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Abdel Cellou: biography of the writer and reviews about creativity

Abdel Cellu - a man who became known throughout the world thanks to the film "Untouchables". The plot of this film is the story of his life. A few years before the film came out on the screen, he wrote a book of memoirs to Abdel Cellou. "You have changed my life" - a work about the extraordinary fate of an ordinary person. The article will deal with this book.

Parisian of Arab origin

Abdel Cellu was born in Algeria. But when the boy was four years old, he was in Paris. His parents gave him up for education in a childless Arab family living in the French capital. For the inhabitants of Server Africa, there was nothing reprehensible or unusual in this act. Many poor people of Algeria did this. Spouses Sella gave their sons to be raised by distant relatives, they left their daughters to themselves: they benefited more from their homes.

Abdel Cellu, whose biography began in one of the dysfunctional districts of Paris, would never have written a book about his life if one day fate did not bring him to a man named Philip Pozzo di Borgo. The author of the work referred to in this article, reluctantly went to school, spent most of the time on the streets of Paris in search of easy money. He lived without thinking about tomorrow and about the pain he causes his relatives. So his whole life would have gone if it were not for the events that have become the subject of the film "The Untouchables".

early years

What was the childhood of the Algerian boy? He was treated cruelly? Foster parents did not give him the proper attention and care?

The first thing Abdel Sello learned was to steal. His education was six classes of the school. At the police station, he spent so much time that he felt there like a fish in the water. At least until he was eighteen. But neither parents, nor the environment, nor the Parisian society accuses Abdel Sella. "You have changed my life" - the memories of a man who, from an early age, was convinced that in order to get something, there is no need to make efforts. You can just reach out and take it.

Adoptive parents

The people who took Abdel Sella for education were from Algeria. They had no idea how to raise children, what is the education system in the Paris schools. They cared for foster sons, they bought everything they needed. Foster parents never limited the freedom of boys. In such circumstances, Abdel Sello - a person extremely freedom-loving and energetic - had every chance to become a thief and a criminal. He could spend a good part of his life behind bars. If it were not for the case ...

Criminal talent

Teachers often drove Abdel out of the class, which gave him great joy. The Arab boy had the opportunity to study the contents of the pockets of French children and acquire all the necessary. In his youth he was already an experienced extortioner. By the age of twelve, Abdel had lost his last chance to become a law-abiding citizen. Foster parents - kind and naive people - could hardly change anything in his life.

The Ruse of the Kutuz

This is the title of one of the chapters that make up the book. Abdel Cellu changed his life gradually. This process was lengthy and almost invisible to others. And, according to Abdel, the changes in his life would not have taken place without the unobtrusive intervention of his first and only friend - Philippe Pozzo.

Before meeting with the French aristocrat, Abdel was repeatedly brought to criminal responsibility. Ten months he spent in the prison Fleury, which in his book with irony called "holiday home." Before meeting Philip, Abdel led a life that suited him.

What is the main feature of the book? Its author does not talk about the difficulties of the poor Arab youth, from whom the French society turned away. Rather, it tells the story of a lazy, adventurer and thief who does not want to start a normal life, despite the help of loving parents, social workers and employers. He did not want to change anything. He believed that he lived right.

Philip Pozzo not only changed his fate. This man first of all helped Abdel realize how wrong his ideas about life are.

Unemployment benefit

What was Abdel Cellu in the late eighties? Photos of this person are available in this article. They are images of an ordinary but charming man of Arab origin. It is difficult to think that this man, until the age of twenty-four, had no idea of honest labor.

In addition to the theft, Abdel practiced another way of making a profit. After his release from prison, he, with little effort, portrayed himself as a young man who sincerely wanted to improve. Periodically, he was at the labor exchange, he received the next direction. Going to a potential employer, he knew for sure that he would be refused. And so - unemployment benefits. Everything went according to plan until the moment he met Philip Pozzo. He, reviewing hundreds of candidacies for the position of a nurse, surprisingly relatives and friends, chose the young uneducated and impudent Arab.

