HealthDiseases and Conditions

Allergic rhinitis. Treatment and prevention

A lot of people in our time are allergic. Many factors can be the cause of this, depending on the type of disease. For example, year-round rhinitis is caused mainly by house dust, pet hair, feather, feather or mold allergens. There is such a rhinitis with sneezing, stuffy nose, itching in the ears, red eyes and lacrimation. If you have allergic rhinitis, the treatment assumes to get rid of the cause of the disease initially, as it can even lead to death in especially severe cases.

There is also seasonal allergic rhinitis, the treatment in this case occurs during the manifestation of the disease, usually from spring to early autumn. The aggravation of the disease provokes the inhalation of pollen of plants, especially the symptoms when going out of town, into the countryside, to the meadow or to the forest. In such patients, the mucous membrane of the nose becomes inflamed, the lips are affected, gastroenteritis or Quincke's edema can develop, bronchial asthma. In the most severe case, exacerbation of the disease can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Often people have this kind of disease associated with their work. This is a professional allergic rhinitis. Treatment in this case takes into account possible allergens, which can be different types of dust. Symptoms of exacerbation are expressed by stuffy nose, watery discharge , sneezing, itching, sore throat and coughing, red eyes. In this case, the doctor collects an allergic anamnesis, examines the blood serum, conducts tests to determine the allergen.

If it became known that you have allergic rhinitis, the treatment can be successfully performed by the method of hemopuncture in special centers of immunocorrection. At the same time, the work of the immune system is restored, and well-being improves and normal breathing is restored. After improvement, the patient receives recommendations on basic therapy, which is selected for him as a result of the examination and treatment. It is necessary to know that untimely treatment can lead to complications - sinusitis, conjunctivitis, and frontitis.

Many patients wonder: "I have allergic rhinitis - how to treat this attack?". Especially parents are worried about the health of their children suffering from this disease. The fact is that allergens are rarely solitary, in most cases they are multiple. It can be protein substances of both animal and vegetable origin, whey, crystalloids. It is not uncommon for physical allergens, for example, dampness, sharp light, strong emotions.

Faced with such symptoms, parents in the consultation process will find out that there is an allergic rhinitis in children. Treatment in this case will largely depend on the season and type of allergy. If this is, for example, a hay fever, then the doctors will recommend sending the child to a terrain with a different climate. With this manifestation of allergies, the child may have severe attacks during the flowering of herbs, which lasts for a month. Before the beginning of flowering also it is shown to make a series of injections, which are prepared from the infusion of flower pollen, inside take calcium chloride, diphenhydramine, bromide preparations.

If a child has a vasomotor runny nose, then it can manifest at any time of the year and is associated primarily with food allergy. It is less durable than hay rhinitis, passes without temperature and is often combined with sinusitis. At an allergic rhinitis the diet excluding meat and salt is necessary. Also often a good result is the removal of polyps from the nose, intranasal novocaine blockade, the use of atropine, preparations of bromine, fish oil, iron and phosphorus. And, of course, the maximum exclusion of contact with allergens.

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