Of course, this implies not a meaningless confusion of objects that do not have an interconnection, but a choice of objects that are subject to a certain didactic topic. They should be logically connected with each other, form a unified view of the schoolchildren about the phenomenon being studied or the process.

The degree of adequacy of representation in a fragment of the real world characterizes the quality of the created multimedia product. An innovative expression recognizes the "virtual reality", which implies the use of multimedia components containing a visual three-dimensional series and stereo sound.

Methods for presenting ESM

Considering the list of electronic educational resources, we note their structure. ESM can be in the form of educational material, broken into separate blocks. In each of them apply graphic illustrations, text fragments, programs, elements of hypermedia.

Recently, electronic resources in educational institutions have become a familiar phenomenon. Teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the education of schoolchildren, according to the Federal standards of the new generation, are immediately completed with the ESM. The functional possibilities of using ESM in the modern educational process are largely determined by didactic characteristics:

  • Interactivity;
  • Communicative;
  • Providing educational material in the form of text, animation, graphics, video, audio multimedia means;
  • Use of computer modeling for the analysis of educational objects;
  • Automation of different types of educational activities.

The Purpose of ESM

Consider the use of electronic educational resources in the learning process. ESM makes it possible to implement the following tasks:

  1. Organize the independent cognitive activity of students.
  2. Provide individual educational support for the educational work of each student by professional teachers.
  3. Organize group learning activities using the resources of information and communication technologies.

Features of ESM

Depending on the use in the educational process, it is common to divide all ESM into several types:

  • Distributed resources that are located in the ITS. For example, electronic educational resources for informatics can be placed in electronic libraries, storages, on educational portals. They are necessary for distance learning, which assumes a remote access mode based on ICT technologies.
  • ESM for use in local networks of educational organizations and institutions.
  • Single-user resources, which are designed primarily for use on personal computers. This group involves the use of CD or DVD media.

Taking into account age characteristics in the compilation of ESM

The peculiarity of the electronic educational resource is that it takes into account the target level and the level of instruction. So, general education is designed for preschool, primary, basic, secondary general education, and professional are created for additional training of those who have higher education.

Depending on the form of training, the portal of electronic educational resources URGEU offers resources for full-time, correspondence, full-time, family education, external studies, self-education.

The target audience

Equally, electronic resources are used by applicants, pedagogical workers, methodologists, scientists, students, technical specialists.

Depending on the type of resources, you can find the following types of materials:

  • Educational material. It includes virtual problem books, laboratory practicals, training aids, tests, lecture notes, training electronic courses, control questions.
  • Educational-methodical kit. In electronic form, it is possible to select methodological instructions, curricula, programs, and lesson plans.
  • Reference material. For example, in the form of ESM, databases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books are offered.
  • Demonstration and illustrative kit. It includes visual maps, atlases, albums, visual aids.
  • Additional information material. In electronic form it is possible to study textbooks, printed publications, popular scientific publications, advertising and information materials.
  • Regulations. Teachers can study the national pedagogical standard, job descriptions, regulations.
  • Periodical electronic editions.

Depending on their direct purpose, the ESM is divided into scientific, educational, scientific-popular, reference, leisure, artistic, mass-political, production-practical and reference.

Functions of electronic educational resources

Depending on the purpose of the ESM for the educational process, they are divided into several types:

  • learning programs;
  • Reader;
  • Educational and methodological kits for certain academic disciplines;
  • Dictionaries;
  • Reference books;
  • Lecture notes;
  • Workshops.

The last group of ESMs is of particular importance for the implementation of the tasks set for educators of educational institutions after the introduction of the federal state educational standards of the second generation.

Such resources include sets of practical works, laboratory exercises, virtual workshops, business games, research and design activities. At the initial stage of teaching, illustrative materials are widely used: sets of animations and slides, audio and video accompanying lessons. Teachers of chemistry, biology, physics use teaching and methodological kits at the primary and secondary schools.

Thanks to the ESM, the motivation of children to conduct laboratory and practical work is increased, and the cognitive activity of the younger generation is stimulated. Depending on the degree of didactic support, the following types of ESM can be selected:

  • specialty;
  • subject;
  • Section of the discipline;
  • Part of the subject.

According to the option of providing information, all modern electronic resources are divided into software products, multimedia ESM and visual materials. And given the physiological and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren, educators tear for the educational process active, mixed, descriptive or uncertain ESM.

Before applying electronic books or manuals to work with children, the teacher checks their compliance with the current Federal state educational standards of the second generation.

There is a classification of electronic resources by type of application and distribution to offline, the Internet, as well as resources for interactive school boards. Depending on the technical equipment of the educational institution, the teacher chooses that group of ESM, the application of which will be optimal in a particular situation. And content content involves the use of presentation resources, multimedia ESM or special training systems.

The Government of the Russian Federation recently gives special attention to the education of children who have certain health problems, so they can not attend classes in a regular school together with their peers. A special program on inclusive education was developed and is successfully functioning. Its implementation is impossible without the use of electronic educational resources of various types. Also there is a special virtual school, in which the children, along with their mentors, perform interesting tasks. In addition to the use of electronic educational resources directly during the lessons, the children have access to them outside the school hours. This is an offline electronic textbook, which is characterized by a developed search system based on a glossary, content, hyperlinks. In such manuals, the paper basis has been transferred to the electronic version.

Examples of the use of ESM in the educational process

The chemistry teacher no longer represents his activities without the active use of presentations, video fragments, and the presentation before the beginning of practical work of the introductory safety briefing . In the absence of chemical reagents at school, the teacher conducts a "virtual" practical work, taking advantage of the necessary ESMs in chemistry. In addition, in the electronic collection, which is created at the federal level, there are resources demonstrating experiments that are prohibited for TB in the school laboratory. The guys are happy to watch the experiments, accompanied by the release of light, heat, energy.


In the Russian Federation, the first and second generation ESMs were created at the all-Russian level. The first include a variety of digital educational resources (CDR), for example, the platform 1C.

The second generation is represented by the resources of the FTSIOR, which are reproduced using a special OMC-player. They are built using technologies and standards SCORM, Flash, Java. The creation of second-generation electronic educational resources by educators requires knowledge of the basics of programming, which is unrealistic for most teachers. Many teachers are trying to create their own electronic resources based on the Microsoft PowerPoint program.

In order to simplify the life of modern teachers, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed special digital collections for each academic discipline. Concerning the use of ESM in Linux, we note that at present they are used extremely rarely. The reason is that many teachers do not know how to use it. All electronic resources offered for use in general education institutions are pre-screened. In case of non-compliance with their requirements, which are advanced by new federal standards, ESMs are not recommended for use in schools and colleges.

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