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Riddle about a garden and a garden for children

Kids just love to play with their parents. Therefore, the mystery about the garden, and the problem of mathematics will be solved easily and simply, if you translate the occupation into a game form. In this issue, you can fully use the imagination to the event was fun and carefree.

Why do children make riddles

Children should regularly make riddles about the garden and garden, about nature or animals, because it is very useful for the developing personality. The questions to be answered are:

  • To develop imagination;
  • To show talents and skills;
  • Develop perseverance;
  • To teach the child to listen to your words;
  • Develop logical thinking;
  • Learn how to participate in public events;
  • Cause desire and desire to achieve results.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to come up with interesting puzzles about the garden and the garden to fill the kid with new skills and useful information.

How to translate a lesson into a game form

Of course, it is important for the child that the lessons are not difficult and compulsory. It is worthwhile to think over a program in which the resolution of tasks will be easy and fascinating. It is not necessary to write scripts so that the son or daughter liked the riddle about the garden, it is enough to come up with interesting options for passing the game event. For example, you can arrange a baton in which for each question, to which the answer is received, the child will receive a chip. At the end of the game, in terms of the number of chips, hand in the supposed gifts.

At what events can you use children's riddles about the garden

Logical tasks with ease will fit absolutely into any holiday. Riddles about a garden with answers can be used during a child's birthday. Also, while relaxing in nature, this entertainment is sure to appeal to the children. Yes, and if just a guest gathered the younger generation, it's worth pampering them with fun races using riddles.

Riddles about garden and garden for the smallest

Children, who are still very small, should come up with simple, understandable problems. Exciting puzzles about the garden for children can be as follows:

  • еще картошка, помидоры и грибочки. At the grandmother in the country there grow flowers, and also potatoes, tomatoes and mushrooms.
  • оторые хочется скушать, еще там вишня растет, потом в компот попадет. There are apples and pears, you want to eat them, still there is a cherry growing, then in compote will get.
  • A strawberry, we take it from there, and we will collect pears with apples on it.
  • The grandmother digs the earth, puts tomatoes and trees and water, then treats them with apples. Where does she grow so much?
  • You saw in the country house that the apple fell, then went and took it to your mouth it got. Where does this tree grow? Of course, this is .... (garden).
  • There are tomatoes, cucumbers, in places there are flowers. I grabbed the strawberries there to give to my daughter.
  • At the dacha we come and work together there, so that in the spring and summer there a delicious fruit appeared.
  • Apple, pear, cherry, cherry - all this tasty is, to be honest. The grandmother watered, the ground loosened, because she was worrying for the fruits. Where does this occur, where does the cherry grow? Well, guys, someone will understand?
  • A tasty strawberry there you collect, and grandmother potatoes into the ground deepens.
  • A grandmother and grandfather worked there for a year to make juicy tomatoes. More cucumbers and potatoes, and strawberries with malinka a little.
  • Grandmother went there and apples from the trees snatched. She also collected raspberries and then treated you.
  • You like to work there, pick berries. Grandmother planted them, they are very sweet. What kind of place, who will answer, who guessed, children?
  • There carrots, corn, pumpkin, zucchini. Grandmother planted them, and then lay down on the barrel. While the granny is resting, the harvest ripens.
  • You take pears, apples, and I tear out the pumpkin, zucchini. Still growing here are delicious berries. They are very much to collect from there you.

Approximately such a mystery about the garden will be easily solved even by the smallest children. Most importantly - enthusiastically and with an expression of her voice.

Riddles for school children

When the sons and daughters are already attending the school, they will solve the riddles about the garden for children with great enthusiasm, in order to escape from everyday activities. Approximately the tasks may be as follows:

  • Dill, parsley grow there and juicy tomatoes. We collect them together, create a delicious salad.
  • Where grow a strawberry, sweet malinka, apples and pears, tomatoes that you want to eat so much?
  • Yesterday we planted a tree, it was watered abundantly. Then there will grow fruits. Where does this happen, you know?
  • Currant, strawberries and raspberries, also tomato, and zucchini. Where does all this grow, tell me, my friend?
  • Yesterday you broke there, loosened up, then poured the seeds. And soon they will grow tomatoes, cucumbers, we really love them.
  • At the dacha there we collect fruits and vegetables from there on the table. Tell me, guys, all this is growing where?
  • Apples, pears, and you can eat them. Everyone is happy when he comes to our .... (garden).

Also, children of school age, you can ask riddles about plants in the garden and garden. They can be of the following content:

  • Red, round, juice lets in and usually gets in a salad (tomato).

  • расная начинка. Green striped, to the rasher filling. Eat it in the summer and Sasha, and Alinka (watermelon).
  • Round, sweet on the tree grows, who eats it, health will find (apple).
  • Red berries grow on the tree, you collect them in the summer, eat them and throw them in the compote (cherry).
  • Like a piggy in appearance, but green and lying on the ground (zucchini).
  • Orange in the land of beauty, and on the ground is a green braid (carrot).
  • Sweet, red, and with sugar in general beautiful (strawberry).
  • Burrow into the ground a little, but it turns out a lot ... (potatoes).

  • а огороде его я сорву. From it caviar and ragout, and I will tear off his vegetable garden. Looks like a piglet, but does not grunt (zucchini).
  • Green bug, sweet, delicious ... (cucumber).
  • Green grass, the salad is always put (dill).
  • It's bitter, it's plucked, but it's very useful for a cold. Still put it in food. What is it, tell me, children? (Bow).

In any case, the riddle about the garden for boys and girls of school age should be such that it was necessary to think and use logic to solve it.

Mysteries for Adult Children

Adult children and their parents can also come up with interesting puzzles about the garden and the garden. For example:

  • картошку на нем сажаешь. At the dacha you come and potatoes on it you plant.
  • A shovel, a hoe, a rake - all this is necessary here.
  • Here you plant trees, then wait for the fruits to grow.
  • On the ground, both the tree and the fruit grow, what it is, we know - ... (vegetable garden).
  • There you and an apple, and a pear you can rip off and immediately eat.

How to motivate a child to solve problems

To make the game make sense and not be boring and monotonous, it is worthwhile to come up with a motivation for your child. For example, you can give a toy for a victory, and a consolation prize to make a kinder-surprise. You can also come up with a cumulative motivation system for the child. Thus, balls are collected during the week, and at the end of the period, the son or daughter receives a reward according to the results of his labors.

Have fun and have fun with your child. Babies are very fond of spending time with their parents!

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