
Amazing mint properties

Peppermint is a plant that long ago found its way from kitchen tables to medicine. In the kitchen, peppermint has a wide range of uses: it is seasoned with fish, lamb, tomatoes, cucumbers, legume dishes, it perfectly fits both to young potatoes. But, despite its various uses in cooking, the properties of mint are still more appreciated as a natural remedy. In total there are about 25 species of this plant. But medicine uses only one - peppermint, which, in turn, also has subspecies: English, noble and tea mint (which we all know well for tea drinks).

Mint composition

Most peppermint is valued for its stalk and leaves, which must be collected before flowering, because it is during this period that the plant contains the most menthol - essential oil, which gives the mint a characteristic, easily recognizable aroma. The medicinal properties of mint are mainly due to menthol, its content in the leaves is about 2.5%, and in the inflorescences about 5%. In addition, important components in the plant are limonin, esters, felandren, jasmin, pinene, mentofuran, piperitone. Also mint contains rosemary, ascorbic and coffee acid, flavanoids, bitter, tannins, carotene and many other useful substances.

Mint must be collected from April to September, and the most useful are the leaves of mint, which are collected before its flowering.

Useful properties of mint in the treatment of diseases and ailments,

With problems with the skin and just for good health

Peppermint, the properties of which are very diverse, is accepted both internally and externally. Most often use water infusion or tea from mint, less often - alcohol tinctures and decoctions.

So, lotions and rubbing with infusion of mint are useful for sensitive, tender, easily inflamed skin. They tone up skin cells, perfectly remove rashes and itching. To make such a brew, pour a spoonful of dried peppermint leaves 200 grams of boiling water, insist and filter for half an hour. This infusion can be used separately for rubbing the body or face.

Anti-inflammatory properties of mint are also widely known, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis, angina and colds. But keep in mind that with a cold in children, especially babies, you can not lubricate the nasopharynx of a child with menthol, as this can lead to difficulty or even stopping his breathing. In addition, some babies (sometimes adults) are allergic to menthol. When colds are recommended to drink mint tea: a tablespoon of dry mint leaves pour 200 grams of boiling water, 10 minutes to stand and drink. But the essential oil of peppermint should be added to water during inhalations to get rid of a persistent cough.

The medicinal properties of mint cause its benefits for the digestive system: the stomach and intestines. Infusions and teas from mint are used to stimulate digestion, abdominal pain, to combat nausea and stomach disorders, vomit, for the prevention of gastritis. This is because the plant stimulates the production of saliva and gastric juice. But just for this reason it is contraindicated for heartburn. In addition, tannins in mint inhibit the intestinal activity of bacteria, helping to get rid of this from diarrhea.

Peppermint perfectly helps with heart and vascular problems: dilates the vessels, thereby helping to fight high blood pressure and palpitation, especially when mixing in equal parts the infusion of mint, chamomile and valerian. But such properties of the plant make it unsafe for people with marked low blood pressure (hypotonic).

Still mint is very effective for headaches. So, to get rid of migraines, you need to rub menthol oil (10%) into the whiskey, forehead and the back of the head. For the same purposes, you can use fresh peppermint leaves (tied to the forehead) or menthol pencil.

Extremely favorable mint to calm the nervous system. You can put dried mint leaves in a pillowcase, then you will fall asleep more quickly, and sleep will be calmer and tighter. And, of course, as we all know, for peace of mind tea with mint is useful .

With symptoms of menopause, mint broth will help women fight.

Another plant is used for oral disinfection, since mint infusions effectively fight bacteria, reduce gingival inflammation and freshen breath. With a bad smell from his mouth rinse with infusion: a spoon of mint is poured 500 gr of boiling water, 2 hours stand, filter.

Anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of the plant make it an excellent medicine for spasms and pains, such as colic, stomach pain, intestinal swelling, hiccups, indigestion.

And tannins, available in mint, protect against intestinal irritation, which is very useful for removing cuts in diarrhea, fighting ulcerative colitis and spastic constipation.

The bitterness of the plant stimulates the gallbladder and liver, so it is used to purify the liver and remove gall stones from the gallbladder. The choleretic property of mint is also known (since it promotes the flow and development of bile).

Mint infusion can be used to combat acne and dermatitis; He will eliminate the greasy shine and narrow the pores. They can wipe the skin or freeze the infusion and mint ice cubes to wipe the face.

When fungi (fungi), you need to grind the mint with salt between the toes, then put the gruel between the fingers for an hour. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

Healing properties of tea with a peppermint help with convulsive colitis, increased acidity of the stomach, abundant or poor menstruation.

To improve the pancreas and diabetes mellitus mix helps with a dandelion root: a spoonful of crushed dandelion root is mixed with 3 teaspoons of peppermint leaves, 200 g of water is poured, boiled for 5-7 minutes and insisted for half an hour under the lid, and then filtered. Take three times a day for 1/4 cup before meals.

Certainly, the medicinal properties of mint are not a panacea for all diseases, but this plant can serve as an excellent aid in the fight for health. Take care of yourself!

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