Sports and FitnessAthletics

A modern sportsman is ...

In modern interpretation, the word " sport" includes all kinds of physical exercises. And, as a consequence, the idea is formed that an athlete is any physically developed person.

But is it really so? To answer this question, it is necessary to give a precise definition of the word "sport". In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov it is stated that the sport is represented by sets of physical exercises aimed at the development and strengthening of the organism, by competitions in exercises and complexes, and by the system of organizing and conducting competitions. That is, we can put an equal sign between the words " sport" and " competition" . A necessary condition for sports is the presence of the public and the interest of the persons involved.

Sport is different

Exercise alone is not limited to physical exercise, in addition to it, several more groups can be distinguished:

  • Physical culture or athletics, that is, classes to maintain physical fitness;
  • Demonstration - showing exercises without a competitive element;
  • Actually competitions.

Everyone knows that there are classes and trainings "for themselves", when people train to maintain their own body in good shape, and do not think about any competitions. For such people, the designation " athlete" or " athlete" is appropriate .

It should be understood that there is only one similarity between athletics and sports - in both cases, people are engaged in the physical development of their body. But sport is both exhausting workouts and competition. Athletics, first of all, - the preservation of health, the improvement of the body, the ability of each person to personally determine the frequency and intensity of employment. Thus, we can say that an athlete is not the same as an athlete or a sportsman.

Sports: the reverse side of the coin

Although many believe that athletes perform in front of the viewer for free, this is not the case. Take the same Olympic Games. For a long time they were considered free. In fact, the performances of athletes in games are paid, although it is not advertised.

Like any work, the activity of athletes needs to be paid, because everyone needs money to exist. In addition, training also requires considerable financial costs, and every athlete is well aware of this. For training, you need equipment and supplies, increased nutrition, and often the treatment of occupational injuries and diseases.

Money and Sports

Some Russian athletes reported in their interviews that they devote seven hours or more to training, and when is it still to earn money?

There are different schemes of payment for athletes. For example, in the USA famous athletes are students of various educational institutions or coaches of sports teams. These are just a few examples of payment in sports, although in fact there are many more.

Considering the above, it can be assumed that there is simply no such thing as amateur sport. After all, the word " amateur" means that a person does something in his spare time. And every real athlete is a professional who dedicates his life to his work.

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