Strange alliance

More people are difficult to imagine. Philip - a descendant of an aristocratic family, a man of wealth and education. Abdel is the adopted son of immigrants from Algeria. Philip Pozzo spoke in the language of Victor Hugo. Abdel Cellu spoke in Parisian jargon. But, strangely enough, an uneducated young man with a criminal background not only earned the confidence of a French aristocrat, but also supported him for ten years.


At forty-three, Philip became an invalid. The unsuccessful flight on the paraglider made him tetraplegic. And a few years before this event, Beatriz, the wife of Philip, had been diagnosed with cancer. Surprisingly, the terrible accident that occurred in 1993 led to the fact that the disease receded for two years. It was a remission. Both relatives and doctors believed that medications worked. Abdel lived in the house of Philip Pozzo more than a year before the moment when Beatrice experienced a relapse.

With his disability, a friend of Abdel could reconcile himself and without his help. To survive the death of Beatrice alone was beyond his power. After the death of this woman, Abdel pulled Philip out of the depression. Uneducated and very unpredictable Arab returned to the French rich man a taste for life. How did he do it?

Learn to live again

Abdel arranged for his wards unexpected and crazy adventures. One of them the creators of the feature film "The Untouchables" were included in the plot.

Abdel and Philip went to the conference. Arab-nurse - at the wheel of "Jaguar". But it so happened that in a hurry the driver violated the rules of the road. The next half hour was a stage in which not only adventurer Abdel, but also the intelligent Philip discovered actor's abilities. What ended this adventure, everyone who watched a film about the life of these two extraordinary people knows. But very few people know that such adventures were many. In order to learn more about male friendship, about compassion and mutual help, you should read the book that Abdel Cellu wrote.

"You changed my life": reviews

The story of the friendship of people from different social worlds has become extremely popular. The union of two people so unlike each other can not but delight. One is physically healthy and needs money. The other has everything that a friend dreams about, but is unable to move independently. Abdel is an ignorant man. Philippe is not just educated. He is a subtle connoisseur in various spheres of art. And these people, so different at first glance, spent most of their time together for ten years. They found common topics for conversation, organized joint trips.

The story that Abdel Sello told in her book did not leave readers indifferent. At least, those to whom she is familiar, leave only praise about the work.

Changes in life

Abdel is sure that Philip changed his fate. In his book, he talks about how he did it. Philip Pozzo did not know much about his friend's past. He often tried to call Abdel to talk, but he completely refused to remember, much less analyze his life. But one day Philip managed to reach out to his friend. Abdel visited Algeria and visited his family. Surprisingly, all those years that he lived in Paris, he did not remember much about his native city. But when he crossed the threshold of the parents' house, memories flooded. And soon Abdel received a proposal to write a book. It was Philip who persuaded him not to abandon this seemingly crazy idea.


Is Abdel Sello a writer? Those who were familiar with this person in the mid-eighties would have thought that such a statement was fantastic. Read Abdel began only after spending several years in the house of a French aristocrat. Philip told him about the history of literature. In the world of art, he tried to dedicate his friend unobtrusively, casually. And, probably, thanks to this approach, Abdel changed his inner world.

His book is written in a simple but living language. Interest in readers is due primarily to sincerity. In his memoirs, Abdel does not seek to seem better. He analyzes his actions strictly and impartially. Abdel admits that the work of the nurse, who initially attracted him the opportunity to earn and regularly use luxury cars, subsequently completely changed his views on life.

The only friend

Years have passed. Now Abdel no longer accompanies Philip. For a long time he has not acted as an assistant and a nurse of a man chained to a wheelchair. They are just friends. Everyone has his own life. Abdel founded a poultry farm, in which also played a significant role Philip.

The author of the famous book of memories married. Today he is a respectable father of three children. Abdel Cellu managed to establish relationships with his parents: both with his family and with his adoptive parents. In the epilogue of his book, he admits to readers that in his life he had many friends, associates and accomplices. A friend - only one. His name is Philippe Pozzo di Borgo.

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