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Amanda Hawking is the queen of e-books

Rare people have not heard of the dizzying success of the queen of "electronic" samizdat - Amanda Hawking. Electronic books, which can only earn a living, as many authors believe, brought her a millionth estate. The entire publishing world began talking about her. And for good reason. Who is she? A symbol of the new world of readers and writers who have freed themselves from the mediation of the publishing house? Or a person who turned the traditional culture of book publishing?

At the beginning of the journey

Amanda Hawking was born on July 12, 1984 in Austin , Minnesota. As the author says, she always wrote. When she was very little, she told stories. As soon as I learned to hold the pen in my hands, I began to write. Filled the notebook for the notebook. But at 11 years she had the first computer, she began to "create" there. It never even occurred to her that she could do anything else.

The writing skills, of course, Amanda received in college. Took private lessons in English. Then I visited the writing studio in my city. For eight years, she tried to publish her books. But in all publishers received a refusal. About self-publishing, everyone said that in this way it is impossible to make a living. But somehow I heard that electronic books bring some money to some authors. Amanda Hawking decided to take a chance.

First publications

At the time, as she was going to publish her works, she had 12 books written. As Amanda says, in any case, there was nothing to lose. What difference does it make where they are - on the computer or on the website, if they are not read? At that time she still worked full-time in a house for people with disabilities. To pay bills, she had to work hard. I wrote in my free time.

So it was until August 2010. In April, she placed her books on Amazon, priced from 1 to 5 dollars, and books began to be sold little by little. In August, Amanda Hawking modestly, she earned enough money to afford not to work and fully devote herself to literary creation. The number of copies sold in August was 185 thousand.

First difficulties

The first book she published was from the series "Call of Blood." Amanda remembers that, before publishing the novel, she looked at him fifty times. A man of twenty acquaintances read it, checking for any errors. It seemed that there simply could not be grammatical errors. Hired editors for this, but the readers continued to find missteps. Amanda is sure that a writer needs a professional editor who could remove imperceptible errors and "brush up books".

The World of Amanda Hawking

The first novels of Amanda from the series My Blood Approves were published in electronic form by the writer herself. The cycle included novels: "Call of Blood", "Fate", "Thrill", "Wisdom" and the story "Letters to Elise." The world invented by Amanda is simple enough: there are people here and there are vampires who know how to love.

This series can quite compete with many "vampire" cycles not only in the book world, but also in the cinema. Currently, the novel is preparing to go to the big screen, the adaptation is done by the famous scriptwriter Terry Tatchell. Books of this series Amanda sold for 200 thousand dollars. Rights for the next cycle were sold for 2 million dollars.

Trilogy "Trillet" is written in a simple, simple language. Fans of fantasy, she will be interested. Each book of the series is a continuation of the previous one: "Foundling", "Throne", "Kingdom". The cycle presents to us in the first novel the main character, which was the founding of the people of the trill.

She goes to the kingdom of her people in order to learn more about herself. Also gets absolutely in other world, in which there are own rules. But her young heart does not obey them. A wonderful series about love, friendship, devotion and betrayal.

Creativity of Amanda

Now Amanda has more than 100 novels and stories. Difficulties are left behind. Currently she is a recognized reader and successful author. Her books are presented not only in electronic form, but also in the traditional (printed) version. But the writer assures that electronic versions are sold much more successfully. In the first paper version, it was possible to sell only 2,000 copies per year, recalls Amanda Hawking.

The books have been translated into various languages. Amanda's work is not one literary agent. Novels diverge in multimillion print runs. At the time of the release of the "Trillet" series in Russian, she made her debut in the first lines of bestsellers. This rapid success of the young writer, who did not despair and continued to do her favorite thing.

2010 for Amanda was marked by the fact that unexpectedly for herself she became a famous author. Several publishing houses offered cooperation. About her plans for the future, she says only that she plans to continue self-publishing. He believes that the initial goals exceeded all expectations. She has many projects she is working on at the moment.

To the beginning authors Amanda Hawking gives advice - to write a lot, but even more to read. Be open to criticism. And the main thing is to believe in oneself, in oneself, not to be afraid of anything. The Internet is filled with information that not only helps to become a good writer, but also teaches you to weigh everything and take the first step to publishing.

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