
A few words about gases, or What is flatulence?

Breakfast in a hurry, the road to work and the work itself, a snack instead of lunch and a heavy, plentiful and hearty dinner. Or as an option: instead of dinner only a snack. This meal schedule is familiar to most working people. Neglected by lunch and breakfast, they noticed: over time, even after 2-3 sips of water or a couple of food pieces, gravity appears in the intestines, rumbling begins, and the gas separation increases. Sometimes the stomach becomes hard and round. Actually, this is meteorism. A very unpleasant phenomenon never passes by itself. It requires a diet, treatment.

What is flatulence?

Flatulence is a pathological state of the gastrointestinal tract, during which more gas is accumulated in the intestine than a healthy person should have. They "wander", causing a sharp pain in the abdomen, often go outside, while producing an unpleasant smell. You still do not understand what is flatulence? This bloating, which occurs for several reasons.

Bloating. Causes and Treatment

Inside our digestive system there is always some amount of liquid, solid matter (food) and gases. With a normal balance of these substances, the gases should not be more than 2300 ml. Of course, it's impossible to measure at home, but be aware: if you do not notice (or almost do not notice) during the day how the gases come out, then you do not have flatulence. Actually, what is flatulence? This is an imbalance that occurs in the intestine. Its reasons may be:

  • Ingestion of air during eating. Usually it happens either when a person eats greedily and hastily, or when he talks while eating.
  • The use of all types of soda, as well as products that provoke increased gas separation: raw cabbage, legumes, fresh milk, black bread. The substances contained in these products activate the gas separation, so there may be bloating or flatulence.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In some cases there is an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Useful microbes are killed, but bacteria and microorganisms that cause rotting, fermentation and bloating proliferate. The temperature, nausea, disturbance of the stool - these are the first symptoms of dysbiosis. Their appearance is an excuse to go to the doctor.
  • Violation of the digestion process caused by pancreatitis, colitis, enteritis or other abnormalities of enzymes.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome also causes flatulence, which can be accompanied by pain, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Side effects of drugs, especially antibiotics.

What is flatulence? It is a disease that is treated with medications in combination with the strictest diet. The doctor usually first assigns a number of studies of intestinal flora, and then prescribes lekartsvennuyu therapy. Usually, enzymes, drugs that correct pancreatic activity or normalize intestinal odds are recommended. Flatulence, if left untreated, may eventually lead to a complete digestive disorder. In addition, flatulence can attract unhealthy attention: gases and rumbling can be heard by others. That's why consulting with a specialist is so important.

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