Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

A set of exercises for the press - the basic principles and techniques.

Tell me who does not dream of having the perfect press. However, not many understand that this is a huge work. Nothing happens for no reason. The problem is also in correctly choosing the set of exercises for the press. The bulk of all existing exercises aimed at forming a beautiful belly, the so-called "low-calorie". What does this mean? So, for example, to part with only one kilogram of fat mass, you will need to make at least three thousand five hundred ups of the trunk from the prone position.

And no matter how hard you try, it is important to know and remember that a large number of repetitions will not give the desired results, because fat deposits in the abdomen are an inviolable stock of vital energy for the body and are consumed at the last moment.

But, do not immediately despair and abandon the intended goal. Of course, there is always a way out. And in this case, you can choose a set of exercises for the press, thanks to which your belly will acquire an attractive relief.

If you are reading this article now, you have already tried a lot. Therefore, before going on to the list of effective exercises for the press, let's define the basic principles of their implementation.

The first principle - in order to effectively work out the abdominal muscles, you should combine a variety of exercises. This is directly related to muscle adaptation.

The second principle - to increase muscle mass in the abdomen, the number of repetitions should not be more than fifteen. If necessary, a set of exercises for the press can be complicated by using weighting agents.

And, finally, the third principle - to get rid of fat folds you will help the appropriate diet. Without it, even specially selected exercises will be absolutely useless.

Now a few words about training schemes. The exercise program for the press can be performed both daily and once or twice a week. Here you have to decide on your own.

A few words about the most effective exercises for the muscles of the abdomen. This group includes the lifts of the legs in the vise, various, just what exist, the hull lifts and, of course, the twists. In addition, you can perform swords with legs, "bike" or "scissors". All these three exercises allow you to get rid of unnecessary fat in the abdominal area. However, one should take into account the fact that their effectiveness increases only when the duration of these exercises is an average of twenty-five to thirty minutes and must be done daily. If you want to achieve good results, then have patience.

I can assume that many hesitate to attend the gym for quite understandable reasons. In this case, a set of exercises for the press at home - this is what you need. Here are some of them.

Lie down on the floor. Put your hands behind your head in such a way that they grab a point of support. The legs are bent at the knees, while the hips are in a position perpendicular to the floor. Breathe in and pull your knees to your chest, lifting the pelvis. Now exhale and slowly return to its original position.

The next exercise is twisting. The starting position, as in the previous version, except for the hands. They should be behind the head, and the elbows are directed to the sides. Raise your shoulders above the floor, feeding your chest forward and moving your hips in the opposite direction.

There are many more similar exercises. It is these options that will be most effective. Therefore, try to build your own set of exercises for the press on this basis.

In conclusion, one more important point - start training only after a little warm-up. And it's better if it 's stretching exercises.

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