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What is the cause of air movement in the atmosphere?

The main reason for the movement of air in the atmosphere is the pressure drop in the layers of the atmosphere, which are several above the ground. At the bottom, the greatest density and oxygen saturation is felt. When the gaseous substance is raised as a result of heating, a rarefaction occurs at the bottom, which tends to fill with neighboring layers. So winds and hurricanes arise because of daytime and evening temperature changes.

What for the wind is necessary?

If there was no reason for the movement of air in the atmosphere, the vital activity of any organism ceased. The wind helps to reproduce to plants, animals. He moves the clouds and is the driving force in the water cycle on Earth. Due to climate change, the terrain is cleared of dirt, microorganisms.

Without food a person can withstand about a few weeks, without water for not more than 3 days, and without air for not more than 10 minutes. All living things on Earth depend on oxygen, moving together with air masses. The continuity of this process is maintained by the sun. The change of day and night leads to fluctuations in temperature on the surface of the planet.

In the atmosphere, there is always a movement of air, pressing on the surface of the Earth with a pressure of 1,033 g per millimeter. This person almost does not feel this mass, but when we move it horizontally, we perceive it as a wind. In hot countries, the breeze is the only relief from the growing baking in the desert and steppes.

How does the wind form?

The main reason for air movement in the atmosphere is the displacement of the layers under the influence of temperature. The physical process is related to the properties of gases: to change its volume, expand when heated and taper under the influence of cold.

The main and additional cause of air movement in the atmosphere:

  • Temperature changes under the influence of the sun are uneven. This is due to the shape of the planet (in the form of a sphere). Some parts of the Earth warm up less, others more. A difference in atmospheric pressure is created.
  • The eruption of volcanoes sharply raises the temperature of the air.
  • The heating of the atmosphere as a result of human activity: emissions of vapors from cars and industry raise the temperature on the planet.
  • Cooled oceans and seas at night cause air movement.
  • The explosion of an atomic bomb leads to rarefaction in the atmosphere.

The mechanism of motion of gaseous layers on the planet

The reason for the movement of air in the atmosphere is the uneven temperature. Heated from the surface of the Earth, the layers rise upward, where the density of the gaseous substance rises. The chaotic process of redistribution of the masses begins - the wind. Heat is gradually given to neighboring molecules, which leads them also into the vibrational-translational motion.

The reason for the movement of air in the atmosphere is the relationship between temperature and pressure in gaseous substances. The wind continues until the initial state of the layers of the planet is balanced. But such a condition will never be achieved, due to the following factors:

  • Rotational and translational motion of the Earth around the Sun.
  • The uneven unevenness of the warmed up parts of the planet.
  • The activity of living things directly affects the state of the whole ecosystem.

To completely disappear the wind, we must stop the planet, remove all life from the surface and hide it in the shadow of the Sun. Such a state can occur with the complete destruction of the Earth, but the forecasts of scientists are still comforting: this is expected by mankind in millions of years.

Strong sea wind

A stronger movement of air in the atmosphere is observed on the coasts. This is due to uneven heating of the soil and water. Less heated rivers, seas, lakes, oceans. The soil glows instantly, giving off heat to the gaseous substance above the surface.

Heated air rushes sharply upward, and the resulting rarefaction tends to fill. And since the density of air above the water is higher, the wind direction is formed towards the coast. This effect is especially well felt in hot countries during the day. At night, the whole process is changing, there is already a movement of air towards the sea - a night breeze.

In general, the breeze is called the wind, changing direction twice a day two times in opposite directions. Monsoons have similar properties, only they blow in the hot season from the sea side, and in the cold seasons - towards the land.

How is the wind determined?

The main cause of air movement in the atmosphere is the uneven distribution of heat. The rule is true in all situations in nature. Even a volcanic eruption first heats the gaseous layers, and only then does the wind rise.

Check all the processes can be by installing weather vanes, or, more simply, flags sensitive to the flow of air. The flat shape of a freely rotating device does not allow it to be across the wind. It tries to turn in the direction of motion of the gaseous substance.

Often the wind is felt by the body, by clouds, by the smoke of the chimney. It is difficult to notice weak flows, it requires wetting your finger, it will freeze from the windward side. You can also use a light piece of cloth or a balloon filled with helium, so the flag rises on the masts.

Wind Power

It is important not only the cause of the movement of air, but also its strength, determined on a ten-point scale:

  • 0 points - wind speed in absolute calm;
  • Up to 3 - weak or moderate flow up to 5 m / s;
  • From 4 to 6 - a strong wind speed of about 12 m / s;
  • From 7 to 9 points - a storm warning is sounded , speed is up to 22 m / s;
  • From 8 to 12 points and above - is called a hurricane, demolishes even roofs from houses, buildings are collapsing.

What is a tornado, or a tornado?

The movement of thunderclouds causes mixed air currents. Counter flow is not able to overcome a dense barrier and rushes upwards, penetrating the clouds. Passing clots of gaseous substances, the wind falls down.

Often conditions are formed when there is a twisting of flows gradually amplified by suitable winds. The tornado is gaining strength and the speed of the wind is such that the train can easily fly into the atmosphere. North America is the leader in the number of such phenomena per year. Tornadoes cause millions of losses for the population, they take a large number of lives.

Other variants of wind formation

Strong winds can erase from the surface any formations, even mountains. The only type of non-temperature reason for the motion of air masses is the blast wave. After triggering an atomic charge, the velocity of the gaseous substance is such that it blows away the multiton structures, like dust particles.

A strong stream of atmospheric air occurs when large meteorites fall or earth crust fractures occur. Similar phenomena are observed during the tsunami after the tremors. The melting of polar ice leads to similar conditions in the atmosphere.

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